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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:39 pm
by RobRegish
I love Canada..

Canada keeps us stocked with NHL stars, gave us The Buffer, Beefcake, Big Peleo, Pam Anderson AND Shania Twain.

What more can we possibly ask for?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:25 pm
by thething301
RHR = 63 for yesterday
RHR = 62 this morning ( i think i now have my baseline)

Starting famine tomorrow, just finish my last steak :cry: i will be missing that.

famine training
I will be following the BP model

  • fish oil

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:54 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote:I love Canada..

Canada keeps us stocked with NHL stars, gave us The Buffer, Beefcake, Big Peleo, Pam Anderson AND Shania Twain.

What more can we possibly ask for?
You forgot Hubert Reeves, Jacques Villeneuve and Louis Cyr just to name a few of my favourite...

The Thing: you won't believe how good a steak is after famine! Thrust me, it's a very fun part of the blueprint and worth waiting. Enjoy your veges :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:28 pm
by thething301
day 1 famine

RHR = 62
weight = 224


1389 Calories
  • 23g Fat
    194g Carbohydrate
    15g Protein
  • Squat 365x3 6reps
    Cable seat row 225x3 6 reps

    Curl 115x2 6reps
    Preacher curl 65x2 6 reps
    Pulley curl 90x2 6 reps
Training felt good, did 2 set more per exercise for the bicep, i know the more i will advance in the week the harder it will be.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:51 pm
by thething301
Famine day 3

Tuesday = 71 +8
Wednesday = 72 +9

I was very suprise from the increase of my RHR, the 2 times i have done famine it took me about 3 days to increase the RHR. I know my body is reacting by the hyperfealing i have since Tuesday.

224lbs nothing change

Again surprise, normaly i loose about 7 pounds in the week, will see if something change for the end of the week

  • 1559 calories
    35g Fat
    132g Carbohydrate
    18g Protein
  • 1569 calories
    35g Fat
    194g Carbohydrate
    20g Protein
  • 20 minutes of rowing machine and abs
  • bench superset dumbell press 2x10
    incline bench superset dumbell press 2x10
    decline bench superset dumbell press 2x10
    close grip 2x10
    lying tricep 2x10
    cable tricep 2x10
I was fealing good and want to fries thoses muscles i knew there was just one training for those body part this weak. I have achieve my goal at the end of the training there was no more energy on those body part.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:36 pm
by thething301
Famine day 5

Thursday = 72 +9
Friday = 74 +11

Still going up, but this is the last day

Thursay = 222lbs -2

  • 1259 calories
    35g fat
    130g carbohydrate
    17g protein
  • 20 minutes rowing
    6 reps static abs
I'm going to do training 3 this afternoon will post back tonight

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:33 pm
by thething301
famine day 5 continue

Friday = 224lbs

back to where i start the first day of famine

  • 1343 Calories
    34g Fat
    132g Carbohydrate
    18g Protein
  • Same as Monday
    1 set more on each exercise
    10 reps range
    30 secondes rest time
Feast starting tomorow it will be a big feast weekend for me :D

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:03 pm
by thething301
Feast day 3 Monday

Food was good all weekend did not count calories, was eating to much :)
first day of training tomorrow will give a follow up after training.

  • Calories = 4266
    Fat = 35g
    Carbohydrate = 470g
    Protein = 348g
  • 1 week on liver tabs = 30 per day
    oil fish
    Kre-anabolyn = 3
    Multi-life = 3
    Adaptogen =3
    GammaGH = 5 grams

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:13 am
by bigpelo
Still alive?

Any updates?