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Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:36 am
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:I dont really like those ergo log studies.Seen some which are complete BS.
Ergolog doesn't do the studies, they just report the results in plain english so you don't need a phd to read them. They even will tell you when they doubt the veracity of them, since some are done by the supplement companies or special interest groups...
But the results they post for most are not good enough at all to decide if the study that was done is flawed etc
Those are the same results you would find if you read the actual study they link to, just takes a few hours less to read and understand it. Many studies are done on animals, however the ones I am most interested in are the ones where they take herbs from various 3rd world countries that they use to boost fertility. Almost invariably they are tested in humans and shown to boost testosterone. Safed Musli, Tongkat Ali, Ashwaganda, etc. Those ancient people don't have access to tests, but they do know the results based on thousands of years of human trials...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:52 am
by Ariel
I just purchased cinnamon draw out and astragalus draw out from superhuman given all the great factors Carl Lenora and Dr. Eileen Jackson of the Life Expansion groundwork have said about the herbs. Rob Regish may also have said good factors.

Re: Taking Ginger

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:40 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Rob,

I really enjoy taking my ginger(powdered form) by adding it to my brown rice(tastes phenomenal, which is better than the paste taste brown rice usually has) and studies are saying it has potential as a testosterone booster by destroying the free radicals in the testes(specifically malondialdehyde) which boost sperm production and doubles T levels in rats. One of the reasons they tested it was because of some African countries using ginger as a fertility drug, so they wanted to see if it had any basis for it. They ended up concluding that ginger in fact does work and was as effective as the fertility drug Clomid...

Just wondering about your thoughts on this, and if it is OK to continue taking it while on the BP?

Here is the study link:

and the main site also basically posts virtually every new study that comes out regarding weightlifting, strength, endurance, training, etc...some very interesting reading on the site if you haven't ever had the chance to look at it...
Great find brother!

Consider using during Feast/Cruise... :)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:39 am
by askmass
I guess I should have pointed out before that Ginger Extract is one of the many key compounds in 'BURN IT UP'...

You'll find more on that potent item, here-

Re: Taking Ginger

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:33 pm
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Rob,

I really enjoy taking my ginger(powdered form) by adding it to my brown rice(tastes phenomenal, which is better than the paste taste brown rice usually has) and studies are saying it has potential as a testosterone booster by destroying the free radicals in the testes(specifically malondialdehyde) which boost sperm production and doubles T levels in rats. One of the reasons they tested it was because of some African countries using ginger as a fertility drug, so they wanted to see if it had any basis for it. They ended up concluding that ginger in fact does work and was as effective as the fertility drug Clomid...

Just wondering about your thoughts on this, and if it is OK to continue taking it while on the BP?

Here is the study link:

and the main site also basically posts virtually every new study that comes out regarding weightlifting, strength, endurance, training, etc...some very interesting reading on the site if you haven't ever had the chance to look at it...
For those interested, I have a complete write up on Ginger and what it can do for you in the latest BP Bulletin. That includes links BTW to the ONLY two product I could find standardized for a high enough dose to boost T levels. You read that right, boost T-levels - in no small amount!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:06 pm
by askmass
Rob, I'm not sure if Burn It Up is one of the items you'll be mentioning or not, but we've gotten lots of anecdotal feedback from guys such as "somehow, it seems to have given me a test boost and my sex drive is way up", etc. It's a fairly common comment from new users.

There is obviously interplay with a few others things in BIU to push up free test, no doubt, but the Ginger Extract is a little known gem IMO and gives a bunch of really nice, extra benefits we don't even promote.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:11 am
by RobRegish
askmass wrote:Rob, I'm not sure if Burn It Up is one of the items you'll be mentioning or not, but we've gotten lots of anecdotal feedback from guys such as "somehow, it seems to have given me a test boost and my sex drive is way up", etc. It's a fairly common comment from new users.

There is obviously interplay with a few others things in BIU to push up free test, no doubt, but the Ginger Extract is a little known gem IMO and gives a bunch of really nice, extra benefits we don't even promote.
Certainly true. In fact, if I'm not mistaken Ginger was ALWAYS in Burn It Up - and this was before the plethora of research studies citing positive benefits. The interplay I suspect goes back to MACA + Ginger, which would be lacking in any standalone Ginger extract. The inclusion of a hefty dose of Phosphatidylserine ensure the all important test to cortisol ratio is optimized. Something quite overlooked in many a test booster formula...

The BEST quality is has IMO? Imparting a very "crisp" CNS without the jitters, and serving to keep cortisol controlled coming off of Feast. It really does fit Cruise (and other phases of BP), like a glove...

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:57 am
by Allen125
I like your post.

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:02 am
by RobRegish
Benton wrote:Well I don't like the taste of that because that taste is very bad. and the roots in the ginger are also make bad its taste. But after reading this study I think I have to change my mind because they mention so many benefits of eating ginger.
Ban hammer for you/your buddies coming boss..