Beachpirate's 2nd run... again

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Post by beachpirate »

Had another good workout today. I felt pretty good from the beginning. Before hitting the gym, I stopped by SC Barbell to pick up another container of Xtend, Lemonade flavor. I wanted the Lemon Lime but they did not have it. Today was my squat day and when I arrived at the gym the power rack was occupied so I took about 15 mins stretching and warming up my shoulder and had minimal pain while lifting. Still most painful upon releasing the bar after the lifts.

GLP Day2

EDT Block 1, 20 mins
Romainian Deadlifts superset with Leg Press
195x6 360x6
195x6 450x6
195x6 450x6
195x6 450x6
195x6 450x6

EDT Block 2, 20mins
Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Seated Calf Raises
145x6 80x6 100x15
160x6 95x6 100x12
175x6 110x6 100x10
190x6 125x5 100x10
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Post by RobRegish »

Man looks like you nailed just about everything.

That's a lot of good work there. I'm betting you leave the gym feeling pretty spent but pretty good at the same time. I like that feeling...
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Post by beachpirate »

I'm betting you leave the gym feeling pretty spent but pretty good at the same time. I like that feeling...

That day I felt like I had a real workout. Sweaty and my legs were weak and wobbling. It felt GOOD!

I have not been having much in the way of DOMS this run, just some fatigue feeling in the legs and chest so I decided to hit the gym this morning for some back work. I originally had planned to just focus on chest and legs but I am going to include some back work if I continue to feel this good. I did not have anythin in mind or a specific workout so I just went in and lifted here is what I did for starters and next week I will try to coordinate something.

I have not spent much time learning the proper technique for deadlifts so I left them out.

To begin my workout, I did some light rotator work with 5# plates and cables to loosen the shoulders. I spent about 15 mins on this then moved into my back exercises

Lat Pulldowns

Bentover Barbell Rows

Rack Pulls

Static Holds 15 secs
455 I wanted to go up in weight but I was not thinking when I started and left the bar at the same position as my rack pulls so I had to lift the bar from my knees. It wasn't an issue until I had to lift 405 and by then I did not want to unload all the weight just to move the bar up.

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press

I finished the workout with a battery of light shoulder work consisting of front and side lateral raises and a few others I found on shoulder rehab.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks like a fine workout there. Excellent in fact in terms of workload. You mentioned no to little DOMS. Forgive me on this but are you using an Ecdy or some other supp you may attribute this to?
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Post by beachpirate »

I am using Kre-Anabolyn this run. Ebol last run.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very, very interesting. How would you compare the two further?
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Post by beachpirate »

If I were to compare KA to Ebol, I would say at this time, recovery and stamina are the most noticeable. Sleep is good and I can remember some sleepless nights while on Ebol but I don't know if this is attributed to KA. My diet is not as clean this run but it is not terrible. I will be cleaning it up from here on out since I am gaining weight fast. (5# above starting weight since starting feast) I'm hoping it is not all fat, LOL. I am taking 2 KA in the morning and 1 after my workout. I am also using Xtend during my workout as I did on the last run.

I will note that my first BP run, I needed extra recovery time and chose to only lift twice a week. I also did sled dragging twice a week. This run I am lifting 3 times a week, adding back as my third day. I am not having any problems only taking one day off between workouts. I also plan to add in cardio/sled dragging on my off days. Just have not done this yet.

I was back in the gym today and upped the intensity some.

GLP #3
Bench ss with Pullovers
135x10 80x5
175x8 80x5
195x6 80x5
210x4 80x5
225x4 skipped pullovers to conserve energy
240x4 80x5 I called over a spotter for this set and cranked it out easier than the previous one.

EDT Block 1 20 mins
Decline Bench superset with Seated Cable Rows
195x6 70x6
195x6 70x8
195x6 70x8
195x6 70x8
195x6 70x8
195x6 70x8
195x6 70x8 I was able to add an additional set and weight to this block as well as 12 extra reps on seated cable rows.

