The_buffer's BP #1

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The_buffer's BP #1

Post by the_buffer »


The most recent gaining program I was on was actually working pretty well (until this past week) and I didn't have much interest in changing it.

I then started to notice a lot of rave reviews about blueprint and about certain ecdy products.

I actually tried an ecdy product many years ago when they first started hitting the american market and since it did nothing for me, I figured all ecdy must be crap.

All the same, I found a promotion for e-bol/tbol trib/cbol creatine and decided to give it a try. But since I was investing money in that I figured it was only logical to invest a few more bucks into BP to get the most out of the supplements.

I was originally planning to hold off another week until starting BP, but this past week was a pretty big failure and I determined that using this week to kick off BP as well as take off some of the fat I put on the last few weeks would be win-win.

Starting stats:
Height: 5'8
weight: 152
fat%: 23

Bench Pess: 204
Squat: 312
Deadlift: 315

This being my famine phase I'll be keeping supplements to a minimum, except perhaps some 5-htp when I feel the need and maybe some psyllium to clean the pipes.

I always find I perform best when the stakes are high, so this is what they are for this run...

This Christmas my siblings and I thought it would be fun to re-make a film we made about 16 years ago called "batboy". In the film I played Mr. Freeze, so I will be back in this role for the remake. Since the only person to perform Mr. Freeze on film was Arnold something or other, I want to at least look somewhat like a bodybuilder. I should have time between now and Christmas to do BP and still have time for a cutting cycle.
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Post by RobRegish »

In for this and you're off to a great start already.. JUST focusing on Famine. And it all looks good.

In for this and very excited for you. Right here if you need me!
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Post by Muoio117 »

Good luck with this. Get through the first five days and then you can eat. I can't personally vouch for BP's effectiveness on my own physique yet (just started feast yesterday), but my friend has seen some very noticeable results. I'm sure it'll be good.
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Post by the_buffer »

Thanks guys!

I've done some fairly extreme diets in the past so I'm sure I'll get through it, but you're right... this is pretty tough psychologically!

And why is it that every time I start dieting my wife gets into cake baking????
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Post by the_buffer »

Today I did the second workout for the famine phase.

Not sure if it's the fact that I haven't eaten in a couple days, the volume of the workouts or a combination of both, but I wasn't able to push nearly what I usually can.
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Post by pmartinez78 »

yes, it's do to your current diet. that's how it is for everyone.
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Post by RobRegish »

Right on schedule and completely normal. NOBODY lifts heavier during famine. You're lowering the cals, lowering the rest periods and upping the workload. The stresses are magnified exponentially and it's by design.

For with no stress to adapt to, adaptogens perform sub-optimally. Thus, the Famine. Heed the warnings in other sections too about workout #3.

Health first!
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Post by the_buffer »

ya, I am both dreading and anticipating the third workout.

It's getting cooky...

I'm trying to spend most of my free time either reading or writing to try to keep my mind off the fact that I'm so hungry. Reading BP really helps because it helps me keep in mind why I'm doing what I'm doing.

I was thinking of doing cardio today but I don't know, I'm so completely depleted of energy I'm not sure that I'll would have much left to give after work.

Hey Rob... Should I be avoiding startchy carbs? I had a small bowl of oatmeal this morning and it felt almost like cheating.
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Post by thepaul7 »

We started our BP around the same time, (my second famine workout is tomorrow) so I will be checking in here to compare notes.

Good luck!
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Post by RobRegish »

Fiberous carbs are what you want. They keep you fuller, longer.

Adding things like benfiber to drinks, even water helps too. Biggest tip is the one you've already found; staying busy.

Lastly, try to remember when feeling hunger pangs this is a sign you're doing it RIGHT! That's part of the stress we're imposing. The "alarm" signal to your brain/body is registering.

So you are right where you need to be, and Feast is right around the corner!
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Post by the_buffer »

Day 4: I weighted myself this morning for a laugh. I've lost 4 pounds since starting the famine, and I'm down about 3% bodyfat, so that's a nice little perk.

Today I'm going to do my final weight training for the famine phase. I did actually do some cardio last night. I feel as though I'm wasting away.
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Post by RobRegish »

Take care man. Health first, always.

It's humbling but many have done it. Even if you don't and call it a day...sounds like you're there based upon BW loss alone.
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Post by the_buffer »

I did my last weight training day (for the famine), wow, that was a tough one, and I felt like a complete weakling. All for the greater good.

I actually did really well on my "diet" though, not eating anything until late afternoon.

just one more day to go.
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome Buffer. Just heed the warnings up everywhere about workout #3. Health first!

You're doing a great job BTW. Your contributions here are awe inspiring (I'll go into further detail for the rest of you guys later).

PM me if further guidance is needed. Great Famine so far!
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