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Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:56 pm
by sovabrat
Thanks Hank, I am going to do a second recomp as well.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:27 am
by sovabrat
Day 49 Overall (174 lbs)

Weight is settled, I think this is a prime indicator that the BP has run its course. My body needs to adjust to its new weight before I shock it again.

Today I did

3x12x135 Bench press I also found my lift off sweet spot like Rob had mentioned in the sticky, what a difference it seems to make. Effortless start to my reps.

weight chin ups 8x10 lbs 2x3x5 lbs

I read muscle mag on a mind break at work yesterday, one reader submitted this alternate on the DB curl that is supposed to work the outer bicep a little more. You sit on a flat bench and bend over, grasp ONE DB with a hand on each side of the grip so that the weight is essentially resting on your wrists. Do curls with your elbows inside your innerthighs. Press in with your thighs while keeping stability.

This really gave me a HUGE pump. I mean giant. It took a couple reps to get the form right but I am going to add this to my routine now, I love it. Dont try if you have a bad lower back because you are kind of bent over.

Inc DB press superset with behing the back forearm curls with the bar and 10's on each side.

Ended with Inc DC curls superset with Hammers.

I really went for volume with this workout instead of heavy weight.

Ended with 20 minutes of HIIT on elliptical. Had my max HR up to 179.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:33 pm
by RobRegish
"3x12x135 Bench press I also found my lift off sweet spot like Rob had mentioned in the sticky, what a difference it seems to make. Effortless start to my reps".

So happy this worked out for you :D

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:49 am
by sovabrat
Day 53 Overall (174 lbs)

Weight is completely settled. This is my finished state of the first BP run. I am super happy. It seems that no matter how much additional cardio I am doing, or how many calories I am trying to cut, I am not losing anymore weight. I know I have a little bit of fat left and my bodyfat % is not single digits yet. I am ok with this. I am VERY confident my second run will push me over the plateau. Its just a matter of letting my body settle and then shock it all over again. I think my CNS is used to the stresses now and the diet. It has completely adjusted which is the point after all.

Today I did:
INC BB Press : 135 x 12 x 3
Bent Curl 80 x 8 x 3
DEC BB Press : 135 x 12, 155 x 10, 175 x 6, 135 x 6 Drop Set
Skull Crusher super set with Close grip bench 50 x 8 x 3 (used neutral bar)
Inc DB curls while laying back all the way 30 x 8 x 3

20 Minutes HIIT on elliptical 2 min interval at 90% 2-3 mins at 30 %

It has been about 2 hours since I finished my workout and my metabolism is racing. I am still sweating and hungry.

Pre-workout I had 1 scoop protein, post i had 2 scoops with milk and choco syrup in it. After I showered I then had 2 eggs with a whole wheat tortilla and onions with Green peppers.

I am still SOOOO hungry.

It has been so hard to control my cravings since I stopped using the Oxyelite Pro on a regular dosing schedule. That stuff was the wonder drug and I credit it to my dieting habits. It helped me eat the right amounts at the right times and not cheat.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:22 pm
by RobRegish
Good man.

Big finding here was you "knew" when it was done. VERY important skill BP puts you in touch with and now it's yours... :)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:07 am
by sovabrat
Day 54 Overall Last Day of 1st BP Run (173 lbs)

Well it is finally over. I can't believe the 54 days are over. At first I had planned to take feast all the way to today but as I was in the feast cycle I started to learn so much about my own body and the way it reacts to the stresses I throw at it.

Vacation is tomorrow and it will be my last week of cruise. I will be running, biking, swimming, tanning :), and mostly just relaxing. It will be a perfect end to a great run.

Thanks to everyone who supported me, especially Rob and Hank. To anyone who followed my log, I hope you were able to learn from my experiences. I do not doubt that with hard work, and dedication, anyone can get the results I did.

I decided to take my laptop on vacation so I can do my write up and analysis for the recomp run that I did. It seems a lot of people are looking to cut down for the summer and I think my notes would prove quite helpful. Hopefully we have a good internet connection in the house im staying at so that I can be online to analyze my Livestrong account.

Thanks everybody.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:11 pm
by RobRegish
Well deserved sovabrat.

Can't wait for the wrap up. This recomp is probably the best example of how flexibile The Blueprint can be for those interested in using it for said purpose.

It'll be stickie material for sure! FANTASTIC run...

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:47 am
by kswimbledon
Amazing job sova. Been silently following this whole thing. I will definitely be using yours as a base for mine. Have fun on vacation.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:23 am
by sovabrat
Stay on alert for my second run. It will be starting this Saturday June 19. I know I still owe Rob and the Community a recap of my recomp run. I just havent had time due to getting engaged on vacation and spending time with the in-laws. I will do my best this week to get to this before I start my next run.

I can say that I plan to alter my calorie intake as 120% on workouts and 100% on off days for the first 2 weeks.

100 on workouts and 80 on off for the next two weeks.

At the end of feast during cruise I will do 80-90% on all days.

I will also be limiting my cardio during the beginning of feast to really try and gain some LBM. Each week I will either increase days of cardio or increase time spent. All cardio will be fasted and most likely will be HIIT.

My only supps will be Kre-Anabolyn and Oxyelite Pro. No nitric booster this time.

I hope that during this run I can increase my weight around 5 pounds of lean mass while maintaining or increasing the visibility of my abs.

I am going to concentrate on rounding out my body by focusing on my Traps, Triceps, Forearms, and Shoulders. The chest, biceps, quads, calves are all easy gainers for me so I will not increase workload on these exercises too drastically.