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Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:59 am
by askmass
The following is not medical advice, but is what some have noted as being effective for mercury detox.

Cilantro steeped tea (fresh leaves and stems best, 2-3 mugs a day, eat leaves/stems when finished sipping and incorporate uncooked cilantro into your diet)
Bentonite clay (teaspoon before bed with large glass of water)
Alkaplex (2-3 each meal, highest known source of chlorophyll)
Raw Garlic (wards off vampires too)
Extra Zinc, Vit. C and Selenium (above your multi intake)
Fish Oil (has to be clean and proven mercury free obviously, like our Ultimate Omega)
Gallon of pure water a day, every day!

I know people who have used the above with great, measurable success even while not getting the mercury fillings removed for whatever reasons.

Knowledge is power!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:46 pm
by DaCookie
Im 20 years it likely that the fillings I had done when I was younger are mercury?Have 2 metallic looking fillings.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:11 pm
by DaCookie
Also seeing as the topic seems to be going this way what does Matter/John think about aspartame or any artificial sweetener?Artificial colouring?Fluoridated water?Shampoo/conditioner?Toothpaste?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:22 pm
by aron7awol
DaCookie wrote:Also seeing as the topic seems to be going this way what does Matter/John think about aspartame or any artificial sweetener?Artificial colouring?Fluoridated water?Shampoo/conditioner?Toothpaste?
Definitely avoid aspartame like the plague. Google aspartame and tumors/cancer to read more.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:11 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Im 20 years it likely that the fillings I had done when I was younger are mercury?Have 2 metallic looking fillings.
More than likely, as they still are being used today, although more and more dentists are refusing to use them. The ADA owns patents on them, so its a cash cow for them, which is why they are resisting completely getting rid of them, but its to the point they don't have much of a choice...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:33 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Also seeing as the topic seems to be going this way what does Matter/John think about aspartame or any artificial sweetener?Artificial colouring?Fluoridated water?Shampoo/conditioner?Toothpaste?
Artificial sweeteners are pretty much the same. They are crap, cause problems when consumed over long periods of time, and are counter-productive to your goals. They actually have been shown to cause weight gain because it triggers the same area in the brain that sugar does, but unlike sugar, it doesn't trigger the area of the brain that shows it has been satiated, which results in the person craving sweet sugary food to satiate it.

Fluoridated water again is a big topic now as it has been shown to cause lots of problems as well, as really there is no need for it anymore.

Artificial coloring, I am not overly knowledgeable about, but I do know that it can cause allergic reactions sometimes. I actually had my tongue swell up to the point it was almost blocking the opening to my wind pipe from an orange starburst about 9 years ago. Not exactly sure why or how, because I ate tons of orange starbursts before and lots of orange starbursts after and never had it happen again...

Shampoo I have actually switched to Dr. Bronner's soap, which are basically pure castille soap and organic oils. Super concentrated and works great on hair too. I know a lot of shampoos and conditioners contain xenoestrogens in them, which are definitely not good as they are much harder to get rid of than regular estrogen or phytoestrogens. Also some have pretty harsh detergents in them and can irritate sensitive skin.

Toothpaste I still use, but I had read somewhere a dentist actually recommended brushing your teeth with regular soap instead of toothpaste.

