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Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:43 am
by RobRegish
OK on these reps where you needed the "assist"... that's a sign :)

Time to insert just ONE extra rest day, at least prior to upper body days but ideally, all around. Meaning if you're on a 1on/2off workout frequency rotation right now, consider moving to a 1on/3off.

Hope that helps... :)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:29 pm
by KE
Agreed Rob-I was going to take tonight off, but got called to play racquetball. I thought I would consider it a "cardio wo" but my legs/back were still tight to really play and actually really never got a goood sweat going. Atleast I now have Thursday "open" to train.
Looking at other posts, I really need to find a way to know/count my calories (change my eating habits) :oops: .
6:45-10 oz shake w/ 1/3 oatmeal (ground it up first in coffee grinder).
too much coffee
10:00-5 oz shake
12:00-1/2 Jimmy Johns #10 (w/ double meat). 5 oz shake,
supps KA, fish oil
4:00- 5 oz shake
8:30 5 oz shake
9:15 1 bowl chili, 1/3 bowl mac n cheese, 1/4 bowl baked beans
supps KA olive oil, 8 oz almond milk
10:15 Adaprogen x 2, few bites of cottage cheese.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:38 pm
by RobRegish
Good man!

Livestrong website is your friend. So is Hank!. Please get in touch with him. I'm told he's the livestrong Jedi... :)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:34 pm
by KE
Thursday-instead of taking the day off, did some bis/tri work, because I knew I would not be able to get to the gym Friday.
9:30-breakfast/supps (same as last Saturday's)
10:45-GLP-2 Squat WO
Box squats-236 (4x5)
Over-head lat pull downs-140 x 6, 130 x 7, 120 x 10, 10

Leg press-630 (4x6)
SLDL (in rack/not free wgt)-180 (6x6)
1-Legged ext-60 (6x10)
leg curls-40 (6x10)
Finished w/ 15 minutes HITT on treadmill.
I'll check out the livestrong site and review Hank's notes, Thanks Rob.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:51 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work man!!

Any of these PR's? 3Faces of Fear need your happiness quotient to sleep soundly tonight... :)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:47 pm
by KE
I missed posting last few days mostly due to i was not getting what I wanted out of my wo, and time management (fatigue) :oops:
GLP-2 Bench
266#- 4x3 (all alone at the gym, so last rep of each set I only came down to about 2 inches off my chest due to Rt shoulder and left elbow issues and did not want to get stuck) After last set I took off 20# and did a set of 7 reps for good measure.
incline db pull-overs 85#- 4x10

Bent over row w/ bb in corner and weight on one end-180#x6,x4, then 135# x10, 10, then 90# x10,9
Decline bench w/ bb-225# 6,6, then 175# x 10,10,9,8

Incline press w/ db-65# x 10,10,10,6,8
Over-head lat pull down wide grip-120# x 10, 10, 10, 7, 9

Finished w/ some cable work and then 12 minutes on treadmill doing HIIT.
Note-I really felt spent before spending brief time on tread mill, but forced myself do go up and do it...overall I think I felt better after the HIIT training then if I had left and not done it :?:
Tomorrow is squat day.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:32 am
by RobRegish
Fantastic work!!!

One VERY important piece of advice: GET A SPOTTER!!!

See here:

"High School Student Dies Lifting Weights

Published December 04, 2010

16-year-old Jake Pezon was found dead under a bench press at home in Wisconsin on December 1, 2010.
A Wisconsin high school football player has died in an accident while lifting weights at home.

Slinger police say 16-year-old Jake Pezon was home alone in his basement rec room Wednesday night and was bench pressing 185 pounds when the weights dropped on him.

Police Lt. Joel Schodron says Pezon's mother arrived home shortly after midnight Thursday and found her son unresponsive. Schodron says the teen was dead by the time first responders arrived.

Pezon was a junior at Slinger High School and played wide receiver and defensive back for the Owls. School District administrator Bob Reynolds says counselors are available Friday at the high school".

Please man, do it for me. It may not seem like it... but we play a dangerous game. One that can kill you if you're not careful, as I just recently found out - the hard way!!!

I implore you: Please don't let this go down in your world.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:42 pm
by KE
Check on the spotter Boss!
I just am so short on time I gotta take what I can get. I did not collar the weight and if I felt I was really in trouble I would've dumped them off to one side.
Got called into work today so my workout plan got some what muffed.
GLP-2 Squat
warm up squats
#275 4x5
seated cable row w/ narrow grip #140 4x8
Leg press
#610 5x6
#225 2x6
#185 3x6
single leg ext
#60 6x5
leg curl
#50 6x5
Finshed w/ calf work on leg press.
I've been changing my diet/eating habits and I think I've cut too far back on total calories causing me to feel constantly fatigued, inturn not having enough energy to get a solid wo like I had been. Also, I think racquetball needs to take the "back burner" for awhile. Gettin too many aches n pains :evil:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:54 am
by RobRegish
"I've been changing my diet/eating habits and I think I've cut too far back on total calories causing me to feel constantly fatigued, inturn not having enough energy to get a solid wo like I had been.

Also, I think racquetball needs to take the "back burner" for awhile. Gettin too many aches n pains..."

You're making the right calls here. Also, keep an eye on those little aches and pains... especially after you drop the racquetball and make these adjustments.

