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Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:02 am
by RobRegish
aron7awol wrote:Rob/John: I'm hoping you can give me an idea of how much RCE is in MPS. Since you don't want to give out specifics, how about something like how many caps of MPS have the same amount of RCE as 1 cap of KA?
In one serving of MPS (about 7 caps), you're looking at around the same amount as one cap of KA.

Truthfully though, there's a lot more at play here than straight RCE vs. RCE. For example - DaCookie has already discovered the ProtogeneX amino's are "different", vs. other products via his experiment. We're not trying to be coy here, just looking to protect what took a LOT of time and effort in perfecting.

No standalone EAA product is able to replicate MPS's effects. The same can be said for RCE and MPS's other ingredients. I tried! Everyone is trying to put their finger on the "magic" ingredient in MPS. Let me save you the trouble: There honestly isn't one.

The "magic" per se, is the precise combination, ratio and QUALITY of the ingredients in MPS. I know we've all heard "synergy/synergistic" before, but it really is true. Every ingredient is there for a reason, performs a specific role or roles and compliments the others.

Think of it like this: Could you shoot a sub-par round on any golf course with just irons, just woods or missing a putter? Doubtful. Same principle applies here.

When I said MPS would be "that good", many doubted (not here - hopefully)! Yet, from the very day we rolled out Synthagen it was clear - it was "that good"/different than anything anyone had ever used.

FINAL WORD: Spend more money on the anabolic Synthagen potentiates the most - FOOD! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:17 am
by skia123
askmass wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I recommend Dymatize Super Amino 4800 for an EAA...good price point and it contains Trytophan...
There is no need for additional EAA's when using MPS, IMO.

Spend that money on a nice steak dinner, or some BIU, KA or AN. Additional Peak ATP and/or RCE can amp MPS further, and AN may be the ultimate stacker as so many guys are reporting (especially those 30+).

The ProtoGeneX ratios Rob and myself originated and refined are not replicated in ANY other EAA product on the market, nor will they be, and that's not even getting into the supremely efficient delivery/banking going on with MPS on the whole...

Something like the above, all due respect, can't hold a candle as a stand alone and adds next to nothing tossed in on the side. In fact, you run the real risk of badly screwing up the finely tuned MPS ratios.

That price point makes me question the amino sourcing, too.

Personally, I would not trade a days worth of MPS caps for a full bottle of any other EAA item on the market, including known good quality ones I might would use if ProtoGeneX/MPS didn't exist.
What i do is 20m pre superpump (3-4grs leucine)
5 min pre 7 caps syntha
intra sizeon MP (hydwrowhey+5grs leucine)
postworkout 7 caps syntha with 30grs hydrowhey.
You think that these extra aminos will compromise the effects of protogenex?
should i lower or skip something? Keep in mind that I fast 16hrs before my preworkout dosage...

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:44 am
by RobRegish
skia123 wrote:
askmass wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I recommend Dymatize Super Amino 4800 for an EAA...good price point and it contains Trytophan...
There is no need for additional EAA's when using MPS, IMO.

Spend that money on a nice steak dinner, or some BIU, KA or AN. Additional Peak ATP and/or RCE can amp MPS further, and AN may be the ultimate stacker as so many guys are reporting (especially those 30+).

The ProtoGeneX ratios Rob and myself originated and refined are not replicated in ANY other EAA product on the market, nor will they be, and that's not even getting into the supremely efficient delivery/banking going on with MPS on the whole...

Something like the above, all due respect, can't hold a candle as a stand alone and adds next to nothing tossed in on the side. In fact, you run the real risk of badly screwing up the finely tuned MPS ratios.

That price point makes me question the amino sourcing, too.

Personally, I would not trade a days worth of MPS caps for a full bottle of any other EAA item on the market, including known good quality ones I might would use if ProtoGeneX/MPS didn't exist.
What i do is 20m pre superpump (3-4grs leucine)
5 min pre 7 caps syntha
intra sizeon MP (hydwrowhey+5grs leucine)
postworkout 7 caps syntha with 30grs hydrowhey.
You think that these extra aminos will compromise the effects of protogenex?
should i lower or skip something? Keep in mind that I fast 16hrs before my preworkout dosage...
Honestly, I feel all this extra stuff is unnecessary if you're using Synthagen...

If you study these products closely, there's a lot of overlap - too much, and while I'm not sure yet if the additional amino's/ingredients screw with the ProtogeneX AA ratio's - why risk it?

We know Synthagen works and works exceptionally well, all by itself. Part of the reason I formulated it, was b/c I was tired of using half a dozen products to accomplish the same goal. They're better used for Cruise or another time, saving you money in the process.

Having said that, I'll leave it up to you - b/c YOUR progress is what really matters. These are difficult times, and financial hardship abounds. Even if you have a job today, it's best to save for a rainy day. I've ditched everything else, 'cept Adaptogen N and some leftover creatine. I even stopped buying whey - and my recovery is off the charts.

Your mileage may vary, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised just how well you do on Synthagen alone - saving you TONS of money in the process...