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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks so much man!!!

Will shut up, some non - Believer's... :) On the AN, could be. I do know it hits me during week 3. I wouldn't say I feel "caged animal" aggressive, but I do feel "edgy".

Tough to say, but it DOES elevate test/free test for sure per my bloodwork. A decade of dominance plus, it's a top seller for a reason!

REAL, full spectrum Bulgarian Trib and a WHOPPING 1,500mg/serving of it - plus whole lotta' other goodies... :)

Matter, I'm just happy YOU'RE happy... :):)
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote: If you're not used to it, will throw a monkey wrench into things for sure... :)

However, I find it incredibly helpful to train A.M. Once you're done, you're DONE for the day!

It takes about 3 weeks, so at some point down the road - consider easing into it... :):):)

Study showing late-afternoon and early evening training produces the best results...I need all the help I can get...not gonna put the same effort in for less than optimal results if I can help it!!
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: If you're not used to it, will throw a monkey wrench into things for sure... :)

However, I find it incredibly helpful to train A.M. Once you're done, you're DONE for the day!

It takes about 3 weeks, so at some point down the road - consider easing into it... :):):)

Study showing late-afternoon and early evening training produces the best results...I need all the help I can get...not gonna put the same effort in for less than optimal results if I can help it!!
So odd. I recall studies cited by Hatfield showing the opposite...

Whatever works for you - DO IT!
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Post by matter2003 »

Super excited to be heading into my last 2 feast workouts for my first run.

Doing 2-3 reps today and Wednesday, looking to put up some big weights...

Weighed in this morning at 211 lbs...gonna probably be down to around 200 lbs or so by end of cruise with Burn-It-Up/Quercitin before workouts and GABA at night...

Put on a shirt I haven't been able to fit into for a while and noticed my arms are literally busting out of it...never had that problem before!!

Also starting to notice a distinct dip around the sides on my stomach where the sides of the abdominal muscles are, which is pretty exciting as well...

Took some GABA last night but didn't really notice like I did the first night, which was Friday...not sure why as I took it the same way...about 3 hours or so after my last meal, along with AN...took 2g both times, likely gonna bump it up to 3g from now on...did get some slight tingling, but didn't get the warmth spreading through me like the night before or the pronounced tingling...

getting ready to hit the gym in about 30 minutes, will report back when I am done...still no Karbolyn, gotta substitute Gatorade instead again...definitely leaving the cornstarch out...that was horrible and didnt mix at all...
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Post by matter2003 »

I think I am gonna literally cry when feast comes to an end on Wednesday...

The strength gains I have made and continue to make are nothing short of unbelievable...what is even crazier is I am doing it while being 3 lbs lighter than when I started famine.

Here is today's workout log:

Static Flat Bench Hold: 365 lbs x 15 secs/405 lbs x 15 secs

Smith Machine was being used so I had to do it in the power rack, which I think I like a little better to be honest...felt a tremendous amount of muscle strain on my triceps which I normally don't feel in the smith machine, although the front delt destruction the smith machine normally gives me was not there with the power rack, so I guess its a little trade-off. Likely could have done a little more weight, but have never done it before in there so I didn't want to push it too hard...

EDT Block # 1:

Weighted DB Dips: 70 lbs x 3/70 lbs x 3/80 lbs x3/80 lbs x 2 <--PR!!
1 arm DB Rows: 80 lbs x 3/90 lbs x 3/100 lbs x 3/ 100 lbs x 2 <--PR!!

2 things are apparent to me...I can no longer realistically hold that amount of DB weight between my legs comfortably, as at 80 lbs, it kept almost coming out, which actually led to me going WAY down in my dips to catch it(like almost arm-pit touching the bars), which gave me a tremendous workout trying to get back up(man that stretch felt good). Also, I maxed out the DB weight for my 1 arm rows, so I am going to have to use hammer strength machines from now on as the DBs only go to 100 lbs at my gym...need to look into a weighted dip belt for next feast run because it just isn't gonna work anymore with that type of weight...

Seated Barbell Hold: 405 lbs x 8 secs, 405 lbs x 15 secs

made a change to hand spacing on my second attempt(moved hands closer to shoulders, as I think my hands were too far apart in bench press like fashion on first attempt), which led to me lifting and holding that with extreme ease...should have added another 50-60 lbs and done another one at that spacing, but whatever...

