Big.Jaz is back at it - Blueprint+Smolov!

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Post by JML2011 »

I wont lie... Im quite excited for your Sheiko..

37 looks like a great run!

I went through the spreadsheet and put in a total sets column on the workouts for each exercise :)

P.S- Can we get a video of these massive good mornings? Would love to see the Big.Jaz in morning action :)
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

haha let me find you one

here's 245x3
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Post by dropthebeats »

Hey Big.Jaz,

That Sheiko 37 plan looks awesome. I've never heard of that before. Also, great job on your squat PR.

I had a request for you. I've never used lifting straps before. I got a pair for Christmas, but I'm can't really get the hang of them. They might be a little to stiff. What kind of straps do you use? I was wondering if you could put a video up of how to use them properly. It would help me out a ton.

Thanks a lot,

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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Heya Ben, I'll try to throw together a little how-to on how to use them

they are gonna be stiff for the first several months you use them - i've had mine for 3 or 4 years now so they've finally started to wear in ;)
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Post by Hank! »


Just read an article about a movement the author calls the "metabolic swing"
I do believe it is the same movement as you've shown above which i think is a good morning right?

Anyhow, I just started the basic movement to help me maintain lower back mobility and now that I have seen your vid I have a better idea how to move.

I am impressed with your form once again. (not your physical form which is nice too if your into that., i digress) ... olic_swing

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Post by RobRegish »

Good lord Hank, he's already doing Smolov.

At some point we need to stop feeding Frankenstein here!! :)
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

interesting article there Hank, that looks very much like a good morning. Its surprising to me that T-nation would have a different name for it. Perhaps to take credit? who knows
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Post by Hank! »

I am living vicariously through big jaz

Rob you got the multiple personality thing going..let me have something sheesh
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Hank! wrote:I am living vicariously through big jaz

Rob you got the multiple personality thing going..let me have something sheesh
Ah to be over 30
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Sheiko #37 Day 2

Today's workout was EARLY. Earliest I've ever worked out, in fact. (this means I was in the gym by 7:00 - and i hated every minute of it)

all my joints hurt, i wasn't loose at all. NOT A FAN of morning workouts - whatsoever. Hit all my weights though, so that's what matters.

workout was as follows;


Incline DB Press:


Deads from Box:

Video For the day

what's a video?
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:I am living vicariously through big jaz

Rob you got the multiple personality thing going..let me have something sheesh
OK man, you have something there...

In other news....I've found the solution for Acute Rhabdomyolysis!! It's called "Planet Fitness" and the "judgment free zone" they have there.

I found this out yesterday, given I was "spoken to" about working too hard.

Presto, there's the fix!!!
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Post by dropthebeats »

RobRegish wrote:
In other news....I've found the solution for Acute Rhabdomyolysis!! It's called "Planet Fitness" and the "judgment free zone" they have there.
While you're there you should take advantage of their basket of bagels and bowls of tootsie rolls. Also, don't miss the weekly pizza party.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Rob regish working out at planet fitness

what has the world come to.
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Post by RobRegish »

Big.jazayrli wrote:Rob regish working out at planet fitness

what has the world come to.
Funny story.

I befriended a guy who works there and told him (joking);

"Listen, if people want results they need to be judged - Harshly."

He got it... :)
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