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Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:11 pm
by matter2003
Ok, really pushed it today especially considering I was squatting almost 400 lbs..finished in 35 minutes, squats were flying up with no issues...really feeling good eating the way I am eating right now...3800 calories are a little rough to get down sometimes for me, but my body seems to be responding well to it...

GLP II Squats: 399 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(20 reps/7,980 lbs)
-banged out reps, ass to the ground, 2-3 minutes rest between sets

20 Minute EDT Block:

DB Squat/Push/Press(35 lb): 5Rx16/4Rx1(84 reps/2,940 lbs)
-increase of 4 reps and 140 lbs

DB Swings(60 lb): 5Rx17(85 reps/5,100 lbs)
-increase of 5 reps and 300 lbs

EDT Reps: 169 reps(+9 reps)
EDT Weight: 8,040 lbs(+440 lbs)
-Very happy with progress here, likely could have squeezed in one more set if I really really pushed it, but I am definitely starting to really push the envelope on conditioning...

Total Workout Time: 35 minutes!
Total Reps: 189 reps(+9 reps!)
Total Weight: 16,020 lbs!!(+1,440 lbs)
Weight Per Minute: 457.71 lbs!(+41.14 lbs/minute!)
Weight Per Rep: 84.76 lbs(+3.76 lbs/rep!)

-big increases on virtually everything here! Very happy with this workout and how good I felt overall...farmer's walks tomorrow morning(ugggggh!!!), before an off day saturday...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:56 pm
by matter2003
Farmer's Walks this morning with 35 lb DB's for 30 minutes. This is probably my least favorite day as my arms, traps and delts feel shot after this, especially after doing the DB squat/push/press and DB Swings the night before...

Delts just feel wrecked after this, sore to the point they just ache for a few hours afterwards...

Still getting strange looks from the old people at the gym wondering what I am doing...hahaha

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:06 pm
by matter2003
Went out last night and had way too much to drink(probably 7 or 8 total). Got propositioned once by a lesbian couple trying to take me home and once by a girl telling me her friend wants to basically F**k me tonite. Of course my good side won out and I went home to the family...this shit is getting rough having to deal with turning down easy lays...lesbian couple I don't think I could do anyway...even though they were lipstick lesbians..what a waste...

Made sure I hydrated very well today, before going to gym to do some cleans and pushup/chinup EDT block.

Cleans: 95 x 5/115 x 3/135 x 1/145 x 1/155 fail
-was attempting to get to a 1 rep max of 155 but couldn't get it...still did 145 pretty easy and that was the most I have done so far by 10 lbs...

20 minute EDT Block:

Chinups: 5Rx2/4Rx3/3Rx11/2Rx3(61 reps)
-beat last week by 6 reps

Decline Pushups: 5Rx19(95 reps)
-beat last week by 7 reps

So even though I was less than optimal shape today, I still set a new 1 RM in the clean, likely would have gotten 155 if I was in better shape...and also did 13 more reps in the EDT Block, with much much less tiredness. Barely noticed me breathing heavy at all, so my conditioning really is starting to get a lot better...

Tomorrow have high rep Deads before a day off Tuesday

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:42 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Went out last night and had way too much to drink(probably 7 or 8 total). Got propositioned once by a lesbian couple trying to take me home and once by a girl telling me her friend wants to basically F**k me tonite. Of course my good side won out and I went home to the family...this shit is getting rough having to deal with turning down easy lays...lesbian couple I don't think I could do anyway...even though they were lipstick lesbians..what a waste...

Made sure I hydrated very well today, before going to gym to do some cleans and pushup/chinup EDT block.

Cleans: 95 x 5/115 x 3/135 x 1/145 x 1/155 fail
-was attempting to get to a 1 rep max of 155 but couldn't get it...still did 145 pretty easy and that was the most I have done so far by 10 lbs...

20 minute EDT Block:

Chinups: 5Rx2/4Rx3/3Rx11/2Rx3(61 reps)
-beat last week by 6 reps

Decline Pushups: 5Rx19(95 reps)
-beat last week by 7 reps

So even though I was less than optimal shape today, I still set a new 1 RM in the clean, likely would have gotten 155 if I was in better shape...and also did 13 more reps in the EDT Block, with much much less tiredness. Barely noticed me breathing heavy at all, so my conditioning really is starting to get a lot better...

Tomorrow have high rep Deads before a day off Tuesday
WOW! A 13 rep increase and better conditioning to boot? Congrats!