Honestly the best thing I have done for the health of my mouth and seemingly overall health in a long time has been something called "Oil Pulling". Basically you take a tablespoon of oil(preferably organic sunflower or sesame), keep it in your mouth and swish it around, through your teeth, all over the gums, etc for 20 minutes first thing in the morning before doing eating or drinking anything. Its an ancient Ayurvedic practice that is supposed to detoxify your body by pulling toxins though your saliva into the oil. You then spit the oil out into the toilet(it is toxic) and rinse with warm water with a half tsp of salt and half tsp of baking soda, spitting all of that out as well. Oil should go from a light yellow color to a whitish color, the consistency of milk. I am unsure exactly how it works, but my belief is that it gets deep into the areas of the mouth where bacteria breed and basically sucks them out. Those particular oils are also very strongly anti-bacteria and anti-fungal as well.
All I know is after 2 weeks, I feel better and the dark circles and bags under my eyes are getting much less noticeable. It also has been shown to be the absolute best solution to cure gingivitis and also reduce plaque(better than brushing, flossing or mouthwash). Not only that, but it whitens teeth better than paying a dentist $400 do it, and also has been shown to reverse early stages of tooth decay... It sounds really weird, but it works really well, try it, you won't be disappointed...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:46 pm
by matter2003
BrainSquirt wrote:matter2003,

After your fillings are out, what follow up protocol do you have planned?
If you need or like, contact me re this… and ...
it’s probably best to take it PM… some of the stuff I’d discuss would not be doing the BP and Mass site any favors long term…

Brain, I will PM you, but I am looking at 2 widely used protocols.

One is called the Klinghardt protocol, designed by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D of the American Academy of Neural Therapy which consists of using cilantro in one of any various forms(tea, pesto, pure cilantro, etc) to pull the mercury out of the body, and then chlorella to bind to it, preventing it from doing any damage by re-entering the body. Once bound to chlorella, it can then be excreted harmlessly out of the body. Bentonite Clay, Red Desert Clay or Zeolite(form of volcanic deposit) also are very effective as well from what I have read for binding to toxins. The clays can also be used in a bath to pull toxins through the skin since it has a positive charge and toxins have a negative charge, they are drawn to it.

The other is a protocol by Andy Cutler which says to use ALA and high dosages of vitamin C...

From what I read the real issue is about 3-6 months after getting the fillings out and the blood becomes clear of mercury, which is when the organs start dumping the mercury they have stored up and the person can get really sick all of a sudden from lots of mercury at once...

PM coming in a few...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:00 pm
by matter2003
On a side note...

There is only one element that is more toxic to the human body than Mercury is, and that is Radioactive Plutonium(yeah, the stuff used in nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors). Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive element known.

here is a site with an amazing breakdown of the issues as well as videos, commentary, and lots of other things:

Some pointed quotes from various dentists and other health professionals:

"...if they have as few as 4 amalgam fillings present in their mouth, the average person's saliva is so high in mercury they cannot legally spit into the toilet. Their saliva exceeds the EPA maximum legal municipal discharge standard for mercury.."--David Kennedy D.D.S.

"The World Health Organization has calculated that the average human daily dose of mercury from various sources are: Dental amalgam = 3.0-17.0 mg/day (Hg vapor) Fish and Seafood = 2.3 mg/day (methylmercury) Other food = 0.3 mg/day(inorganic Hg) Air & Water = Negligible traces (NOTE mg = Micrograms)" (World Health Organization Figures, from Environmental Health Criteria 118: Inorganic Mercury, Geneva, 1991. These figures confirm Amalgam as #1 average source for Environmental Mercury exposure.)

"You wouldn't take a leaky thermometer, put it in your mouth, and leave it there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Yet that's exactly what happens when an amalgam filling is installed in your mouth."--Dr Michael Ziff.

"Worldwide there are over 4000 research papers indicating mercury is a highly toxic substance. How can dentists be so thoughtless as to place one of the deadliest toxins in existence *two* inches from our brain?"--Tom Warren

"The mercury uptake from amalgam is the dominating source for inorganic mercury in the central nervous system and is the major source of total mercury uptake in the population."--Maths Berlin, a leading Swedish toxicologist

"It is sobering to realize that the original "quacks" were dentists who advocated the use of mercury amalgam and that most dentists are still advocating it today."---"The maximum amount of mercury that the Environment Protection Agency allows people to be exposed to is 5,000 times smaller than the permissible amount of lead exposure; in other words the EPA apparently considers mercury to be 5,000 times more toxic than lead."--Marcia Basciano DDS

"The ADA owes no legal duty of care to protect the public from allegedly dangerous products used by dentists ..Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury."--American Dental Association lawyers.

