KasRock - Getting ready for my first run..

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Post by y0lked »

You could use dumbbels for absolute failure sets. I believe they are in the famine stage anyways so the goal there is just to break down the muscle and go catabolic.

I usually dont lift with a workout partner and it makes me complete my set knowing there isnt someone there to catch me if i fail, which in turn makes me not fail :D
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Post by kasrock »

Tomorrow is my last workout for famine, At this point I got used to the diet, but the energy level is still very low, I hope I will be able to complete the workout tomorrow...
I just have some other questions before I begin my feast.

1) I haven't taken creatine for some months, if I will take it together with the formula do I need the charge phase 20g per day also?

2) When and how should I take the "Burn it up"?

3) I know the calorie intake is not the same during the whole feast but I dont remember where I saw it, can somebody clear this for me?
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Post by warriorcookie »

Have you been measuring your RHR in the mornings? If so what was it before famine and what are you at now? How much weight have you lost since starting famine? If you are down roughly 1lb/day you're on track, and based on some of your other comments I'd say you are there and don't need to do workout 3. Finish your famine though.

1) I haven't taken creatine for some months, if I will take it together with the formula do I need the charge phase 20g per day also?
What brand/type of creatine are you using? Do you mean a loading phase? Others will weigh in, and this has been controversial in the past, but generally loading phases for creatine mono are considered a waste of powder/money. Just dose as normal. If it's PH balanced like found in Kre-Alkalyn or Kre-Anabolyn then definitely no loading is required.

2) When and how should I take the "Burn it up"?
Burn it Up is a perfect fit for cruise. Each to their own though. Sometimes I just use it when I need some extra jam in the morning. I like to take 1 or 2 a half hour before I go for a new 1RM. Helps me concentrate when I'm breaking PR's.

3) I know the calorie intake is not the same during the whole feast but I dont remember where I saw it, can somebody clear this for me?
I need some help on this one guys. I think for the first 2 weeks it's 120% maintenance on workout days and 100% on off days. After 2 weeks it's 100% on days, 80% off days. No less than 20% of your calories should come from "The Formula" on workout days.

For dumbbells vs barbells, my take on it is that with a barbell you can increase your total tonnage which is good for 1rm, alpha strength movements. Use the barbell for your loading patterns or static holds. Dumbbells are good for strength of the stabilizers. I use dumbbells allot for my EDTs (beta). Everyone's different, you'll find what works for you shortly.

Be careful with your back. I broke mine and moved my L5 vertebrae 1 cm. Check pg 35 of BP2.0 for a sweet hip belt and loading pin that will let you pile on the weight for squats without stressing your back.

Lastly, have you read through Rob's sticky?
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The hard part is almost over. When you finish famine, the first thing you have to do (it's now mandatory) on your first day of feast, go find your favorite buffet. Your mission is to earn a lifetime ban from the fine establishment of your choice :lol: !!!

Here comes the gain train!!

P.S. Please check out the "My Plate" tool at https://livestrong.com It's free and very valuable as it is an easy way for you to track your food intake and you can copy and paste your macros at the end of the day for us to review. Watch your calories and get your carbs to be about 2 to 3 times your protein.
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Post by RobRegish »

SOLID, self-answers... :)
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Post by kasrock »

Hey warriorcokie thanks a lot for those great tips!
I feel like part of the family with those great advices :D
I just came back from my last workout, I didnt check the forum before now, but anyway I think it help me to think I managed to do the 3 workouts, the workout from today went fine, I had to wait more than 30 secs because the gym was crazy full but it didnt go more than 1 minute between sets, the weight was as planned, and reps ok, but I drank a red bull before.

Tomorrow I will start my feast, I already picked up a nice buffet restaurant, to spend some hours :-)

I went down 3 pounds so far, but I am sure I will lose another one tonight.
I did not take my hearth rate the first day since I had to start in a hurry, but I hope I will get where I need to be, I will take it tomorrow morning just to have it as a reference for future famines.
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Post by warriorcookie »

You're welcome. You have many brothers and sisters to lean on here. Some of us come and go (I've been out for a few months due to a ulnar nerve issue in my elbow.)