EDT Block #2:

HS Preacher Curl: 155 lbs x 3/160 lbs x 3/165 lbs x 3/ 165 lbs x 3

HS Tricep Press: 270 lbs x 3/280 lbs x 3/285 lbs x 3/285 lbs x 2+ <---PR Completely racked it with additional weight included!

I freaking racked it, with the additional 15 lb dial included...failed on my 3rd rep attempt of my last set and only got it about halfway down, which is what the + stands for... Preacher curls likely was a PR, but I am pretty irritated because I would be able to likely come close to racking that machine as well if not for my left forearm which is in a pretty good amount of pain every time I try these...right side could have likely done a set of 10 at 165, it was all I could do to lift that 165 3 times with my left...

All in all, my last upper body feast workout was a great one! Looking to recover and have another great lower body workout to end feast...should have my Karbolyn and new protein mix by then, very excited...

OH and BTW, Lemon Lime Gatorade, Cookies and Cream protein and Grape Bubblegum BCAA's is an EXTREMELY weird taste combo for "The Formula"...
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Post by RobRegish »

"The strength gains I have made and continue to make are nothing short of unbelievable...what is even crazier is I am doing it while being 3 lbs lighter than when I started famine..."

Hmmm, Roadmap, to Re-Comp anyone?.... :):):):):)
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Post by matter2003 »

3g GABA/AN again last night...woke up around 6am and had to pee, couldn't get back to sleep...

Preparing for a fast day today, followed by some HIIT cardio.

Weighed in this morning at 212.5 lbs...

Had a customer come into our store yesterday with his girlfriend and another friend and he commented to them "Damn, that dude is diesel!" and I asked him "Who?" and he said "You!"...completely made my day!! That's when you know things are working when other people comment on you out of the blue...
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Post by RobRegish »

matter2003 wrote:3g GABA/AN again last night...woke up around 6am and had to pee, couldn't get back to sleep...

Preparing for a fast day today, followed by some HIIT cardio.

Weighed in this morning at 212.5 lbs...

Had a customer come into our store yesterday with his girlfriend and another friend and he commented to them "Damn, that dude is diesel!" and I asked him "Who?" and he said "You!"...completely made my day!! That's when you know things are working when other people comment on you out of the blue...
Ding Ding Ding... :)

GREAT work man. It shows... :):):)
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Post by matter2003 »

had a pretty good night's sleep, upped the GABA to 4g along with some AN, woke up to pee twice---once around 5am and again at 7:30, but this time went back to sleep til about 8:30 or amazing accomplishment considering I have a 4 year old who loves to jump on daddy and wake him up and a 6 month old...

Weighed in this morning at 209 lbs after my fast and some more HIIT cardio last night...

Not looking forward to working out the next few days as the A/C at the gym is broken at the worst possible time and will not be fixed til Friday. Meanwhile temps are supposed to be in the mid to upper 90's here with high humidity...yesterday we hit 89 and the gym was unbearably hot at 9pm at night...probably at least 100 degrees in there...felt like a sauna...felt real bad for the people that have to work there...

Today is my last day of feast, so I am looking to make it a good one with a kick-ass lower body workout...
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Post by matter2003 »

Last Feast workout is today, Karbolyn and new protein mix came in, tasted pretty good and mixed well...Trueprotein actually sent me an extra half pound for free also...Ordered 3 lbs and they sent 3.5 lbs...

I have a confession to rack pulls and deadlifts S-U-C-K...I am not making much progress here...even with the wrist straps, the bar keeps slipping out of my hands at the same attempted weight every time...

I need to read up on proper technique, proper grip or something because I should not be increasing as much as I am on other lifts yet making close to zero progress on these...Rob HELP!

Overall, pretty good workout...I did notice that the leg press at my gym stresses my quads and hams much more than at my buddies gym...kinda weird, same manufacturer(Hammer Strength), but they seem to have different angles, different platform width, etc that makes it different....whatever it is, I could barely walk after doing the static leg presses today while last week it didn't bother me at all...

Supposed to be doing 2-3 reps for each exercise other than DL's(6 reps)

Leg Press Static Hold: 1430 lbs x 15 secs/1520 lbs x 15 secs...this was a MUCH more taxing lift than last week, even though it was for less time with similar weight...not exactly sure why tho...possibly could have fit another plate on the bottom, but it didn't look like it had enough width left...might try it at a later time, legs feeling like jello after this...


Squats(V-Squats): 485 lbs x 3/505 lbs x 3/525 lbs x 1+/515 lbs x 3 <---PR!!
Hamstring Curls: 155 lbs x 3/165 lbs x 3/170 lbs x 3/175 lbs x 3 <---PR!!
-only 2 more plates to go on this before racking the Hamstring Curl machine...

