Beachpirate's 2nd run... again

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Post by beachpirate »

I arrived at the gym about an hour earlier than usual to find it packed with people. I guess all this rain we are having kept everyone inside. I had trouble again with EDTs so I just decided to lift and not worry about them today. I still had a pretty good workout.

I have also decided to give tbol trib a try again since I still have it at home. I will be dosing it at half the recommended dosage to see how I respond. I seemed to be a bit sensitive to it when I tried it last time at 6 pills/day. If I do ok with it I will consider Adaptogen N with my next purchase.

GLP #4
Bench superset with Dumbell Pullovers
135x10 85x6
195x8 85x6
210x6 85x4
225x4 85x4
260x2 with spot on 2nd rep

Incline DB Press

Life Fitness Chess Press

EDT Block 15 mins
Tricep Extension superset with Standing EZ Curl
70x8 70x8
70x8 70x8
70x8 70x8
85x7 70x8
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Post by RobRegish »

Solid work, as always.

OK now remember, GLP 5 is the de-load and NO 6th set. Just the 5 specified. Keep on truckin' man. I have a good feeling about this run. Just manage your recovery days properly and nail those PR's :)
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Post by beachpirate »

Today was a good and bad day in the gym. My lower back started hurting me almost 2 weeks ago after my back day and it has been feeling pretty good over the past few days some soreness if I overdo it but usually stops hurting pretty quickly with rest. Well, today was my 4th week GLP I and I was ready for the heavy lifts. Mentally and physically I was ready, so I thought. I did some stretching and felt some tightness inmy lower back but no real pain so I loaded 135 on the bar and began to stretch out the legs alittle more and then hit my first set at 185, no problem. the rest to follow after my routine.

GLP #4

Without running the numbers yourself you might not realize what just happened. After my first lift I screwed up the weights and did not realize until I hit my last set. They should have been, starting with the second set, 265, 285, 310, 330, 355. I overshot my numbers a bit. I felt pretty good until the last set this is where the bad comes in. As I unloaded the bar from the pins and began the squat, my back began to hurt again, a fatigued feeling, nothing sharp. As I completed the 2nd rep I knew this wasn't a good feeling and decided to forego the EDT sessions planned for the day. Bending over to pickup my notebook proved to be a chore so I called it a day to go home and ice my back. I will be taking it easy until monday when I hit chest again.

On a positive note, 365 was my 1RM that this run is based on.
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Post by RobRegish »

Holy smokes.

Good and bad I suppose. Not sure where to go from here. In one workout though, you doubled your prior 1RM.

Way to go! I guess.. Things like this happen. Re-evaluate that back in a few days and let me know.
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Post by beachpirate »

I'm pretty sore today. I could hardly get out of bed. I'm canceling all my plans and taking it eazy. Lots of ice and heat today
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Post by RobRegish »

Smart move. Sorry to hear it but you're doing the right thing Beach. You will live to fight another day.

PM me please on your back diagnosis. Few questions for you..
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