No matter what your goals are, we'll get you there. Rob's going through a very hectic time in his life. He'll help as much as he can. We take care of each other while he's gone.

Guys like Hank, the buffer, msr9889, big.jazz(everything he touches turns to gold), beefcake, allieninja, bigpelo, jml2011, sovabrat, turboflex(he's the reason I'm here), DaCookie, and more (sorry I know i missed some important ones) have all helped me like brothers and sisters, they're always around helping.

Welcome to the family. Rob's building a BluePrint army! We're playing offense, we're playing to win!!

You're on the right track, you are right where you need to be for famine, have fun eating again in feast!!!
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Post by kasrock »

Thanks man, I know even if Rob is under a lot right now he has been there following my progress and making sure that I get everything I need.

When I bought the BP I never imagined I would learn so many incredible and new things, I promise that I will also help new BP members, as much as I can :D
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Post by kasrock »

I started feast yesterday!
During famine I lost a total of 4 pounds, mainly fat since it went from 11% to 9%. I didn't take my hearth rate at the beginning but the last morning was 88 bpm, I think is high considering the avg of everyone else..

this morning I had recovered a little bit more than 2 pounds, maybe I ate too much in that buffet, and I had to say that I also took a 4 hours nap during the afternoon... :twisted:

I started with the kre-anabolyn and the 80% whey protein. I sleep over 8 hours last night but somehow wasn't so deep sleep as I thought it would be.

Anyway my energy level is up to 120% and I feel great, I still have muscle soreness from my famine workouts, but mainly in my legs, I can't wait for my first feast workout. :D
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Post by kasrock »

It's been 72 hours since I started my feast, but I still have muscle soreness, is it ok to wait a little longer for full recovery?
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Post by RobRegish »

kasrock wrote:Thanks man, I know even if Rob is under a lot right now he has been there following my progress and making sure that I get everything I need.

When I bought the BP I never imagined I would learn so many incredible and new things, I promise that I will also help new BP members, as much as I can :D
Damn right I'm here...

And I stand at the ready, to help you as I always have!!

A. It's OK, to rest another day, two or more... :)
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Post by kasrock »

Thanks Rob! :D
It will make me good to rest a day more... or maybe two :twisted:
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Post by kasrock »

Today was my first workout in the feast phase, it went ok, I put my maximum effort, but I was a little bit afraid doing my deadlifts since it was my first time, my back was painful when I was trying to go for maximum stretch so I couldnt go so long down...

I have a question, when is the best days to take MASS PRO Amino, I know is 3 days on and 3 days off, but should it be straight after my training day or before my training days? considering that I am resting 3 days after my workout....
I also have it include in my formula 25gr...
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Post by warriorcookie »

Right on!

For your deadlifts, drop the weight to next to nothing (no shame in practicing with just the bar) and practice your form. Make sure your form is perfect then start adding weight. As you get heavier, if your form slips, take some weight off, fix your form, then start increasing the weight. Perfect form with less weight will make you stronger than sloppy form with more weight. Bad form is also invite for injury. As you get heavier you'll want to sacrifice form to get that "one last rep" in. Don't. You're better off stopping or doing partials.

The other thing is, if you have tight hamstrings it will be more difficult to do deadlifts and squats. Do some hamstring stretches every night and every morning for a few weeks and I'm sure you find it's easier to go deeper in your squat and go for that stretch on your dl's. Also, tight hamstrings put a hug amount of stress on you Sacroiliac joint.

For your BCAA's (MASS PRO) I don't know for sure. I was just using them in "The Formula". I can't afford to run both "The Formula" and one of the BCAA loading protocols. Hopefully someone else can chime in.
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Post by kasrock »

Thanks my friend warrior, great advices as always! For sure I will take the weight off. Something estrange happened now, I took a nap this afternoon and when I woke up I felt some pain in my elbow joints nothing serious, it went very fast after some streching but now my knees are making a estrange noise too, like crunching potato chips, every time I flex them.
I did the proper warm up as suggested and didn't feel any pain then nor now, just the sound... Is it serious?
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