I got caught way down on my second squat attempt at 525 and only could get back up about 1/4 of the way, which is why there is a + there(how I designate partial reps). I dropped 10 lbs and got 3 reps in at 515 lbs on the next set...was kinda upset I failed at 525 tho...super strength gains seem to have temporarily hit a wall as this is the second time I have not gotten it for number of reps..

Top Range Rack Pull: 315 x 7 seconds/315 x 8 seconds

Romainian Deadlifts: 225 x 6/225 x 5

-I am tired of the bar falling out of my hands..even at 225, only got abuot 3 DL's in before the bar slipped and had to put down to re-grip...and that was WITH wrist straps...I am failing on grip and/or technique very badly somewhere, and could use some help here...tired of being stuck at the same weight for week after week...


Ab Crunch: 150 lbs x 4/170 lbs x4/ 190 lbs x 4/ 190 lbs x 4 <--PR!
-machine racked, but still have up to 15 lbs to add on with dial

HyperExtensions: 25 lbs x 6/45 lbs x 6 x 6 x 6 <--PR!!

-for whatever reason, Abs and Hyperextensions were super easy today...guess I had to make up for the rack pulls and deadlifts sucking

So, overall, pretty good, set some more PR's, but I would trade these for progress on my rack pulls and deadlifts...I gotta figure out what is going on with those, there is NO WAY I should be lifting that little weight...

On to Cruise tomorrow...can't wait to try some Burn It Up stacked with Quercetin to incinerate some fat...
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Post by matter2003 »

Just ran back thru my logs and have compiled my gains from various exercises:

Started BP Run at 214 lbs, weighed in this morning at 209 lbs, a net loss of 5 pounds.

Dips: +65 lbs(BW+15 to BW+80)
1 Arm Rows: +45 lbs(55lbs to 100lbs)
Preacher Curls: +60 lbs(100 lbs to 160 lbs)
Seated Tri Press: +75 lbs(210 lbs to 285 lbs)--maxed out machine
Hamstring Curls: +50 lbs(120 lbs to 170 lbs)--2 from maxing out machine
Abs: +90 lbs(100 lbs to 190 lbs)
Squats: +120 lbs(395 lbs to 515 lbs)

Static Decline: +230 lbs(315 lbs to 545 lbs)
Static Shoulder: +200 lbs(225 lbs to 425 lbs)
Static Leg Press: +440 lbs(1080 lbs to 1520 lbs)

Rack Pulls/DLs no appreciable gains...gotta get these lifts in order...grip and/or technique issues preventing progress here, I am positive it is not strength...

Overall, pretty good run, strength gains were pretty out of control in most areas, definitely saw some serious muscle gains, especially in my shoulders/traps/front delts/chest area and my legs(quads and inner thighs). Triceps also look much bigger than ever before...another thing I have really noticed over the past few weeks is a deepening groove running vertically between the sides of my stomach area and the obliques, as well as a really well defined rectangular box of muscle where my abs are...abs not back yet, but they are definitely getting closer...

Cannot wait to start cruise and then take a week off to rest for another run...

Will work on getting measurements and body fat percentage over the next few days...
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Post by beefcake66 »

What grip do you do with deadlifts? Double Overhand is the hardest, mixed grip tends to get a few more reps in (one over, one under), but can cause form issues in some. You're already using straps... I don't really know much about straps, but are you using them properly?

If you're really wanting to up the weight and not worry about grip, you could look into hooks. But it's kinda like cheating :p I purchased a pair of them when my wrist was messed up a while back.

And it's okay to set the bar on the ground and reset your grip between pulls if thats what its going to take to get your reps in. You're supposed to sit it back on the ground, anyways.

Just tryin to help troubleshoot :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Good Lord...

What do people say, in your gym about this? This is absolutely fantastic and an undeniable testimony to your hard work Matt.

If I could bottle this, I suppose I'd be a millionaire. You know what though? I'm already rich. Every time I read one of these success stories, I have a feeling money can't buy.

There's a reason BP's results blow the doors off of ANY supplement: It's a return to fundamentals. Yes, I weaved in some rather unorthodox strategies to amplify gains, but at the end of the day it's your hard work, the emphasis on training, diet and rest that produce results like this.

Anyone looking at this from the outside, would suspect "he's on something". He sure is, but it ain't drugs...

