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Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:47 pm
Sweet!! definetley will be following closely... tear it up bro!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:34 am
by dracotdrgn
Brutal indeed. I may actually take today off....I was having so much fun with the big weights yesterday I am friggin sore today. AND at work last night the boys only had nine players again so I ran 4 games with those youngsters and don't feel like squatting today. :? Not sure- I still have the itch but don't want to "over reach."

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:41 pm
by dracotdrgn
Day four of Famine boy am I hungry. Yesterday in gym was off body is not happy. Looking back and checking logs today.

1st run 10/7/09 3rd run 4/5/10

Weight has fluctuated between 214 and 234. At 223 right now

Bench 10/16/09-355 max~11/6-360~11/17 325x3+1~11/23-340x4=380.8~ 12/4-370 Down from here 295x5x4x3 then start dif load pat 2/9/10-260x5x4~ 270x7~3/8-275x8~3/22-295x5x5x5x5x5+1~4/5-315x5x4x4x3+1 Dipped down but coming back. Happy to get back over 300# and pleased to push out an easy 5 and four with no spotter maybe could have been more.

Squat 10/16/09-425 up only no down movement~11/6-435~11/11-350x10~11/17-390x5~11/23-410x3=446.9~12/4-445 missed depth12/21-355x5x5x5x5x8~2/10335x15~2/24-340x20~3/3-340x25~3/10-355x15
Interested in how this will translate when I go back to 90th percentile. Looking into proper form..... I do NOT get hips to knee level or below, slightly up. Don't know if I need to start from scratch and start going lower. What I consider deep squats apparently is where I need to be at all times. Any thoughts :?:

Back strength has improved dramatically. Want to start running again but unsure what distance will do to weight. DL haven't gone heavy for quite awhile 11/24 403x3. Should be better....

This run is an experiment with load and recovery sets. Posts will be here but not daily. Documenting above is more for my records than your benifit but reading everyone elses logs it seems you are all kickin ass. Keep up the good work and good luck guys. It's getting crowded in here....

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:13 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, that's a great overview and proof positive of how far you've come in such a short period of time. For an advanced trainer, this is truly outstanding. I shake my head at these squat/rep figures...

Now on your squats, it sounds like you're a hamstring strong squatter. If your hips aren't getting quite as low as you'd like I'd bet you squat back vs. down. This is NOT a bad thing. Not at all. Most guys are quad dominant and need to work on sitting back.

Typically, the fix for that is sitting back onto a box. You might consider the opposite wherein you use a box, but sit down to a pre-determined height and concentrate on exploding up. You could do the same on a hip belt minus the box, rigging it up such that it's a straight up and down motion where the weight briefly touches the floor with at a point where the hips are lower.

Either way great job. The back strength #'s and corresponding jump really are something. I'd be curious to know how much of that is lower/mid back vs. upper because when you squat back, you have to have a strong lower back/abs to transfer to power back up through the legs to the upper body and ultimately the bar to ensure the lift is completed.

Nice going..

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:19 pm
by dracotdrgn
I ate a lot, and a lot of dead red meat. Besides giving my digestive system a jolt and tearin me up somehow I weighed in at 225 today after being down to 220 on Friday. Strength wasn't 100% but felt pretty good today.

Set up a short chair for squats, a good 4 inches or so below where I was stopping before but keeping my legs parallel to the floor. WOW those four inches are a lot.. Now we do have a hip belt that I use for weighted dips and pulls, it just looks akward using that for squats without the pin..... We'll see

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:08 pm
by RobRegish
Good going man.

Sounds nice on the rebounding weight! Red meat does it for me too... every time.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:30 pm
by Hank!
"I ate a lot, and a lot of dead red meat. Besides giving my digestive system a jolt and tearin me up somehow "

I hear that some fresh papaya (or juice ) can really help with that . The taste is mild, sweet not unpleasant at all. Check it out ... 56653.html

Its encouraging to see your progress, very inspirational thanks


Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:36 am
by dracotdrgn
End of week one weight=227
PR 700# rack pull

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:01 am
by RobRegish

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:00 am
by Hank!
700lbs Holy Shit

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:38 am
wow awesome Drac!!

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:59 pm
by dracotdrgn
Oh yeah, and I can feel every pound this morning in my back and traps...

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:36 pm
by dracotdrgn
It's been very busy in here so I haven't been posting. Looks like everyone is doing awesome!
I've been going strong into my fourth week now and have high expectations. Week four has been "the week" on my last two runs. It's been nice getting back to heavy weights. No real PR's yet other than my 725lb rack pull and a static hold on the sled with 900 + sled weight for one leg at a time. We'll see what the next couple of weeks bring......

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 4:55 pm
Good to see ya back Draco... let us know when you do hit some new PR's..