"My Father and Grandfather were dentists. Through their efforts and thousands of others like them the dental profession has become one of the most respected professions. The ADA accredited dental schools of America do not teach the students the truth. If the Dean Hal Slavkin won't admit the truth when confronted with the pictures, there is not chance in the world that the students will ever even hear about it. None were present at the hearings that I saw. Through the nefarious activities of the ADA and their component societies the mercury cover-up will bring great shame to our noble profession. They lie, they cheat, they steal the health of vulnerable subsets of the population yet claim in court that they owe no duty of care to the public.

The American Cattle Raisers Association let greed get in the way of good sense. They allowed and lobbied for cattle raisers to continue feeding cows to cows. That action caused one cow in Washington to come down with Mad Cow's Disease and they lost 70 Billion dollars overnight in trade with 17 countries who will no longer buy American beef.

Just as the ADA has been trying to save a sinking ship for way too many years, they too, will someday have to pay the piper. When that day comes the manufacturer of dental amalgam will take the brunt of the blame. Guess who manufactures a mercury silver filling? Is it Johnson and Johnson? Nope. Is it 3M? Nope. They only sell ingredients. Like a cake. They didn't bake the cake and so they are not responsible for how it turns out.

Guess who the cook is in this example? The poor dumb dentist who sleep walks through life will someday wake up to find that their liability is hanging way out and there is no one there to give them any sympathy. They let their association do what should not have been done. They did not protect the public. It is their 70 billion dollars of liability that will be lost in a blink. It is sad but true. The once proud profession of healers has degenerated to lobbyists and liars. Too bad and very sad for us few who remain truthful and ethical to be tarnished by the many who are not."
--The opinions of David Kennedy, DDS

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:26 am
by askmass
Great contributions, Matter.

I was actually logging on just now to add "oil pulling" to the discussion!

I had to laugh, seeing you were ahead of me on the same wavelength.

You mentioned Dr. Bronner's soap, and I have to concur on it as well. It's about the only soap we have in my house outside of some specialty ones.

1001 uses for that simple, naturally enriched Bonner's liquid soap.

We tossed all the weird chemical cleaners many years ago and it made a huge difference for everyone at my house.

Baking soda, vinegar, lemon and Bonner's each go a VERY long ways for all manner of household cleaning done naturally.

Add Borax to the list, too.

All-natural non-fluoride tooth paste at my place, also.

Fluoride is an American inner city disgrace, the water supplies are full of it... the dental docs and Crest hock that sh*t (blindly or not) same as the merc fillings.

But, Oil Pulling is well worth the effort in a whole host of ways!

So is reflexology, but that's getting a little OT I suppose.

Buy some Bentonite in bulk, guys and gals. Again, 1001 positive uses. Everyone should have 25 pounds of it at hand given the times we live in.

Adding a 1/4 cup to your bath a few times a week is a fail proof positive thing to do for better health, and good looks, too. It's key to a good recovery soak for me, and really a treat of sorts.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:10 pm
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Also seeing as the topic seems to be going this way what does Matter/John think about aspartame or any artificial sweetener?Artificial colouring?Fluoridated water?Shampoo/conditioner?Toothpaste?
Artificial sweeteners are pretty much the same. They are crap, cause problems when consumed over long periods of time, and are counter-productive to your goals. They actually have been shown to cause weight gain because it triggers the same area in the brain that sugar does, but unlike sugar, it doesn't trigger the area of the brain that shows it has been satiated, which results in the person craving sweet sugary food to satiate it.

Fluoridated water again is a big topic now as it has been shown to cause lots of problems as well, as really there is no need for it anymore.