Maybe Congress should take a good hard look, at The Blueprint. Because not one of those clowns, could come up with an answer for people interested in growing drug free muscle, coming out of the MLB steroid hearings. All you heard was the same, tired old line... "Steroids bad. Bad steroids! All you kids, don't take steroids!!!"

What did this do?

Made them all that more appealing. Fools. What was needed was to show everyone a way, to make similar gains without the drugs.

The clowns couldn't figure it out.

Somehow, some joker in his basement in Agawam, MA did though... :)


So happy for you man, you don't even know...
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Post by matter2003 »

Had a pretty good start to cruise today...took a cap of Burn It Up this morning, followed by eating at about 90% of maintenance calories, followed by another cap of Burn It Up and Quercetin about 30 minutes before doing some intense HIIT cardio...

I am thinking about making a slight change to my eating, which is to consolidate the 6th meal into the other 5 on some days.
Reason being is this:
I don't get home til 8:30 pm most days, then help put my daughter to bed, etc and don't get to the gym til about 9pm. 20 mins of HIIT cardio and back home around 9:30pm to 9:45pm. Means I am eating my last meal around 10pm, which means I have to stay up later than I want to make sure food clears my system before taking GABA. I could eat before I go do cardio, but then that would be less than ideal. So I am thinking if I just consolidate my last meal, I would be in a better position for optimal fat loss/growth hormone release at night...this would put my last meal for the day around 6pm or so...Rob, feel free to correct me if anything is wrong in the above thoughts...

For the second time in 3 days, someone out of the blue told me I "looked diesel", this time a new employee at our store. We were getting ready to leave for the day and I walked by him and he said "Goddamn, you are one diesel mothaf***er! Your arms are huge!" (I was actually kinda embarrassed about it because I only have 16 inch arms, but they look bigger because they are 90% tricep...if I could ever get my biceps to grow, watch out!!)

Now, mind you, I was working out for over 8 months before starting the BP and not one time in those 8 months did anyone say that word in reference to me. Now in the span of 3 days, 2 people who had no contact with each other and had never seen me before that day said basically the same thing to me.

I am not attempting to blow my horn at all, but I am making a point. I have gained enough muscle on the BP for it to be noticeable to others. Regardless of any statistics, measurements, weight, bodyfat, etc, that is REAL improvement.

That is just about the highest standard you can use when judging if a program works or not...if others notice it without knowing you workout, or having ever seen you before. IMHO, that has been the high point for me...more than the feeling of being He-Man in the gym, more than the strength gains, and more than the noticeable difference in the mirror...

I started this in Mid April, so in a little under 3 months(I don't count the 2-3 weeks I didn't do anything because of gout/ankle flare), I have gotten results that are so good, other people are starting to take notice. I am pretty much on cloud 9, and I am starting to look forward to see how many other people are going to make a "diesel" comment. Even one of my buddies who works out with me now and again and has been there the whole time recently made a comment that "Bro, your shoulders and back are getting wide as f**k!!"

Rob, as far as I'm concerned, you could spend thousands on advertising, have a "supplement of the month" club, start a fancy internet advertising campaign by blasting out emails to random lists, etc and it would never come close to the return you are getting from word of mouth advertising and from the results themselves...when they ask what I am doing, guess what I tell them?

"I do 3 sets of 10 most days, just trying something a little different today!" Then I tell them about the virtues of grinding up eggshells and downing it with some milk and grape juice mixed together...

Hell No! I tell 'em "I am part of the BluePrint Army!!" and where they need to go...don't be surprised if you start seeing an uptick in WNY members in the next 6 months! :lol:

I cannot wait to try those CNS Workouts with the Feast..IMHO that would be an almost unbeatable combination..heavy intense workouts to build muscle combined with "The Formula" and KA...only downside is lifting would be once every 8 days...

On a side note, I had a girl at my gym who was on a stair climber next to me ask me why I was "going so fast for short amounts of time?" I explained that working out is intensity dependent, not time dependent, and all she had to do to understand that was to look at marathon runners versus sprinters. Marathon runners run for hours and hours but look like stick figures because they burn muscle and their bodies actually try and store every fat gram they take in as fat. Sprinters do short, intense bursts and are built like chiseled rocks. She said "wow, that's really interesting", and then kept trying to talk to me about other stuff, but I told her I had to go...she was cute too, maybe about 25 or so...ahh, if I was only single now...hahaha

Looking forward to an anabolic fast tomorrow ending around 6pm...
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