BP is gonna get defeated

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Post by defeater10 »

horrible update:

second leg workout during cruise and i jumped straight into squats without
stretching. by the third set my hip started hurting and now people keep telling
me i have pulled my groin or irritated it.

still hurts and i have no idea how long its gonna take to heal. never had this
happened to me before lol but it sucks!! really wanted to complete my first run!

i decided just to end it here to let my body heal but i will be coming back strong
for a 3.0 once im perfectly fine!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, live and learn!!

It's all good in the long run, IF you learn from it! Sounds like you already have.. :)

Sometimes, learning the hard way... is the best way.. :)
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Post by Jacos5 »

I recomend going for a stretching routine man. I started doing the p90x xstretch video when this same thing happened to me my first run. I didn't cut it short, but I gave myself some extra rest days and stretched and I felt the difference my very next workout. I no longer do that, instead I have a nice 10 minute stretching routine everyday before bed and that has DEFINITELY helped. Give it a shot.

EDIT: oh and I used to stretch between every workout as well. Don't know how it happened to me.
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Post by defeater10 »

definitely learned the hard way hah
i think i was just excited to start and forgot to stretch. i normally do, but that
day i didnt. will get a good stretch before the gym from now on.

and thanks for the advice jacos!
my stepfather has the p90x dvds so ill take a look at that stretching one!
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Post by RobRegish »

Thank you for helping your fellow BP Believer's, Jacos5 !!! :):):)
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