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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Todays Workout, best workout to date. I felt awesome after, spent but left feeling super good.

GLP1 Chest workout 2.

Bench Press: 95/10 115/8 120/6 135/6 145/6 155/5
Dumbbell Pullovers: 35lbs- 7reps, all 6 sets.

E.D.T. 1
Decline Bench Press: 115lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps.
seated rows: 120lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps.

E.D.T. 2
Dips(bodyweight): 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps.
Pull-ups(bodyweight): 6,6,6,5,4,4,3 = 34reps.

Y.T.L.W.I. raises: 5lbs, 10reps, 2sets.

Best workout yet!!!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic work!!

Do keep the Gain Train steamrolling, its way toward Gainsville!! Right here for you, in the event you need ANYTHING!!

FAVOR: Would you consider posting a somewhat "cryptic" review of The Blueprint to date, on Body Building dot com?

I only ask because I'm tired... tired of seeing kids squander their $ on chasing dreams you CANNOT achieve by, "Doubling up on that Pink Magic, brotha'..."

I well understand the psychology. It's going to take a LOT more, to overcome it. Still, every little bit helps!!

Please do let me know... :)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Rob, I will be posting up an in depth review of the Blue Print once I am done GLP1 so I have some solid numbers to go off of.

Another great day in the gym yesterday.

GLP1 Legs workout 2.

Lateral box step-ups: 25lbs dumbbells x 10 reps per leg x two sets.

Squats: 115/10 140/8 150/6 165/6 175/6 190/6- done in a slow controlled manner and with not much for real fatigue. Almost easy.

Did not do any E.D.T's as I developed some severe knee pain on the second round of Bulgarian split squats.

Top Range Rack pull: 195/10seconds, 315/10seconds.

Seated calf raises: 140/10seconds, 140/15seconds.

Aside from the knee pain the squats felt really good.
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Post by RobRegish »

ElderadoRacing wrote:Rob, I will be posting up an in depth review of the Blue Print once I am done GLP1 so I have some solid numbers to go off of.

Another great day in the gym yesterday.

GLP1 Legs workout 2.

Lateral box step-ups: 25lbs dumbbells x 10 reps per leg x two sets.

Squats: 115/10 140/8 150/6 165/6 175/6 190/6- done in a slow controlled manner and with not much for real fatigue. Almost easy.

Did not do any E.D.T's as I developed some severe knee pain on the second round of Bulgarian split squats.

Top Range Rack pull: 195/10seconds, 315/10seconds.

Seated calf raises: 140/10seconds, 140/15seconds.

Aside from the knee pain the squats felt really good.

On that knee pain, it's a sign... a sign you need to insert an extra rest day!! Meaning if you're on a 1on/1off now, consider going to a 1on/2off, etc..

Periodically re-evaluate, once every 10 days or so. Feel free to consult me/us, at that point for further guidance... :)

Hope that helps!!
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Post by ElderadoRacing »


I will be adding some extra rest days in. I have had this before, as it is somewhat of a result from breaking my leg and having it be 10mm shorter then my right.

Here is my workout from Wednesday June 8.

Bench Press: 95/10 120/8 135/6 145/4 155/4 165/3.5(spot on last rep)
Dumbbell Pullovers: 35lbs, 6 reps 6 sets.

E.D.T. #1
Decline Bench: 135/ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Seated Rows: 120/ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps

E.D.T #2
Dips: 8,8,8,6,6,6,6=48reps
Pull-ups: 6,6,6,6,6,5,4=39reps

Y.T.L.W.I Raises: 2sets, 10 reps, 5lbs per arm.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Alright, GLP1 leg workout 3. From Friday June 10.

Box Step-ups: 25lbs/10reps per leg. 40lbs/8reps per leg.
Squats: 115/10 150/8 165/6 175/4 190/4 205/4
SLDL: 40lbs/ 6reps per set superset with squats.

E.D.T. #1
Leg Extensions: 65lbs- 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8=64reps
Leg Curls: 55lbs- 8,8,6,6,6,6,6,6=52reps

Ran out of time, had to go to work.

On my way to the gym right now.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

GLP Workout #4 Bench Press.

Bench Press: 95/10 135/8 145/6 155/4 165/3 180/2
Dumbbell Pullovers: 40lbs, 6reps, 6sets.
Bench Press was awesome, tried an escalating rest period started at 3min and added 30seconds after each set ending with 5min. Found that added rest near the was huge in helping to get the heavier reps out.

E.D.T. #1
Dips: 8,8,8,7,7,7,6,6,6= 63reps.
Pull-ups: 6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5=51reps.

E.D.T. #2
Decline Bench: 120lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps.
Seated Rows: 120lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps.

Y.T.L.W.I. Raises: 5lbs, 10reps, 2sets.
Single Arm rows: 50/8, 60/6
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

So the previous workout was from June 13th.

GLP1 Workout #4 squats. June 15th.

Weight: 173lbs. Most I have ever weighed, yet I have the lowest body fat percent in years. Love this program!!!

