JlCh Log - 1st Run, better late than never!

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Post by JlCh »

In HS I saw strength gains while doing a lot more than just floor hockey (2 wrestling practices) for around 6 hours of pretty high intensity cardio (every mon/wed; friday was 4 hours). I definitely didn't put on much size though, so I guess we'll see how it goes. Any thoughts on an intra drink? Or just aminos/carbs?
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Post by RobRegish »

BCAA's and fast acting carbs are fine. No need to get too fancy. I like Pure Karbolyn and MassPro Amino with a scoop of MassPro.

Those are for weight workouts though. Your mileage may vary..
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Post by JlCh »

K, I'll just play around with meals prior ect.

GLP Bench Press Workout 2:

Benchpress: 130x10, 160x8, 175x6, 190x6, 205x6, 220x6 -- Got a spotter, but nailed all reps

EDT (16 minutes):
Incline Dumbell Press: 70x6x6x6x6x6x3 (33) <-- 22% increase from last workout
Dumbell Pullovers: 70x6x6x6x6x6x4 (34) <-- ~26% increase from last workout

Bent over Barbell Rows: 135x8, 145x8, 155x8

Bench press static hold: 245x10 seconds, 265x10 seconds

Over all good workout. I tried doing 265 SH and was too much to start off with without warming up to it (repped 220, but 265 was too big of a jump). Live and learn I suppose. Will definitely warm up a bit before doing them so the shock isn't so big.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

Nailing all reps is a FINE place to be. You're really doing it justice man. And yeah, live and learn. It's all part of the experience. Just think how good your 2nd BP run will be!
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Post by JlCh »

Haha yea, that last rep of 220 was right on the edge of failing to need help, but it slowly went up lol.

And I've already been contemplating my 2nd run. Honestly, my diet is pretty lax and I'm not taking any adaptogens -- so the thought of hitting it as hard as I can the 2nd run is lingering. Don't get me wrong, I'm still above maintenance and a decent protein intake, but I feel I could be doing a better job (maybe I'll always think that? :P) with my diet. We'll see as the time goes.

Also, is working out 5x a week frowned upon in the BP? Or are strength gains just more optimal on a 2-3 day/week split? Kind of curious, as I miss my 5x a week (even if working out 3 times a week is better for gains).
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Post by RobRegish »

Working out 5 days/week is a very, very dicey proposition. Much dicier as time marches on.

As you grow stronger (and you will), you'll lift more weight for more reps. The stresses grow exponentially on the body and additional recovery time is needed for the body to adapt and grow larger/stronger.

If you doubt this, simply try this experiment. Squat your best weight for a set of 5 on Monday. Now try doing that every single day therafter with the same weight. I'll be surprised if you make it until Friday. If your brain doesn't stop you your body will through injury, adrenal burnout or sickness.

There's a clue there...
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Post by JlCh »

Well, that's stressing your body in the same way day in and day out. Does it not make a difference if you're hitting different muscles?
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Post by JlCh »

GLP Squat workout #3

Squat: 155x10, 205x8, 225x6, 245x4, 265x4 (last rep was between full/half ROM)
Smith Machine: 285x4

EDT (18 min):
Leg Press: 395x6x6x6x6x6x10 (40)
SLDL: 205x6x6x6x6x6x8 (38)

Had a bathroom break after 5th set so I had an extra min rest or so and busted out more reps on the 6th set. Will up the weight next time around. Also spaced of SH for abs. I put away all of my weights and a couple of people left weights on the bench press ect and since it's only girls (older) that work there I put it all away for them and spaced off the rest of my workout. As for the smith machine squats, I almost failed on that last 265 rep, so decided to go over to the smith machine to be safe (not to mention there's mirrors around the squat rack).

Over all was a decent workout, although my lower back is still cramping up. Will prob hit up the chiropractor in a couple weeks once I get a little extra $$ (bills, bills, and more bills).

Edit: Also I get a pretty sharp pain in my left shoulder while doing squats. I feel there's something awry when my shoulder hurts more during squats than bench press. Any idea what's up? Not sure if it's the shoulder itself or something around my trap/neck.
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Post by RobRegish »

It does/doesn't make a difference. It does insofar as the muscles that rest aren't getting hammered again. Your adrenals etc, do still get hammered, lactic acid continues to accumulate etc. Just trust me on that one.. :)

Great workout! Looks like it anyway. The cramping issue I'd bet is just that... cramping when holding the bar in the same position under load. Do take care to make sure you're gettting your minerals, hydrated etc.. Taurine here can make a difference, and it's found as ingredient #1 I believe in Burn It Up.

Otherwise, potassium, sodium, magnesium etc should be checked. This stuff is technically "minor" but it DOES make a difference.

Hopet that helps!
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Post by JlCh »

The cramping issue has been around for years. I hurt it back in high school and was always very active back then. But as soon as I stopped it seemed to not be able to hold up too well. I was to the point where it would hurt, but only for a short amount of time and would loosen back up. Now it's back to constantly aching while standing/lifting things.

Also, the shoulder has always had a cramping sensation on the heavy lifting part of squats. It's only the left shoulder and it's a rather sharp pain in that area.

Edit: Water intake is fine, but minerals may be a bit low.
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Post by JlCh »

Well, I forgot to write down my #'s for today's workout. I texted my friend that's also on the BP to get me the #'s/%'s for the 3rd workout but he texted me the wrong amount of reps for the last set of bench.

GLP Bench Press w/o #3:
135x10, 170x8, 190x6, 205x4, 220x4, 235x3 <-- Thought I had to do 1 rep, but had to do 4 -- completely diff mind game :(.

EDT(18 min):
Incline DB Press: 75x6x6x6x6x5x4 (33)
DB Pullovers: 75x6x6x6x6x6x5 (35)

Bent over BB rows:

Bench press Static Hold
255x12 seconds
270x10 seconds

The last set is a bit of a let down on BP. I was thinking I did 2 more reps than I needed but actually did 1 less. Oh well I guess.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, that's too bad on the rep mix up.

Possible to repeat this one? I have concerns about not getting the # of reps needed and being that far off. Not your fault....
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Post by JlCh »

I think it'll be ok. I'll hit the next workout even harder. The low reps allowed me to hit incline db press nicely, so I think it evens out a bit.
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Post by RobRegish »

Hope so. Keep me posted!
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