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Post by MSR9889 »

ive had problems falling asleep the past 2 nights and have only gotten around 7 hours each night.

i had a tbsp of peanut butter with ebol before breakfast
breakfast was a egg white omelet with broccoli, onions, and cheddar cheese and 2 eggs over hard on a wheat bagel with a slice of american cheese
around 1230 i had a serving of vasolate protein.
had 1 tbsp of peanut butter with ebol around 145
lunch around 220 was a buffalo chicken wrap with romaine, tomato, buffalo sauce, and chipotle and a cookie
dinner around 630 was another wrap
around 930 i had ebol and then some chicken wings and a couple slices of pizza
before bed 1 scoop casein
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Post by RobRegish »

Keep at it MSR. You are doing everything right and the results will follow. Have faith, it's just a matter of finding the right workout for you and I'm confident we'll see your strength coming up shortly..

Spend as much time with your cat as you can. I had 4 at one point and the end came sudden for 1 of them. They are only here for a short time so make the most of it. Appreciate your thoughts on my wife. She and I are still beside ourselves. My son is handling it better, but the questions about where Otis is have already started. He says he loved him "because he's part of our team". We have educated him about the importance of family and Otis loved him with all of his heart.

You may not realize it now but you will when they're gone... they were brought into your life for a purpose. They were sent here to do a job and in fact, they are doing it now for you, even if you are unaware.
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Post by MSR9889 »

i only got about 7 hours of sleep again last night. im having problems falling asleep and staying asleep in the morning.
im putting off the second workout until tomorrow to hopefully get more sleep tonight and also to make sure i study enough for my 2 tests tomorrow.

had a tbsp of peanut butter with ebol before breakfast
breakfast was 2 scoops cnc whey and a bowl of granola with enough almond milk to wet it
lunch was another buffalo chicken wrap
around 430 i had a tbsp of peanut butter with ebol
around 5 another wrap with a cookie
around 9 i had 1/2 of a dominoes cheesy bread, pack of cheese crackers, and a honey bun
around 12 i had another wrap

im going to be up late tonight/all night studying for one of my tests tomorrow so i may have to push my next workout back another day.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK on the sleep issues. Make sure not to take the Ebol too close to bedtime. It does contain a lot of Ginseng so that may be problematic.

Now, on sleep issues:

Most important is getting a routine down. Understand with your schedule though, that may be problematic. Here's what I use when I can't sleep:

Zinc/Magnesium - asparate or picolinate. The common oxide versions found on store shelves are worthless. ZMA if looking for an all in one.

Melatonin 3mg - 1 or two either standalone or in combination with L-theanine. Schiff makes a combo product. I think you can find this at WalMart/Costco etc.

GABA - 2 to 5g on an empty stomach. Start slow as it creeps some people out. It will however, provide very sound, refreshing sleep with a big GH boost to boot! My first stop b/c 1.) You can feel it 2.) It works 3.) More GH. Sold here under Gamma GH.

Diphenhydramine hcl - 25mg. - Antihistamine/allergy relief. Sold as "allergy medicine" at Costco under Kirkland brand.

Doxylamine Succinate 25mg - Sold as "sleep aid" at Costco under Kirkland brand. This is the active in Nyquil that knocks you out.

Phenibut - 500mg to 1 gram. This stuff could zonk a horse so careful with the dose. You may also wake up dizzy. I personally like that.
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Post by MSR9889 »

yea, i have melatonin. and i have been taking my last dose of ebol somewhat late. part of the issue has also been drinking too much water too late, causing me to keep getting up to use the bathroom.
anyways, i was up all night studying and once my tests are done i can hopefully get extra hours in tonight.

i had a protein shake around 5
breakfast was 2 eggs over hard with a slice of american cheese on a toasted wheat bagel and a veggie egg white omelet with 2 slices of cheese as well. i think i took my ebol on an empty stomach before hand, but i honestly dont remember.
ebol and a tbsp peanut butter around 1150
went for another wrap but couldnt eat it. threw it out and had 2 scoops cnc whey.
around 6 i had my ebol and a small cookie
dinner was mac n cheese and a naked burrito
had ebol with a little less than a tbsp of peanut butter around 925
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Post by RobRegish »

Good deal. Keep plugging away. Once the sleep issues are resolved you will see the traction.

