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Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:53 am
by Linkiroth
Haha. Congrats, BigPelo! Also, Jameson is a great name! Or, a great Whiskey. Though, I've cut back my drinking alcohol to almost nothing at all. A shame, I've got some unopened cognac and whiskey laying around.

Famine: DAY 3

For being the worst day, it went pretty well. I wasn't hungry for most of the day because I found ways to distract myself. I also had my second famine workout, which went (mostly) well.

RHR: 72bpm
WHR: Not taken
Weight: 177.5

Calories: 1441
FAT: 34.3g
CHO: 252.7g
PRO: 36.3g

Famine workout 2:
Wasn't feeling 100% (as I imagine one shouldn't feel on day 3 of famine) so I definitely shot for the low end of the weight I could lift, since I lift sans spotter. It got REALLY heavy towards the end though, I definitely got CLOSE to what I'm capable of in this rep range.

Bench Press 125 x 10
DB Shoulder Press 20 x 10

Incline Bench Press 95 x 10
DB Shoulder Press 20 x 8 (!!)

Decline Bench Press 115 x 10
DB Shoulder Press 20 x 10

Decline Close-Grip Bench 95 x 10
Skull Crusher 55 x 10
Cable Triceps Pushdown 80 x 10

I definitely had more in me for that first set of bench, and the last set of triceps pushdowns. Beyond that, everything was probably about a 7 or 8 in terms of perceived effort.

Today, I took my RHR and it's about 70bpm. Got work today, hopefully I can keep busy so that I don't have to look forward so much to feasting on Friday.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:28 am
by ckeahey76
A bottle of whiskey lasts me about 3-4 years now. guess thats a good thing since both my brothers are alcoholics. 8)

good job on the lifts. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:40 am
by Linkiroth
ckeahey76 wrote:A bottle of whiskey lasts me about 3-4 years now. guess thats a good thing since both my brothers are alcoholics. 8)

good job on the lifts. :lol:
Heh. It certainly is a good thing. Thank you for the kind words on my lifts.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:06 pm
by ckeahey76
No problem, looks like you were hitting it hard for the famine #2 that is a good job, hopefully you don't have to do the 3rd workout but if you do remember to keep an eye on how you are feeling. It is intense and can knock you down on your rear.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:52 pm
by Linkiroth
Thanks for the advice, ckeahey! I might just do that, took my stats just now.

Famine: DAY 4

Actually easier than day 3! I had PT with the squadron (my unit) today and that kicked my ass pretty hard. Not nearly as hard as famine workout #3 tomorrow (if needed?) is going to though.

RHR: 74bpm
WHR: Not taken
Weight: Not taken

Calories: 1190 (I may eat some more shortly; less than 200kcal)
FAT: 62.1g
CHO: 153.9g
PRO: 17.6g

All in all, a decent day. I work tomorrow so that should make the final day of famine that much easier. Should I skip famine workout 3 or just go for it anyway? Either way, looking very much forward to getting into feast phase!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:58 am
by Linkiroth
Woke up this morning and took RHR: 59bpm. Very strange.
Subsequently, I took my heart rate again, 56bpm...

...any thoughts?

I've been doing some research and it seems that interrupted sleep and a lack of sleep can cause a sudden drop in RHR. I went to bed at 9pm, got up with the baby at 1am and didn't get back to bed until 2am, then got up at 4am. Perhaps this is the problem?

Rob gave me the hook up, as usual. No workout #3 for me!

The Blueprint is without a doubt the BEST investment I have EVER made. Rob's help alone makes it worth every penny.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:57 pm
by y0lked
Rob should get a gold medal lol

nice workouts and consistent diet!! smash the feast

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:05 pm
by Linkiroth
y0lked wrote:Rob should get a gold medal lol

nice workouts and consistent diet!! smash the feast
That's for sure! Rob is phenomenal. His help alone makes me want to do everything I can to both promote the Blueprint and help the community.

No doubt I will smash the feast. My post-feast goals are:
270 Bench
445 Squat

But those are very high considering my all time PRs are:
225 Bench (which is a total farce since my estimated 1RM puts me around 240)
385 Squat
405 Deadlift (Miserable form, have subsequently dropped the weight and worked form so I can only tell you my estimated 1RM is closer to 455)

Once that's done, I want to cruise with some form of either 5x5 or possibly a modified 5/3/1 (modification to Deadlift day) and cruise through my bottle of Burn It Up. We'll see how it goes.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:03 pm
by y0lked
why are your famine weights soo low? you did 115 for a set of 10 on bench but looking to max @ 270?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:03 pm
by y0lked
why are your famine weights soo low? you did 115 for a set of 10 on bench but looking to max @ 270?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:49 pm
by Linkiroth
y0lked wrote:why are your famine weights soo low? you did 115 for a set of 10 on bench but looking to max @ 270?
I did 125 (did I type 115?) on bench for 10 reps (not that the 10 pounds makes a difference, really) because I had to lift without a spotter outside of a rack that day so I decided to aim low to reduce the chance of injury when lifting fatigued.

Famine: DAY 5
Today wasn't too rough, the RHR issue and tiredness aside. Finally done with famine, time to kill the feast!

RHR: 59(?) bpm
WHR: Not taken
Weight: 173.2

Calories: 1408kcal
FAT: 61g
CHO: 192.2g
PRO: 30.2g

Finally about to get into the feast. VERY excited, have I mentioned that?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:50 pm
by y0lked
Linkiroth wrote:
y0lked wrote:why are your famine weights soo low? you did 115 for a set of 10 on bench but looking to max @ 270?
I did 125 (did I type 115?) on bench for 10 reps (not that the 10 pounds makes a difference, really) because I had to lift without a spotter outside of a rack that day so I decided to aim low to reduce the chance of injury when lifting fatigued.
Wait so just curious, 125 is your 10rm?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:42 pm
by coontentment
nice thread here :)

i'm going to be starting 3.0 in a month so i'll follow you along and see how you go. good luck!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:31 am
by bigpelo
Linkiroth wrote:
Finally about to get into the feast. VERY excited, have I mentioned that?
Protein containing foods taste SOOOO good after famine, it's unreal! I find the first 2 days of re-feeding to be the best part of this program.

Enjoy! :)