They're signs... signs over-training may be creeping in. If that's the case, consider inserting just one extra rest day to allow your body the time it needs to super-compensate and grow larger/stronger.

I think you'll find you'll be glad you did... :)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:42 pm
by KE
Took Monday off from training, spent some quality "domestic" time with the lady of the house. Tuesday still not feeling it, so did a light back wo with a friend at the gym and strained an "old" left elbow bi/forearm muscle injury :roll:
Flat bench-250# (5x3)
Over-head db-100# (5x10)
incline db-65# (6x8)
pull ups (really hard for me with Rt shoulder and Lt elbow issues, so I have to go with what I can) using assist of 60# (6x6).
Left bi/forearm started to feel "old" ache/pain.
Larry Scott curl wo and never got to tri wo due to left arm really burning and only getting p!ss poor results for a arm wo :evil:
Tomorrow is squats and Friday off. Hopefully Lt arm good to go Sat. I have only two more workouts to complete GLP#2 bench.
Note-a loss of traction in the past few weeks.
My plan is to go into my second Famine Phase (last one was epic :shock: ), and then the 10% solution.
Wondering if I should take a week off before Famine #2?
Rob advise welcome

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:02 am
by RobRegish
OK here we go...!!!

"Tuesday still not feeling it, so did a light back wo with a friend at the gym and strained an "old" left elbow bi/forearm muscle injury..."

A. This was a mistake... Don't feel too bad, we all make them. Like oh, I dunno... almost offing yourself (unintentionally) like I did a few months back? :)

"Light" workouts = waste of time. Unless you're talking about GPP or related session with no eccentric component to the exercise, you're still digging a hole that's going to be tough to dig out of...


Take one week off. Get away from the gym, the weights and the scene. Clear your mind, relax, re-load and proceed to workouts 1-5 bridge into Feast to establish your new 1RM for the upcoming 10% solution!!

Speaking of that week off, here are some tips for how to pass the time... Some ideas to facilitate active recovery between workouts:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some LISS (but not HIIT) cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showers. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or mistress (ideally all 3) apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

You can add Cayenne Pepper to this when you freeze it, but unclear as to if that's legal in your state. Since I'm not up on these things, you can cite cite Rob's recommendation and ignorance of the law. That'll work in every state*

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and shave days off of recovery between heavy workouts.

*Excludes states with vowels in their names :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:21 pm
by KE
Yeah, I kinda saw the light turn from green to yellow and started to look the other way not wanting to see red. Anyway, I'll review the blueprint and some posts to get ready for the 10% solution. Rob, clarify for me about "workouts 1-5"...I'm to skip Famine phase? Also, can you do me another solid and pm me the "Formula"? I was unsuccessful finding a few items on line, and decided since I was doing so well (at the time I was) I didn't need it. In keeping things confidential, I deleted the original pm :roll: I'm thinking it is a missing link I'll need for my next journey. And thanks for the "to do list" I really hate sitting around! #8 made me laugh :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:07 pm
by RobRegish
KE wrote:Yeah, I kinda saw the light turn from green to yellow and started to look the other way not wanting to see red. Anyway, I'll review the blueprint and some posts to get ready for the 10% solution. Rob, clarify for me about "workouts 1-5"...I'm to skip Famine phase?

A. Correct !!!

Also, can you do me another solid and pm me the "Formula"? I was unsuccessful finding a few items on line, and decided since I was doing so well (at the time I was) I didn't need it. In keeping things confidential, I deleted the original pm :roll: I'm thinking it is a missing link I'll need for my next journey. And thanks for the "to do list" I really hate sitting around! #8 made me laugh :lol:
A. Done. Check your PM's.. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:03 pm
by KE
Thanks (again) Rob.
Thursday-GLP #2 Squat wo-managed to get 90% of a decent wo. Anyway walked out of the gym and stepped off the "train." I'm trying not to be pissed, but I was making steady gains and lost my edge. In retrospect, I see several key points to adjust.
1) Document/follow a diet. I had started to eat "healthier" in the last few weeks and in doing so, I cut "bad" calories, but did not replace them with "good" ones, thus decreasing my over-all intake while my "workload" was increasing on the GLP#2.
2) Overtraining. In reading other "BPrs" posts-I felt I was takng too long to complete GLP 1 & then 2, so I decrease my "off" days. I have always needed a longer recovery peroid than any of my lifting partners. It sounds weird, but I remember gaining while not having to be in the gym as much as other guys, and when I try to train as hard as the next guy, I wind up paying a greater "tax" on the deal.
3) My wife reminded me that in the past two weeks I have worked a day on both weekends and had a few 14 hour work days during the week.
I don't want to make excuses, I just don't like where I'm at and want to avoid being here again.
Friday-crash time.
Sat. I had a couple of guys at the gym expecting me today, so I went down to take care of some business and did 25 minutes of walking on the treadmill keeping my heart rate @ 110 bpm (that's fat burning for us guys pushing 50) and a medium ab wo. Got home and 5 hours of yard work.
Lunch-Black angus beef and provolone on wheat bread w/ a little M-whip, ketchup, bananna peppers, and tomato. Almond milk
Dinner-spaghetti with italian sausage meatballs and garlic bread (not only is the lady of the house smokin hot-but she can cook too :D
Rob, looking into a chiropractor (he'll have plenty to say I'm sure) and getting a decent massage (mama is petite) and not strong enough to give a decent massage. Should I be taking any supps at this time?