Artificial coloring, I am not overly knowledgeable about, but I do know that it can cause allergic reactions sometimes. I actually had my tongue swell up to the point it was almost blocking the opening to my wind pipe from an orange starburst about 9 years ago. Not exactly sure why or how, because I ate tons of orange starbursts before and lots of orange starbursts after and never had it happen again...

Shampoo I have actually switched to Dr. Bronner's soap, which are basically pure castille soap and organic oils. Super concentrated and works great on hair too. I know a lot of shampoos and conditioners contain xenoestrogens in them, which are definitely not good as they are much harder to get rid of than regular estrogen or phytoestrogens. Also some have pretty harsh detergents in them and can irritate sensitive skin.

Toothpaste I still use, but I had read somewhere a dentist actually recommended brushing your teeth with regular soap instead of toothpaste.

Honestly the best thing I have done for the health of my mouth and seemingly overall health in a long time has been something called "Oil Pulling". Basically you take a tablespoon of oil(preferably organic sunflower or sesame), keep it in your mouth and swish it around, through your teeth, all over the gums, etc for 20 minutes first thing in the morning before doing eating or drinking anything. Its an ancient Ayurvedic practice that is supposed to detoxify your body by pulling toxins though your saliva into the oil. You then spit the oil out into the toilet(it is toxic) and rinse with warm water with a half tsp of salt and half tsp of baking soda, spitting all of that out as well. Oil should go from a light yellow color to a whitish color, the consistency of milk. I am unsure exactly how it works, but my belief is that it gets deep into the areas of the mouth where bacteria breed and basically sucks them out. Those particular oils are also very strongly anti-bacteria and anti-fungal as well.
All I know is after 2 weeks, I feel better and the dark circles and bags under my eyes are getting much less noticeable. It also has been shown to be the absolute best solution to cure gingivitis and also reduce plaque(better than brushing, flossing or mouthwash). Not only that, but it whitens teeth better than paying a dentist $400 do it, and also has been shown to reverse early stages of tooth decay... It sounds really weird, but it works really well, try it, you won't be disappointed...
Very interesting and informative matter.I dont have many artificial colourings/flavourings except some supps I take.Its hard to get away from with the supps, luckily most the stuff I take is in pills.Think imma stick with fluoridated water/shampoo/conditioner/tooth paste unless I see something major to sway my opinion.

Gonna get those mercury fillings out eventually though.Saw a youtube video of this girl who had cancer, got all her mercury fillings out and 4 weeks later her cancer was gone...

Gonna try your oil trick, but better than dentist whitening?Sounds hard to beat, haven't got it done myself but seen people get it done and their teeth were whiter than pearls.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:21 pm
by DaCookie
askmass wrote:Great contributions, Matter.

I was actually logging on just now to add "oil pulling" to the discussion!

I had to laugh, seeing you were ahead of me on the same wavelength.

You mentioned Dr. Bronner's soap, and I have to concur on it as well. It's about the only soap we have in my house outside of some specialty ones.

1001 uses for that simple, naturally enriched Bonner's liquid soap.

We tossed all the weird chemical cleaners many years ago and it made a huge difference for everyone at my house.

Baking soda, vinegar, lemon and Bonner's each go a VERY long ways for all manner of household cleaning done naturally.

Add Borax to the list, too.

All-natural non-fluoride tooth paste at my place, also.

Fluoride is an American inner city disgrace, the water supplies are full of it... the dental docs and Crest hock that sh*t (blindly or not) same as the merc fillings.

But, Oil Pulling is well worth the effort in a whole host of ways!

So is reflexology, but that's getting a little OT I suppose.

Buy some Bentonite in bulk, guys and gals. Again, 1001 positive uses. Everyone should have 25 pounds of it at hand given the times we live in.

Adding a 1/4 cup to your bath a few times a week is a fail proof positive thing to do for better health, and good looks, too. It's key to a good recovery soak for me, and really a treat of sorts.
How does one go about getting non fluoridated water and whats the tooth paste you use?Basically Ill do anything as long as its not too much hassle.Thats why im not too keen on swapping out shampoo/conditioner/fluoridated water.

