Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Oh man, that must suck, not being able to eat during the first days of FEAST. Hang in there man!
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Post by matter2003 »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Oh man, that must suck, not being able to eat during the first days of FEAST. Hang in there man!
Yeah, I dunno what happened there, but for whatever reason, around 1pm today, the nausea went away and I started feeling hungry again...

Ate some pretty good meals as well as a roughly 1200 calorie shake...

Can tell T-Boosters are working again due to the appearance of zits on my face...

Looking forward to workout 1 tomorrow....
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Post by matter2003 »

Fasted til around 12pm today, then took in about 1500 cals for 1st meal, followed by "The Formula" about 3 hours later...

[Feast Workout #1

Things got hairy pretty quick here as I tweaked my left pec pretty good on set 5 of GLP I...funny thing is the weight wasn't even that heavy at 205lbs, and I wasn't struggling at all with it. On the way up on rep 4, I felt a twinge and that was the end of benching today...had to alter some other exercises to minimize their impact on my pec region...perhaps I need to warm up better before starting these GLP sessions...

Bench Press: 140 x 10, 150 x 8, 170 x 8, 185 x 8, 205 x 4<---stopped due to left pec tweak...

Seated Cable Rows: 140 x 10, 160 x 8, 180 x 8, 200 x 8, 220 x 8, 240 x 4++

Trap Shrug: 315 x 6, 365 x 6, 405 x 5, 405 x 5, 425 x 3

Static Rack Hold: 465 x 3 seconds/465 x 8 seconds

Overhead Tri Ext: 60 x 10, 60 x 8 <---stopped due to stretching on pec when initially lifting DB into position...

Standing Tri Pressdown: 85 x 8, 95 x 7, 95 x 7

Preacher Curls: 55 x 10, 75 x 8, 80 x 4+, 80 x 5, 80 x 3

Weighted Abs: 70 x 10, 90 x 8, 110 x 8, 110 x 8

Overall not bad for first workout, other than the pec tweak which limited what I was planning on doing the rest of the workout and forced me to change 2 or 3 exercises...
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Post by Street-dreams »

keep up the good work!
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Post by matter2003 »

Well, woke up today fairly sore, especially traps...chest surprisingly doesn't hurt too much other than if I stretch it too far...

Have that super dense feeling again that I get after working out when taking KA...not sure what it is, but I really like it...

Fasted til 4pm as usual on non training days...planning on doing some cardio tomorrow morning before work.

Really having problems trying to pile close to 4000 cals in only 8 hours even WITH shakes constituting a good chunk...I know martin says not to drink calories but I have no idea how he could eat that much...
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Post by Street-dreams »

I drink calories myself... I eat 3 solid food meals and supplement the rest with liquid cals.. usually 16 oz whole milk with one scoop of trutein cinnabun yummy. 2-3 of those a day for an extra 1000-1500 calories.. so roughly half solid cals and half liquid for me.
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Post by matter2003 »

Street-dreams wrote:I drink calories myself... I eat 3 solid food meals and supplement the rest with liquid cals.. usually 16 oz whole milk with one scoop of trutein cinnabun yummy. 2-3 of those a day for an extra 1000-1500 calories.. so roughly half solid cals and half liquid for me.
Yeah, I find that easier to do way I could eat that many calories in 8 hours...just not possible for me...I can't eat like that anymore for some reason...

Weighed myself today and up to 213.2 lbs(up 3.2 lbs since start of this run), but the biggest shock was that I am down between 1.0(caliper) and 1.7%(full body scale) body fat since starting famine. I am pretty sure a good portion of this is due to my 16 hour fast each day, and I even notice it in the is pretty shocking how fast the fat is dropping off. What is even stranger to me is that I have done virtually no cardio, which is something that Martin specifically says is unnecessary to lose fat while fasting in this manner, and I would tend to agree, based on results so far. However, I do like doing cardio because studies have shown that it counteracts the artery stiffening effects of heavy weight lifting and helps keep arteries supple...

I also noticed my arms are starting to bulge against one of my favorite sweatshirts, and overall look bigger than before even though they are still at 17 inches...thinking it might be due to increased muscle and less fat, although my arms don't carry much fat to begin with---most of it is under my belly button...

Either way, I am beyond excited about my start here...dropping body fat rapidly while gaining 3 lbs in a little over a week makes me think I have found something of a holy grail for myself as far as fasting methodology, nutrient intake and timing for optimal results...going to continue with this and hope I see continued good results...

I also believe that I am extremely sensitive to KA's nutrient partitioning effects, and since I am only eating 3 times a day, and taking KA before each time, one of them directly before going to bed, this is leading to extremely efficient storage...I am also thinking that if KA works best when used in conjunction with a calorie deficit, and I am theoretically putting myself in a calorie deficit for 16 hours every day, when I do utilize it, it might be a little bit extra effective, especially considering I am taking it during my body's natural transition from catabolic to anabolic(Usually eat from 4pm-midnight)...not sure if this would hold any water or not, but I think it might, or at least results so far are leaning towards me thinking that...

