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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:37 pm
by RobRegish
BONUS ROUND: I've since learned from my father the following. Bear in mind I remember none of it. Not a single minute of it.

I wasn't getting the answers in the ER I wanted. You know, like when was I going home? So I got up to leave. I'm told 4 security guards begged to differ and a hell of fight ensued. A fight I lost...

So they put me back in the bed, complete with restraints this time. Highly recommended btw, given I only broke out of 2 of them. When I couldn't break the rest, I drew upon my corporate alter-ego's powers of persuasion. Somehow convinced them to loosen the others. Just another benefit of being one of The 3 Faces of Fear(tm).

Once they were distracted by the guy across from me (wanted back to Iraq, or he was going to pull the pin on the grenade he claimed was on him - understand why I wanted to leave now)? I made my move. Then got to the door.. only to find it was locked. Found a solution to that too: Kicked the door down and walked out of the hospital.

On my way out, I stopped a woman on her way in and said, "I need your cell phone". She gave it to me... and kept right on walkin'. So I called my parents and said "Great news, they just released me. You need to come get me - now".

They never came to get me. Instead, they called the hospital... who called the cops in my town and one other. Told them some whackjob just went MIA from the ER. Two security guards picked me up at the entrance where I was waiting, then took me to the psyche ward.

Explains the psyche ward thing now, yes?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:53 pm
by RyannayR
Is this real life?? haha Rob your nuts! Would love to see the surveillance tapes of this incident.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:00 pm
by RobRegish
Sure is. I'll have the hospital report in a few days.

Already have the bloodwork showing no drugs/alcohol in my system. None as in ZERO.

I carry it around with me now in my wallet. Had to show them again today at counseling this came from inside me. It still shows on my hands, meaning all the skin's ripped off...

Who wants to be me right now?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:31 pm
by Hank!
RobRegish wrote:Sure is. I'll have the hospital report in a few days.

Already have the bloodwork showing no drugs/alcohol in my system. None as in ZERO.

I carry it around with me now in my wallet. Had to show them again today at counseling this came from inside me. It still shows on my hands, meaning all the skin's ripped off...

Who wants to be me right now?
I have been down a similar road Rob and I am a better man for it

Love you Rob, take each day as it comes

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:37 pm
by RobRegish
Hank! wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Sure is. I'll have the hospital report in a few days.

Already have the bloodwork showing no drugs/alcohol in my system. None as in ZERO.

I carry it around with me now in my wallet. Had to show them again today at counseling this came from inside me. It still shows on my hands, meaning all the skin's ripped off...

Who wants to be me right now?
I have been down a similar road Rob and I am a better man for it

Love you Rob, take each day as it comes
Thanks man. Rob needs the love right now.

He appreciates these things too. As in more than you'll ever know... It's all coming back Hank. As much as I can give...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by bluespace
Holy crap Rob. Sounds like you have a major struggle going on right now inside yourself. I hope Rob ends up winning the war.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:32 pm
by RobRegish
bluespace wrote:Holy crap Rob. Sounds like you have a major struggle going on right now inside yourself. I hope Rob ends up winning the war.
It's a war alright... a war I'm going to win. I'm in the Main Event - and that's all I've ever wanted (or needed) to win and win big.

B/C you knock Rob down, Mix is right there to take care of business. And he doesn't do the defense thing....