Can we get this stickied?Its one of the most informative threads on here.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:47 pm
by matter2003
Well, just got back from a thorough dental exam by the new dentist who will be performing the switchovers from mercury fillings to composite and porcelain ones...

By July 11th, I should be mercury free in my mouth. I have appointments set up 6/5, 6/13, 6/20 and 7/11 to have the quadrants of fillings removed and replaced. Very excited to get started with this, and the cost was waaaaay lower than what I expected it to be for that much work. After insurance is figured in, I am looking at under 800 dollars that I owe out of pocket, and I was expecting it to be double or triple that amount...the majority of that cost is for putting in a crown on the one tooth I had a root canal done on that has "the biggest filling I have ever seen in my 26 years" according to this dentist...

He also said quite a few of the fillings need to be replaced anyway because they are starting to decay and he asked how long I had them in...when I told him some were in for at least 25 years, he was shocked.

Expected things this will help fix over time:

1) Psoriasis---sometimes in as little as a month complete clearance once the substance causing the hypersensitivity is removed...

2) Thyroid---mercury clogs up the thyroid and interferes with the T3 to T4 conversion

3) Adrenals---mercury screws up the adrenals and hormones become out of whack

4) Cortisol level drastically decreased---psoriasis leads to a constant "stress" reaction by the body, which is why my cortisol levels were literally "off the chart" when tested....

5) Liver---liver is being overwhelmed by toxins because my supply of glutathione is being completely decimated by the mercury.

6) Healthier Digestive Tract---much of the bacteria left in my body are "mercury resistant" strains, which are usually not the most beneficial kind. This is often overlooked, as many of the "good" bacteria cannot survive which leads to an overabundance of candida and other forms of bacteria that are able to live with mercury in the body...

7) Systemic Inflammation drastically reduced---psoriasis causes a chronic, systemic inflammation of the entire body(why I believe those body fat scales are so far out of whack on me versus the calipers, they are picking up some of this inflammation as fat, when it is really not), not just the skin---this will reduce my risk for a lot of cardiovascular problems and other things related to excessive inflammation...

8 ) Improved Oxygenation: mercury disrupts the red blood cells ability to carry oxygen properly by changing the shape of the cell...people with high levels of mercury have less available oxygen in their body than normal---perhaps explains why I always seem to do better with lower reps and more weight and why I tire out quickly it seems on reps 8-10...

All of this will lead to a much healthier self and will definitely help things become a lot "easier" in regards to building muscle and losing fat. I am actually surprised just how much I have been able to accomplish with all these things screwed up internally, and cannot wait to see what I can accomplish once I don't have the deck constantly stacked against me...

Sometimes I get frustrated because I do as close to everything right as anyone I know, and still struggle in certain areas, which are at least somewhat due to some of the above factors. I measure food(to the gram). I eat properly. I drink plenty of water. I do the right things at the right time. I work my freaking ASS off lifting and doing HIIT cardio. I sleep as close to 8 hours as possible every night. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I meditate to help improve the mind-body connection through visualization(although I have been a little lackluster in this area lately I will admit due to time constraints). I do these things every day without fail, and everything I do is based on my desire to get bigger, stronger or leaner.

I feel like a caged animal is getting ready to be released once I get this poison out of my body...the response should be radical by my body...I am expecting to probably speed up progress on both fronts very quickly, muscle gain and fat loss...

The real battle begins when my organs start dumping years and years and years of stored mercury into my body in 3-6 months...that is when things can get tricky and dangerous if not prepared...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:26 pm
by DaCookie
Great to hear its so cheap man.Considering that price for how many you have imma gonna get my 2 removed eventually, after ive moved to texas and within this year.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:47 am
by bigpelo
Matter, I thought you'd be interested in this article: ... _DNL_art_1