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Post by BrainSquirt »

Cycle 5 Phase 1 Day 2 Tue. 12/15/09

Diet: Breakfast 1 mexican CocaCola – I kid you not! :!:
Snack: 5 Hershey kisses
Lunch: about 20 feet of fettuccine with parmesan and a little bit of olive oil
Dinner: small bowl Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream – I kid you not :!:
…Looks like a prescription for blowing up the CNS to me :twisted:

Sipped and drank a lot of water (with about 10% cherry juice for taste) all day to allay hunger
Also did a half scoop of MASS berry in the water and a tsp cod liver oil after workout.

Workout: ~ 5 PM ~ 20 minutes.
40 second wide open sprints with walk/jog rests in between for HRV.
Fast inverted (60 degree) situps
Fast Nautilus assisted (by ~10% of BW ) fairly wide reach pull-ups

State: Resting heart rate this am – still no significant change.

Diet will be back healthier again on Wed. Greens, carrots, etc juicing.
Will push it just past minor soreness next workout in legs arms and chest.
Something feels a little different this famine… thinking it’s the season or a personal cycle of something… don’t know... can't put my finger on it. CNS feels good so far...
Awakened at around 2 am and it took quite a while to go back to sleep.
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Post by RobRegish »

Man, you are one interesting cat. I love logging in and seeing your updates. You just never know what you'll find in the latest Brain post!

Good work so far. And yeah, I've noticed something about my training "changing" right around the time it got VERY cold.

Blueprint 2.0 (currently being PDF'd) may have uncovered why. As part of my supplement updates recommendations, I zeroed in on Vitamin D and am now recommending it with Ecdy. There is some VERY strong evidence D3 and Ecdy are synergistic/complimentary. In particular, Vitamin D alone pretty dramatically increased workload capacity/performance during times of borderline deficiency. Like right now where sunlight isn't abundant...

Be on the lookout. Blueprint 2.0 and Blueprint Periodic are on the way! Current customers will of course, receive their updates for FREE!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Something feels a little different this famine… thinking it’s the season or a personal cycle of something… don’t know... can't put my finger on it. CNS feels good so far...

It's the Mexicola/hersey kisses :)

Awakened at around 2 am and it took quite a while to go back to sleep.

Likely a precursor to day 3, when the stresses have built to the point where it flips your resting heart rate. Keep us posted..
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Cycle 5 Phase 1 Day 3 Wed. 12/16/09

Diet: Breakfast Small MASS drink with a little maple syrup, touch of palm oil, supplements.
Snack: 7 raw almonds and later ¼ a banana.
Lunch: Tiny bowl of turkey chili … spicey but no toppings.
Dinner: serving of broccoli sautéed with ginger in toasted sesame oil. MASS peri - workout drink also part of dinner. Didn't juice as planned

Not as much water today.

Workout: ~ 6 PM ~ 30 minutes.
Basically same format as Monday – reps to form starting to break down, even shorter rests, do it again…
Widened and changed angles to try to get some soreness to develop.

State: Resting heart rate this am increased by 2. Will need to start testing it throughout the day and night.

Comments: Getting there but not sure how on schedule I am for Fri. ‘arrival’ . Definitely hungry – but not miserable…

Good tip on Vit D, Rob. I've bumped intake up for our whole family this winter. Will look at doing 3000 daily to complement KA this feast
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Post by RobRegish »

Great update Brain. Day 3 is indeed my bellweather..

And just as I expected, it's starting (via the increased heart-rate)
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Cycle 5 Phase 1 Day 4 Thu. 12/17/09
Breakfast: None
Snack: None
Lunch: None
Early dinner: Fresh vegetable juice
Post Workout: ¼ scoop MASS
Christmas party in PM. Dropped in and had 2 drinks – not sure that meets standards for ‘BP famine partying’ … :twisted:
Had no food - very tempted, but figured hey I’ve come this far…

Hardly any water in AM. Hydrated almost adequately post workout

Workout: ~ 4 PM ~ 50 minutes. Full joint mobility for warmup and then 5 mile run at just sub 8 minute miles with many layers of clothes to induce sweating. Long distance aerobics seems to get me depleted more than lifting...

