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Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:44 am
by RobRegish
vangkm007 wrote:A few days later on the 2nd of Feb I had my last German loading pattern 1 workout and set some new 1 rep maxes:

Set a bunch of new 1RM's today!

bench: 280
squat: 365
military/shoulder press: 165
cleans: 165

Bench: 135 x 10 --- 170 x 5 --- 200 x 3 --- 225 x 1 --- 250 x 1 --- 280 x 1
superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75 lbs x 6 per set

Squat: 175 x 10 --- 220 x 5 --- 260 x 3 --- 295 x 1 --- 330 x 1 --- 365 x 1
superset w/dimmel deadlifts 150 x 8 per set

Shoulder press: 85 x 10 --- 120 x 3 --- 165 x 1
superset w/shoulder shrugs 150 x 8 per set

Cleans: 85 x 10 --- 120 x 3 --- 165 x 1
superset w/weighted wide grip pullups 25 x 6 per set

Wasn't exactly a great workout, I didn't feel awesome throughout but hit all my lifts without trying too hard except for the bench was kinda tough...5 more lbs and I would've failed, lol. Could be because I've had a few knots in my back for almost a week now and they're really bothering me especially when stretched during lifts.

Here's a photo of the day after (screenshot taken by my GF while we were on webcam together). This shirt used to fit me, but now it's really tight!

This is fantastic!!

So happy.... you're happy :)

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:51 am
by vangkm007
RobRegish wrote:
This is fantastic!!

So happy.... you're happy :)
Very happy Rob! Thanks.

Awesome workout today, really making some progress.

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 3 reps

Bench --- 255 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 330 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 150 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 150 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

I threw in some curls and wrist curls and weighted dips. Arms were gonna explode by the end.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:30 pm
by vangkm007
Today's workout was nothing short of amazing. Once again this program stuns me with its effectiveness as I plow through sets of 240 on bench, something I would've definitely struggled with 2 months ago.

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 5 sets X 3 reps

Bench --- 240 superset w/dumbbell flys 30

Squat --- 310 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 140 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 140 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

I threw in some curls and wrist curls and weighted dips. Arms were gonna explode by the end. Same as last workout

It's not quite been a month yet but I'm up about 5 more lbs hovering around 180. Definitely stayed around the same BF level but much more definition and even tougher fitting into clothing now.




Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:40 pm
cant argue with those results, keep it up! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:43 pm
by vangkm007
IRONCHEST wrote:cant argue with those results, keep it up! :)
Thanks! It's hard not to be motivated by reading others' journals and seeing my own progress!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:54 pm
by vangkm007
Last workout before another 1RM attempt across the board!

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 3 reps

Bench --- 225 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 295 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 135 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 135 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

Threw in some curls and wrist curls and weighted dips per the last two workouts.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:09 pm
by vangkm007
OK, I haven't updated in a while but I've been keeping up the workouts.

The last day of German loading pattern #2 was not the most successful for me.

I attempted a 1RM of 295 bench and failed twice despite hitting every single rep of the loading pattern.

I blame this on the excess socializing/homework I did that last week. Just too much stress from every direction too and I was averaging 4-6 hours of sleep a night.

I did however hit the last 1RM which was 280 on bench and I hit all the numbers for the other lifts.

As it stands now:

Bench - 280
Squat - 395
Cleans - 175
Military Press - 175

I took a week off after this and the next week I started a cut and condition. Been on that cut for a week now, I'm not comfortable with this amount of body fat (around 15-20%), especially since I'll be assisting in conditioning some much younger guys for football this coming spring.

I'll be following non-Blueprint diet/program on this cut and then when I finish in 3-4 months I'll start another run of the Blueprint.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:16 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic work my man!!

Can you expand on these vs. you pre-BP #'s? If you're happy, I'm happy :)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:23 pm
by vangkm007
RobRegish wrote:Fantastic work my man!!

Can you expand on these vs. you pre-BP #'s? If you're happy, I'm happy :)
Rob, pre Blueprint for those lifts to new maxes are:

Bench - 250 ---> up to 280

Squat - 335 ---> up to 395

Cleans - 155 ---> up to 175

Military Press - 155 ---> up to 175

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:17 pm
by RobRegish
vangkm007 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Fantastic work my man!!

Can you expand on these vs. you pre-BP #'s? If you're happy, I'm happy :)
Rob, pre Blueprint for those lifts to new maxes are:

Bench - 250 ---> up to 280

Squat - 335 ---> up to 395

Cleans - 155 ---> up to 175

Military Press - 155 ---> up to 175
Holy sh!t!! Especially on the SQ, a 60lb increase?? Astounding, even by Blueprint standards.

Thanks again for giving Blueprint/me a chance... Sleeping well tonight :)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:23 pm
by vangkm007
RobRegish wrote:Fantastic work my man!!

Can you expand on these vs. you pre-BP #'s? If you're happy, I'm happy :)

Holy sh!t!! Especially on the SQ, a 60lb increase?? Astounding, even by Blueprint standards.

Thanks again for giving Blueprint/me a chance... Sleeping well tonight :)
Rob, pre Blueprint for those lifts to new maxes are:

Bench - 250 ---> up to 280

Squat - 335 ---> up to 395

Cleans - 155 ---> up to 175

Military Press - 155 ---> up to 175

Rob, I should add that this was for both the German loading patterns 1 and 2 run in a row. I was planning on running the whole periodic but after seeing the level of bodyfat accumulating I decided a cut is in order or else it'd just get out of control.

I began around 12% body fat on famine and now right around 15-17% which is uncomfortable for me.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:11 pm
by RobRegish
Smart move and that's exactly why the Famine option is there after GLP II. That "Mixelflick" is pretty savvy, yes? :)

Even given two loading patterns, this kind of progress is astounding. And 99.9% is due to you btw... b/c YOU were open to trying it, YOU put your faith in me/BP and YOU did the work.

Damn fine job too.

All 3Faces of Fear(tm) feel good inside tonight... :)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:11 am
by vangkm007
RobRegish wrote:Smart move and that's exactly why the Famine option is there after GLP II. That "Mixelflick" is pretty savvy, yes? :)

Even given two loading patterns, this kind of progress is astounding. And 99.9% is due to you btw... b/c YOU were open to trying it, YOU put your faith in me/BP and YOU did the work.

Damn fine job too.

All 3Faces of Fear(tm) feel good inside tonight... :)
Thanks again Rob, "The Blueprint" has given me more motivation than anything I've tried before. I can actually see my strength and fitness goals within reach instead of it being just a "one day..." sort of thing.

Updates on my cut:

Well after today I'm officially 1/4 of the way through my cut. I'm going to be done after the first week of July. Since it's been a month now, time for some progress pics. I notice much more definition all across the board and in the gut I've lost about 1". Lol @ some goofy poses, but whatever.  :2funny:

Also back pic for those interested (since it was requested), something I'm most proud of since I didn't have much of a back to begin with but I've really dialed in the back in the recent 2 months.

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Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:22 pm
by vangkm007
Today's workout: Back

Pull ups
T Bar Row
Bent Over Rows
Single Arm Kettlebell Rows

35 min on treadmill walking