Also, please feel free to pass along my phone #/contact info. to these ladies you're having to turn down. I can use the help... :)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:45 am
by beefcake66
fyi, real lesbians wouldn't take you home. They're frontin. They're either bi or at least one likes guys.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:06 pm
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:fyi, real lesbians wouldn't take you home. They're frontin. They're either bi or at least one likes guys.
Perhaps one was bi, but the exchange went something like this:

Me walking into the bar with my friend and up to the bar to order a drink, I hear giggling and talking between 2 women, then 5 seconds later before I had even received my drink:

L1: "You smell sooooo delicious and you look even better than you smell...."
Eric:(whispering in my ear) "Already dude???"
Me: "Well are you going to buy me a drink or should I just take my shirt off?"
L1: "I'll buy you a drink"
L2: "No, Take your shirt off"
L1: "We can never agree on anything!"
L1: "Whats your name?"
Me: "Matt and this is my friend Eric."
L1: "Nice to meet you, I'm B***** and this is L**"
Me: "So how do you guys know each other?"
L1/L2: "We're married!" <showing off their rings>
Me: "Oh...OK, cool..."
Eric whispering in my ear: "Did I just hear them say they were married?"
Me: "Yeah..."
L1: "So Matt, we are getting ready to go home in a little bit, if you want your drink you can have it there..."
L2: "He's not getting anything til he takes his shirt off for us..."
Me: "It was nice meeting you two, we gotta go..."
<Quick exit stage door left...>

Maybe in my wilder days I would have went for it, but I am a little more tame now...didn't really see leaving my friend 10 minutes after we had arrived either, that would have been pretty shady of me...

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:09 pm
by matter2003
High rep DL's today, and I used a regular barbell instead of the Smith Machine, which made them a little more difficult...

DL's: 225 x 12/245 x 12/265 x 12 x 12 x 10
-265 for reps with a normal barbell was much tougher than 315 on the Smith Machine...

Will likely continue doing barbell deads from now on...

Off day tomorrow...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:32 am
by beefcake66
Interesting exchange hahaha. I wasn't meaning to knock on you or anything, stuff like that sketches me out bad. If a gay boy couple tried to pick me up I'd be thinking con artists or something wacky.

is gay marriage even allowed in your state?? It gets so confusing following the news lol

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:13 am
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:Interesting exchange hahaha. I wasn't meaning to knock on you or anything, stuff like that sketches me out bad. If a gay boy couple tried to pick me up I'd be thinking con artists or something wacky.

is gay marriage even allowed in your state?? It gets so confusing following the news lol
No biggie, I was just really caught off guard by the fact I had just walked in there and hadn't even had a chance to get my drink yet when it happened...guess the old adage to be ready for anything applies there...

I should have told her she needs to be careful cause I would turn her straight...hahahaha

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:18 am
by matter2003
Weighed in at 206.2 lbs this morning...actually did a 24 hour fast yesterday, which I have kind of been missing, so I think I'm gonna throw one in on Tuesdays each week, but maintain my calories the rest of the week...

Got GLP II Decline today along with weighted dips/one arm rows...

hoping to break the 100 barrier on something in these EDT Blocks in the new few real close with pushups Sunday as I hit 95...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:59 pm
by beefcake66
matter2003 wrote:I should have told her she needs to be careful cause I would turn her straight...hahahaha
Totally do this next time :D

Best of luck with the workout!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:23 pm
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I should have told her she needs to be careful cause I would turn her straight...hahahaha
Totally do this next time :D

Best of luck with the workout!


I have no idea why, but most women I meet love it when you make fun of them---it must flip some sort of switch in the female mind, and then they actually end up picking me up without me hardly doing anything other than making fun of them...

Can you shed any light on that one beefcake?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:16 pm
by matter2003
Felt pretty good today, although for some reason 210 on the decline felt heavy on the first set, but all the reps were pretty easy.

GLP II Decline: 210 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6(24 reps/5,040 lbs)

20 Minute EDT Block:

Weighted Dips(30lb DB):5Rx6/4Rx5/3Rx4/2Rx1(64 reps/1,920 lbs)
- +16 reps from last week!!! and +13!! reps from last time I declined same weight as this week
1 Arm DB Rows(70lb DB): 5Rx16(80 reps/5,600 lbs)
- +5 reps from last week!!! and +10 reps from last time I declined the same weight as this week!!!

EDT Weight: 7,520 lbs(+830 lbs from last week)
EDT Reps: 144 reps(+21 reps from last week)

-destroyed previous totals in both categories!! Think its time for upping the weight! Clearly conditioning is getting much better as I am doing both more sets and more reps...breathing is not as heavy although sweat still pours off my face and drips into a puddle on the carpet and my shirt is soaked by the time I am done...

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes
Total Reps: 168 reps
Total Weight: 12,560 lbs
Weight Per Minute: 279.11 lbs
Weight Per Rep: 74.76

** increase of 25 reps, 1,070 lbs, 49.31 lbs/minute, decrease of 5 minutes total time

** decrease of 5.59 lbs/rep although to be fair the more EDT reps you get in the lower this number will be since it is relatively lighter weight versus a heavy compound lift...

Overall, pretty happy with where I am, especially with my conditioning level really improving drastically over the past few weeks while doing this...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:48 pm
by beefcake66
matter2003 wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I should have told her she needs to be careful cause I would turn her straight...hahahaha
Totally do this next time :D

Best of luck with the workout!


I have no idea why, but most women I meet love it when you make fun of them---it must flip some sort of switch in the female mind, and then they actually end up picking me up without me hardly doing anything other than making fun of them...

Can you shed any light on that one beefcake?

... i dunno, either they think youre joking, or just really confident? ... most girls i know dont like being made fun of haha... weird brand where you're from :p