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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:43 pm
by pmartinez78
Thanks Rob.

Ya, it is nice when people start noticing. Anyways, I got a quick question, Rob. After this first run, I'll have 2 weeks before I take a week off to start my 2nd BP run. What I wanted to know is, is it alright to do the EDT workout, outlined on page 32 in the BP, in those 2 weeks before my week off? What would you recommend for those 2 weeks?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:46 am
by RobRegish
Well, I'm assuming you're talking about finishing out Feast or Cruise?

If you're talking about finishing out feast then yes, 2 weeks of EDT would make good sense. You may also want to explore repeating workouts 1-5 or the HIT workout based bridge into Feast WITHOUT the EDT blocks.

Why? Because HIT is the exact OPPOSITE of Cruise (5 x 5 training). As you begin 5x5 then, you should recognize even more growth.

Now if you were talking about Feast being done and what to do over the next 2 weeks, then you're talking about Cruise. Cruise can last anywhere from 14-21 days so I wouldn't rush it. Simply execute Cruise as outlines for anywhere from 14-21 days. Take a week off and then start Famine again to start BP run #2.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:20 am
by pmartinez78
Yes Rob. I'm talking about after finishing cruise. I finish up my cruise phase on the 27th of Nov or so but I'm not going to take my week off till 2 weeks later. I'm just wondering how I should work out for those 2 wks before my week off.

Yesterday's workout was pretty good except I started to get a slight discomfort in my knees on my last 2 sets of squats. Hopefully it doesn't happen again my next lower body workout. Anyways, here's yesterday's workout:

GLP Workout #5 Lower body:

RDL (185) 6,6,6,6
Hack Squats (120) 6,6,6,6

Static holds
Cable crunches (105) 2x20 seconds

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:28 am
by Muoio117
Nice squats. 225 is my goal and you're already able to do 2 reps. Awesome stuff.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:51 pm
by drjgn
Nice job man!

You are ahead of me in the phases, so I am actually planning on following a bit of your GLP planning. You are helping me without even knowing it!

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:24 pm
by scump
lol nice work man!

both of you guys are way ahead of me on chest, but my squats are a lot heavier than you guys lol.

started a 5 day split atm, gunna train some hypertrophy and probably run BP again in the new year, best of luck boys!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:29 am
by RobRegish
Excellent work here.. very nice to see this :)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:35 am
by pmartinez78
Muoio117 wrote:Nice squats. 225 is my goal and you're already able to do 2 reps. Awesome stuff.
Thanks man. 225 is definitely achievable. My goal is to hit 315 again.

drjgn wrote:Nice job man!

You are ahead of me in the phases, so I am actually planning on following a bit of your GLP planning. You are helping me without even knowing it!
Cool man. I'm glad I could help with my log. I know scump's and several other's logs helped me figure this out.

scump wrote:lol nice work man!

both of you guys are way ahead of me on chest, but my squats are a lot heavier than you guys lol.

started a 5 day split atm, gunna train some hypertrophy and probably run BP again in the new year, best of luck boys!
Ya I know, my squats are weak. I quit doing squats a few years back because I got a hernia from deadlifting 315lb. I was squatting 315lb for 3 reps back then. My goal is to try to get my squats back to 315lb and get my bench up to 300lb or so. The most I've ever benched before the BP was 225lb but that was a few years back. I've been using dumbbells for the past 2-3 years now.

scump, how many bp runs you got under your belt? I plan to do another bp run for recomp but this time with supplements, and then one more on a full blown bulk.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:34 am
by scump
Hey mate ive only done the 1 run.

sucks about you getting the hernia, but dont sweat it, with the BP + your muscle memory you will nail it before long!

will be good to see your log doing this with a full bulk + supplements.

next run i do i plan on doing a crazy bulk, im a pretty easy gainer so will probably hate myself after the first 2 weeks of feast lol.

i just need a bit of a break from strength training, want to pack on some size for a while :D

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:03 am
by pmartinez78
Ya, the hernia did set me back some. I've haven't trained for strength since then cuz I was afraid of getting hurt again. I've just been training for hypertrophy but now I'm excited about getting my strength up again using the BP.

So we are having a biggest loser contest here at work to see who can lose the most weight up until May. I work at an elementary school, btw. So, I decided to get in on this but I have to gain more weight than they lose. Also, if I gain more than 2% bf, I'm disqualified. First place winner will get 60% of the pot, 2nd place- 25%, and 3rd-15%. We started this a month ago.

Well, we weighed in this morning. So far it looks like I'm winning. lol.. I weighed in at 165.5 lbs with 11.7% bf. Last month's weigh in, I was at 161 lbs with 11.7 bf. So I've gained so a total of 4.5 lbs and no fat gain. As for the others, 2-3 of them have gained 1lb and the other have only lost 1-2lbs in a month. Looks like I'm going to have some spending money in May. lol..

Anyways, today I shoot for my new 1 rep max which will be 280lb. I'm excited about it. I rested 3 days, slept full 8 hrs, kept my calories high all weekend, and I'm making sure I'm taking a lot of carbs today before my lifts. I'll update either later this evening or tomorrow morning.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:47 pm
by RobRegish
Good luck!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:27 am
by pmartinez78
Well guys, I just have to say that I'm truly impressed with the BP. I must admit that when I first started, I didn't think I would be able increase my 1 max rep by much especially without using any of the recommended supplements. Even when I had my last upper body workout, I had doubt on whether I'd be able to hit my new max rep. But guess what? I hit my new max rep of 280lb without my spotter having to touch the bar. You were right scump. The strength was there. I was pumped as hell.

I got even more pumped when I saw a 6'4" 220+lb dude try to bench 275lb. The dude tried to bounce it off his chest and barely got half way up before his spotter has to step in and curl the weight.

Anyways, had a great workout yesterday. GLP #6 lower body is on Wednesday and I start my cruise on Friday.

GLP WO #6 Upper body:
1x280 (NEW PR)

Decline DB bench (80) 8,8,8,8
Pullover (75) 8,8,8,8

BB curls (90) 8,8,8,8
Overhead DB ext. (80) 10,10,10,10

Static holds
Decline BB bench (245) 2x10 seconds

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:28 pm
by RobRegish
SOOOOO happy for you!

New PR EXCELLENT!! Please share with the world :)

Just funnin' man. This is the kind of feeling I live for!!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:01 am
by scump
good to hear mate!!!

told you about the strength being in there, its crazy hey.... like your pulling it from some pool just sitting inside you.

great to see you popping out a PR and a good lookin one at that!