Box Step-ups: 25lb dumbbells, 10reps per leg. 30lbs/8reps.
Squats: 115/10 165/8 175/6 190/4 205/2 220/2
SLDL: 100lbs, 6sets, 6reps per set.

Hack Squat: 90lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
SLDL: 115lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps

Bulgarian Split Squats: 25reps per leg, 2sets.
Seated Calf Raise: 160/10seconds, 170/15seconds.

The squats were awesome, felt super comfortable at that weight. My knee was feeling better so things are looking good. I am having a hard time not going to the gym. I want to go everyday. But rest is best!
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Post by beefcake66 »

I really like how you lay out your workouts - doing the lateral stepups as a warmup? (I have to do those for knee rehab occasionally - had ACL surgery) and throwing in those YTWLI raises at the end of upperbody days, consistently. I should really follow suit with you here!

You're making some excellent progress, keep it up!
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Post by RobRegish »

ElderadoRacing wrote:So the previous workout was from June 13th.

GLP1 Workout #4 squats. June 15th.

Weight: 173lbs. Most I have ever weighed, yet I have the lowest body fat percent in years. Love this program!!!

Box Step-ups: 25lb dumbbells, 10reps per leg. 30lbs/8reps.
Squats: 115/10 165/8 175/6 190/4 205/2 220/2
SLDL: 100lbs, 6sets, 6reps per set.

Hack Squat: 90lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
SLDL: 115lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps

Bulgarian Split Squats: 25reps per leg, 2sets.
Seated Calf Raise: 160/10seconds, 170/15seconds.

The squats were awesome, felt super comfortable at that weight. My knee was feeling better so things are looking good. I am having a hard time not going to the gym. I want to go everyday. But rest is best!
Absolutely AWESOME work here!!!

BAD NEWS: The body building dot com crowd says, "It doesn't work...".

GOOD NEWS: Would you consider telling the pirates, trolls and assclowns it does?... :)

Either way, soooo happy... you're happy.

Happy Happy... :):)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Workout from June 17.

GLP1 Bench Workout 4

Bench Press: 95/10 140/8 150/6 165/4 175/3.5
DB Pullovers: 40lbs/ 6reps, 6sets.

E.D.T #1
Decline Bench: 135lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Seated rows: 120lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps

E.D.T. #2
Dips: 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7=60reps
Pull-ups: 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps.
17 mins.

Y.T.L.W.I Raises: 5lbs, 10reps, 2 sets.
Standing BB shoulder press: 45/10 70/8

Next Bench Day is max day, gonna try for 200!!!
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Post by RobRegish »

ElderadoRacing wrote:Workout from June 17.

GLP1 Bench Workout 4

Bench Press: 95/10 140/8 150/6 165/4 175/3.5
DB Pullovers: 40lbs/ 6reps, 6sets.

E.D.T #1
Decline Bench: 135lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Seated rows: 120lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps

E.D.T. #2
Dips: 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7=60reps
Pull-ups: 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps.
17 mins.

Y.T.L.W.I Raises: 5lbs, 10reps, 2 sets.
Standing BB shoulder press: 45/10 70/8

Next Bench Day is max day, gonna try for 200!!!
Fantastic work, ElderadoRacing!!!

Now, please consider the following prior to max day... :)

Insert just ONE extra recovery day, meaning if you're on a 1on/2off training frequency today, move to a 1on/3off...

Next, VISUALIZE your new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!!

Mentally rehearse this no less than 3x/day, with at least one of those sessions coming, prior to sleep.

REASON: As you drift off to sleep, it'll build into your subconscious mind. Therefore...

"What the mind can conceive, the body WILL achieve!!! :):):)

Finally, just prior to the new PR - Practice saying out loud 3 little words...

"Seize the moment..."

BIG breathe of air in, hold it tight as you keep a tight arch, ass anchored and DRIVING you shoulders into the bench, SQUEEZING them together think; EXPLODE... for a TRIPLE!!!

PRESTO, your new 1RM and another Believer winds up on the corner of Main St. and PR Drive, Gainsville... :)
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Man I can not get these workouts posted on time. I guess better late then never.

June 17, GLP1 Squats, workout 5

Bulgarian split squats: 25reps, 2sets.
Squats: 115/10 170/8 185/6 200/4 215/2-easy!!!
SLDL: 110lbs, 6reps, 6 sets.

E.D.T #1
Hack Squats: 110lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
Straight leg deadlifts: 115lbs-6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps

E.D.T #2
Leg Extensions: 70lbs per leg- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Leg Curls: 55lbs per leg- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps

Seated Calf Raises: 160lbs/10seconds, 160lbs/15seconds.

Everything looks good for max day on Friday.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

June 22, MAX bench day!!!!

GLP1 workout 6.

Blueprint T-shirt on,

New Max=200lbsPR

Was going to do some E.D.T's but I have the worst sun burn on my back from building a deck. Almost couldn't do bench it was so bad.

I am looking forward to Legs as I know I am going to crush a new PR!!!

Thanks BLUEPRINT, and thanks ROB and all 5 faces of fear!
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