Anyways, very very excited by my start so far(pec strain not withstanding), and think I am going to be in a really good place by early new year at this pace....

Pec is still tight and sore, especially when doing pushing movements and/or lifting things upwards...may have to forego chest workouts for a week or two, which will suck, but there really is not much else I can do. I already tore the same pec 10 years ago(grade 2), which likely means it is a weakened area to begin with(muscle heals weaker, bone heals stronger), so if I continue pushing, it likely will end up tearing again, so playing it safe is the smarter thing to do, IMHO...I can always add in some extra work on other areas temporarily...I just think the bench press is not for me...every time I have tweaked or torn my pec it has been from the bench press. I believe there is something in my physiology or body mechanics that make me more likely to injure myself doing benching than the normal person. In fact, in addition to the various pec issues I have had with benching, I also had a fairly severe shoulder impingement that was caused from benching after about a year or so when I first began lifting in college. It was bad enough I went to see a shoulder specialist and he told me I should stop lifting weights because the tendon was fraying and could snap. For whatever reason, that never bothers me anymore, I believe because I shaved enough of the tendon off so it fits in the groove now and doesn't cause irritation...

Running on a pretty horrible night of sleep yesterday as my youngest daughter(10 months) had to be taken to the ER last night around 3am with breathing trouble, which turned out to be croup...working on about 3 hours of sleep, and starting to feel like I am getting sick as well...likely will be struggling at work tomorrow, but I am gonna be working out Sunday regardless...
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Post by Street-dreams »

Two things I recommed about your pec straing issue and benchpressing.

1. You could be using too wide of a grip..Maybee move it in a bit.

2. Try DB instead.. not as benefical for the body(ie hormone release) however it would prob solve your tearing issue.

let me know if you try either if it helps.
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Post by matter2003 »

Street-dreams wrote:Two things I recommed about your pec straing issue and benchpressing.

1. You could be using too wide of a grip..Maybee move it in a bit.

2. Try DB instead.. not as benefical for the body(ie hormone release) however it would prob solve your tearing issue.

let me know if you try either if it helps.
Thanks Street...

I am planning on just switching to Decline Bench...I like the deepening effect it has been having on my pecs, they are getting very close together, and I never have felt even the slightest twinge when doing it, even at heavy weights...

I think my gym only goes up to 100 lb DB's, so I don't think this would be enough weight...
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Post by JlCh »

I'm glad I'm not the only one that the benchpress disagrees with. I loathe that thing at times -- especially since it takes like 20 minutes to warm up enough to keep my joints from breaking.
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Post by matter2003 »

Weighed in at 215.0 lbs this morning, bodyfat still same as previous day. These shakes right before going to bed are piling on weight, and from what I can see its good weight....feeling dense and solid. Also am getting better glimpses at my abs and when I can get those bad boys out they are going to be extremely big...they are already sticking out and I don't even work them that hard...can't wait to drop some body fat so I can get the out even more...

Going to be doing workout #2 of feast today, focusing on GLP I Squats, with some other things filled in around it...will post my log later today...
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Post by Street-dreams »

I see you are doing GLP 1 as well.. I dunno I tried GLP 2 and My Body just didnt respond to it as well as GLP 1. Have you tried some of the other Lifting patterns?
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Post by matter2003 »

All I can say is OMG.

I am freaking destroyed right now after attempting to do 6 sets of squats(GLP I) followed in superset fashion by 6 sets of DL's...I looked like a washed up fish on the beach gasping for air between sets...I then added in a few sets of leg presses for good measure and by that point I was completely out of gas so I just cut my workout a few sets short, although to be honest I think I was a little ambitious when I designed that workout to begin with, so it likely shouldn't have even had that much on there...

GLP Workout #2(first lower)

Squats: 245 x 10/265 x 8/295 x 8/320 x 8/355 x 8/380 x 8

DL's: 210 x 10/230 x 8/255 x 8/280 x 8---this was the end of the supersets as I felt like a bowl of jello by this point...after I finished the last 2 sets of squats, I rested and came back and did 305 x 8/330 x 2

-was completely gassed on last set of DLs and thought that 44 reps was enough for today...I am thinking next workout the DL rep range will be around 20-25 max....this was just brutal

Leg Press: 400 x 10/620 x 6
-was so done at this point my legs felt like they were going to collapse when I stood up...figured this was a good point to stop for today and re-evaluate my lower body workout plan as it was a little overboard I think....

I am thinking my ability to walk tomorrow will be severely compromised...
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Post by Street-dreams »


That was me last week..

Coworkers were asking me why I was "limping" lol
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