State: Resting heart rate is moving up now… Misery is too. Pretty wiped out…

Did not wake up sore. Seriously - don’t know what I would have to do to really get ‘sore’ at this point. It would require some really stupid overtraining…
The hunger is different this time too ?? It’s like more ‘energy’ is stored and apportioned for maintaining body, heat etc.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Cycle 5 Phase 1 Day 5 Fri. 12/18/09

Breakfast: A few almonds.
Snack: Half a banana
Lunch: None
Dinner: Don’t know yet… net for day should be about 800 calories.
Peri Workout: MASS berries and cream

Hydrating all day

Workout: Plan ~ 5 PM ~ 20 minutes. Don’t know yet… I’m pretty “there”.

State: Resting heart rate ‘there’ this morning.

I hate Rob Regish
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Post by askmass »

BrainSquirt wrote: Comments:
I hate Rob Regish
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha. Yes, it took you 5 days though. Most have these feelings by day 3 :)

Glad you're "there". I knew you would be...
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Cycle 5 Phase 2 Day 4 Tue. 12/22/09

Had my first Feast workout last night (Monday). Struggled some at first, but once I got warmed up the tons started to flow much more cleanly. Got a good start Sat AM with loads of carbs and loads of protein. … Sunday pounding carbs am and lots of good red meat in PM

Notes on this Feast’s Protocols
After a lot of thought, I decided to do a 4 day rotation.
Day 1:train heavy for legs triceps and chest and do limited loaded stretches and other ‘compensation’ after the heavy workout is completed.
Day 2: completely off except for AM full joint mobility work.
Day 3: an easy ‘pull’ workout for back, biceps, etc. dropped in the middle for balance.
Day 4: limited heart rate variability work. limited core work.

Full joint mobility work everyday especially pre workout .

Goal is ~10 - 15 quality pounds to legs arms and chest.

Diet also oriented to the four day cycle but more 2 on 2 off.
2 on: Pile on the protein and carbs on workout days (and pile on the KA and bcaa’s etc too.)
2 off: Trim back slightly on day 2 and 4… not much difference in calories (especially first couple of weeks)
- basically less bowls and bowls of oatmeal, Mass Berries and cream, and oils plus stuff
- instead more nuts, berries, meats, and vegetables.
(Exception: We’ll be home for Christmas so I hope to fit in a pecan pie, a big plate of (salty) smoked salmon, and a great heavy workout on Christmas afternoon in between visits. then go pig out some more…)

Supps: Days 1 and 3 Heavy on the BCAA’s preworkouts. Heavy on the KA post workouts. Lighter on the creatine. AdaptagenN only if needed. etc etc
Days 2 and 4 3 No BCAA’s loading. Lighter dose on the KA pm dosing. Up dose on the creatine and hydration. AdaptagenN only if needed etc etc
Ordered some Burn It Up but doubt I will use it much…

Hope you all have wonderful holidays!!!
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Post by BrainSquirt »

RobRegish wrote:Ha ha. Yes, it took you 5 days though. Most have these feelings by day 3 :)
To be accurate, I was 'there' the 4th day but kept fasting to make sure pathways got depleted...
However, the hunger was certainly 'different' this time - wonder why?
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Post by RobRegish »

That's a well thought out workout Brain. You seem to be spiking out a workout to accentuate the loaded stretches. I'd be curious to know how you do with that.

I also like the intensity rotation, probably due to your unique sense of recovery from said pairings. You're refining, which is what Blueprint is all about.

With regard to the hunger difference this time around in Famine... I'm convinced it's the time of year. Just haven't put my finger on whether or not it's Vitamin D levels or something else.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Yes, I'm excited about trying out the
no intensity day
low intensity day
medium intensity day
high intensity day

To clarify
the 'pull' (low intensity) day (day 3 in list above) is very mellow
compared to the real lift day. It accomplishes still lifting every other day but also still resting a lot and gapping sufficiently between 'real' workouts.

Now that you mention it, that day could be seen as extending the 'loaded stretches' and I will see about scheduling exercises that build on that. Thanks.

The hardest day to balance will be the medium intensity day. I need to do enough to keep my wind in great shape but not so much as to compromise the lifting gains...

All the best
Happy Holidays to all
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Post by RobRegish »

You too!

Has been a rough go of it lately but so grateful for many blessings in my life... including friends like you guys.

Be safe!
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