Do take care to include higher than normal levels of sodium. You may want to go heavier later in the day (along with more carbohydrates) during this time.

Remember, the suffix is hydrate. For every gram of carb stored, 3 times its weight in water is stored with it. Coupled with the sodium, it should help mitigate those bathroom visits..
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Post by MSR9889 »

today is my last test so the lifting/sleeping issues shouldnt be a problem again.

before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter with ebol
breakfast was 2 scoops cnc whey.
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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:For every gram of carb stored, 3 times its weight in water is stored with it.
That really can't be said often enough.

Key advice there, Rob.
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Post by MSR9889 »

yesterday was a weird day and the food i ate was very untypical of what i normally eat. i cant even remember everything.

before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter and ebol
woke up late today, so breakfast was noodles with shrimp and vegetables and a bbq chicken fillet
lunch was a protein shake with ebol
pwo was 2/3 of a serving ON 2:1:1 with ebol
dinner was boneless wings and a cookie
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Post by RobRegish »

May I ask how many calories you're taking in/day?
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Post by MSR9889 »

great workout today.

Bench- 95 x 15, 170 x 6 with i think a little assistance on the last rep
Pullovers- 65 x 5

Squat- Bar for a few reps, 200 x 5
Stiff Leg Deadlift- 225 x 6

I wasnt able to stand on a stack of plates for the deadlifts because some dumbass told me its not allowed. Ive been doing it for 2 years now and no ones ever said anything to me, and I cant possibly imagine how standing on the weights could be worse than people constantly dropping them during deadlifts and cleans. I hate stupid people.
The 170 x 6 was about what I was doing on bench at my peek a couple months ago. My bench starting declining out of nowhere, so its nice to be back at that point again.
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:May I ask how many calories you're taking in/day?
calories have been above 3000 every day, closer to or maybe above 4000 most days. breakfast between the omelets and eggs is around 600-700 calories and those wraps that ive been eating so many of have to be at least 900 with the cookie, maybe more. some days its been hard because for whatever reason i havent been that hungry lately, which is very unusual because in the past ive typically been hungry every 2-4 hours.
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Post by RobRegish »

"The 170 x 6 was about what I was doing on bench at my peek a couple months ago. My bench starting declining out of nowhere, so its nice to be back at that point again."

Excellent work.

It just keeps getting better from here on out, trust me. You are only a few workouts into Feast and the traction is just starting..

And nice work on the calories, etc.. Diet is such a crucial factor. I won't assign a % as many do, but suffice it to say if you're not providing adequate calories, protein etc. for nitrogen balance you're wasting your time.

As with many lifting related variables, those positives decline with time. However, Blueprint users are well positioned to make hay while the sun is shining. Too many lifters don't understand how to create his state, extend it, milk it for all its worth and repeat. This is what Blueprint strives to accomplish and I'm happy to say...virtually everyone that's given it an honest effort has seen the same.

I expect that you MSR, with your personality traits...will succeed over and over. Please hold onto these. They will serve you well for the rest of your life.

You are engaging in one of the last activities modern man has left where your success isn't dependent upon some outside force. I've said it before and I'll say it again;

You deliver the goods, you reap the rewards.

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Post by MSR9889 »

breakfast today was a shake with 2 scoops whey ebol
lunch was a small chicken wheat wrap and about 1.5 scoops whey.
as a snack i had another 2 scoops whey with ebol
dinner was boneless wings again
as a snack i had some chips
before bed 2 scoops casein and some peanut butter and ebol

i took a long nap midday and the dining hall was closed which is why my meals were mostly shakes. tomorrow might be similar.
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