Dragon #2 Custom Run - MPS et al.

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Feast Workout 5

Post by Dragon »

Monday June 11

FEAST WORKOUT 5 - five day bridge 5

after warm up

Bench Press (Failure 4 - 6 reps): 225 lbs x 1 ~ PR
clean rep too! no bouncing or shakiness. I coulda done more but I think max rep means clean rep too.

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 295 lbs x 1 ~ PR
another clean one! I can't believe I'm getting so strong so fast! Either its the AN or MPS... who knows.

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 45lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 270 lbs: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
3 min rest between sets~
Total time: 08:17

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold
90 lbs x 15s

I didn't do any core work because my core was already spent.
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Re: Feast Workout 5

Post by seano »

Dragon wrote:another clean one! I can't believe I'm getting so strong so fast! Either its the AN or MPS... who knows.
Nice. Have my 1RM HIT next week. My only hesitation is on squats since I'm outside a rack with no spotting. Confidence confidence confidence!
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Re: Feast Workout 5

Post by Dragon »

seano wrote:
Dragon wrote:another clean one! I can't believe I'm getting so strong so fast! Either its the AN or MPS... who knows.
Nice. Have my 1RM HIT next week. My only hesitation is on squats since I'm outside a rack with no spotting. Confidence confidence confidence!
Safety First, especially for a 1rm. Either way, go forth and conquer!
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Post by Dragon »

Feast Workout - 5 GLP WORKOUT 1

June 15

Bench Press: 110 lbs. x 10, 120 x 8, 140 x 8, 150 x 8, 165 x 8, 180 x 8

Decline DB 60 lbs/Seated Cable Row 120 lbs: 6/6, 6/5, 5/4, 6/6

Close Grip Decline Static Hold
1) 315 lbs. ~ 15s
2) 405 lbs. ~ 8 s PR

dramatic increase in decline static hold due to intense focus.
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Feast Workout - 7 GLP WORKOUT 2

Post by Dragon »

Feast Workout - 6 GLP WORKOUT 2

Box Squat - 145 lbs. x 10, 160 x 8, 180 x 8, 195 x 8, 215 x 8, 230 x 8

RDL 135 lbs/Leg Press 450 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3

Ab Crunch Static Hold
1) 120 lbs. ~ 11s
2) 140 lbs. ~ 8 s

Last two workout been adding bromelien and gamma gh post workout. Then I have a couple servings of whey about 30 min later. The gamma gh calms me down after my workout. Then I have another dose before bed.
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GLP # 2 Squat, Workout 4

Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 7, GLP 1, Pattern 2

June 23

Bench Press

110 lbs x 10 reps, 140 x 8, 150 x 6, 165 x 6, 175 x 6, 190 x 5 (missed the sixth rep damn it!)

Probably missed because I did not take adequate rest between sets.

Decline DB Press 60 lbs./Seated Cable Row 120 lbs.: 6/6, 6/6, 4/5, 5/5
2 min rest
Time: 13:34

Decline Press Static Hold

1) 405 x 5s
2) 405 x 5s
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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 8, GLP 1, Pattern 2

June 26

145 lbs x 10 reps, 180 x 8, 195 x 6, 215 x 6, 230 x 6, 250 x 6

RDL 135 lbs/Leg Press 450: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
2 min rest
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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 09, GLP 1, Pattern 3

June 29

Bench Press

112 lbs x 10 reps, 145 x 8, 165 x 6, 175 x 4, 191 x 4, 205 x 4

Decline DB 60 lbs./Seated Row 120 lbs.: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
1 min rest
time = 7:50

Decline Press Static Hold
1) 405 x 7s
2) 405 x 5 s
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Re: Feast Workout 1

Post by Dragon »

RobRegish wrote:
Dragon wrote:Tuesday May 29

FEAST WORKOUT 1 - five day bridge 1

Bench Press Warm Up: 95 lbs. x 10, 125 x 5, 155 x 3, 165 x 3

Bench Press (Failure 8 - 10 reps): 175 lbs x 8 ~
Pull Over: 50 lbs x 9

10 min rest

Box Squat (after warm up): 205 lbs x 9 ~
RDL: 115 lbs x 10

10 min rest

EDT Block
Incline DB Press 50lbs DB/Seated Leg Press 290 lbs: 6/6, 5/5, 6/4, 4/4
2 min rest between sets~
Total time: 10:13

Lying Crunch Static Hold: 150 lbs x 15 s

This was my first time doing the Box Squats with 1- 2 second pause at the bottom while sitting down and back onto the box (grueling!). I've noticed that I need less weight and I felt the hamstrings working at the origin near the inferior portion of the glutes. It seems as though no one squats anymore. Or at least not properly. I see folks doing partial squats while wearing running sneakers. But overall I guess I'm making progress with my legs since my first run. So far had two girls initiating conversations with me about my legs. One girl specifically told me I had a "nice ass"... I didn't know girls
"One girl specifically told me I had a "nice ass"... I didn't know girls look at guys asses LOL..."

This is worth the price of a custoized plan alone, yes? :)
So far so good man. Custom run is worth every freakin penny. I'm getting stronger so fast, and the ladies have responded favorably as well!
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad you're enjoying the customized run I've crafted for you.

I'll save this template as "The Chick Magnet Plan". All you horny guys, take note, LOL...
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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 10, GLP 1, Pattern 3

July 2

145 lbs x 10 reps, 195 x 8, 215 x 6, 230 x 4, 250 x 4, 265 x 4

RDL 145 lbs/Leg Press 540: 6/6, 6/4, 5/3, 4/2
4 min rest
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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 11, GLP 1, Pattern 4

July 6

Bench Press

110 lbs x 10 reps, 165 x 8, 175 x 6, 195 x 4, 215 x 2, 220 x 2

Decline DB 60 lbs./Seated Row 120 lbs.: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
1 min rest
time = 7:00
time to add weight

Decline Press Static Hold
1) 405 x 10s
2) 405 x 5 s
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Synthagen so Far

Post by Dragon »

So far so good with MPS. What I noticed immediately was full, or swelling effect of my muscles. My body-weight has fluctuated somewhat the past few days. Going from 17X lbs to the high 160's. To be fair, the heat has hit my appetite pretty hard and I find myself not craving huge quantities of food. The catch with all this is that I appear larger and the gf and others have noted this as well. Recomp effect?
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Post by Rizzo23601 »

Great log, nicely formated and easy to follow :wink:

Just a question: In your feast bridge workouts, you are doing an EDT block auf Incline DB press and seated leg press. Never seen that combination before, I always thought that EDT blocks were supposed to include 2 antagonistic muscle groups.

Is that part of your customized plan? I kinda like it, because when I did 2 EDT blocks during my bridge workouts (1. Incline DB / T-Bar rows, 2. Romanian DL / leg press), I felt it was a little too much. Thinking about just doing Incline DB / T-Bar, but your version would include something for the upper AND the lower body, which I like.
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