EDT Block 2 20 mins
Incline Bench superset with Upright Rows
135x6 80x6
135x6 80x6
135x6 80x6
135x6 80x6
135x6 80x6
135x6 80x6 Upright rows caused some sharp shoulder pain although minimal at the time it was noticeable where I have not had any pain while lifting in the last 2 weeks. This is not the shoulder I have problems with on squat days.

EDT Block 3 20 Mins
Tricep Extension superset with Preacher Curls
82.5x6 75x6
82.5x6 75x4
82.5x6 75x5
82.5x6 75x3
82.5x6 65x6
82.5x6 65x6
82.5x6 65x6 I found my right arm really lagging behind and failing before my left so I decided to drop the weight and focus on completing the lifts.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, those are some interesting observation on KA vs. Ebol. Can't say I've ever tried Ebol as I've been so happy with KA I see no need to switch.

On the sleep issues, it MAY have something to do with the Ebol containing Korean Red. Slightly energizes them according to some.. They added this after version 1's contained an adaptogen that made people drowsy. Overall I'd say its a big improvement over version 1 but great going on the KA thus far.

I'm happy its working out for you!
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Post by beachpirate »

I had my annual physical yesterday and had requested my testosterone levels be checked for no other reason but to have a reference point. Reading through so many forums it seems that testosterone is something many seem to be concerned with. So I requested this be done to establish a baseline for myself. I am medicated for type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and high blood pressure although this last one is more to protect my kidneys.

Hemoglobin A1C 6.0
Cholesterol 135
Tryglyceride 74
HDL 40
LDL 80

Total Testosterone 368 ng/dL Range 300-890
Free Testosterone 70 pg/mL Range 47-244
BioAvailable Testosterone 192ng/dL Range 131-682
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 31nmol/L Range 11-80

To me this seems to be alittle on the low side but my doctor kept telling me my numbers were normal and looked good. He was not interested in trying to boost any numbers. I Just thought I would post these numbers to seem if anyone had any thoughts about them.

I was back in the gym to for my leg day. I also wore my Vibram Five Fingers for the first time in the gym. I have been wearing them a few hours a day for the last month.



I really liked how they felt for squats. I had been wearing a pair of Nike Tailwinds with the big bubbles and they seemed to push me onto the front of my foot with heavier weights and I would push from my toes. The VFF felt great and I could really feel myself pushing more from my heals with them. I felt my form was better as well. I can already feel that my ankles are tired.

GLP #3

EDT Block 1
Romainian Deadlift superset with Leg Press
195x6 450x6
195x6 450x6
195x6 450x6
195x6 It seemed that all the trainers had the leg press on their agendas today. It seemed that every time I left the sled to do the deadlifts, one of them would strip all the weight to train one of their clients. Eventually I just stopped because I was wasting too much time reracking weights.

EDT Block #2 20 mins
Leg Extension superset with Leg Curl and Horizontal Calf Press
175x6 110x6 230x6
175x6 110x6 230x6
175x6 110x6 250x6
175x6 110x6 250x6
175x6 110x6 250x6
175x6 110x6 250x6

My legs were pretty wobbly by the end of my workout but it felt good :twisted:
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Post by RobRegish »

Great workout/pics.

On your T levels... Yeah, docs will tell you you're fine. They're trained to get sick people to normal, not get normal people to optimal. Thus, the conflict.

Tell you what, if you're game for it try Adaptogen N sometime. I did a looong time ago and ran labs on it. This was unbeknownst to John/AskMass at the time. Boosted it 30+% in 42 days if I recall correctly.

4-5 years later the formula got updated. I re-ran labs on it. Results? A full 55% increase in Testosterone in just 27 days!

I'm telling you man, it's some great stuff. Do give it some consideration. We want optimal, not normal. I hate normal. Normal anything = lame in my book.
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Post by Hank! »

Yeah buddy , your feet and ankles will be sore for a few weeks until all you muscles ligaments and tendons adjust back to their natural state. Are those Trek Sports?

Great to see your progress
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd buy these if they didn't call attention to my toenails. Otherwise, they look pretty solid for you guys that still have yours.

I don't care what anyone says. I still don't miss them at all.. One less thing to do..
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Post by beachpirate »

Yeah Hank. They are the Trek Sports, love them. I've been wearing them about a month and have noticed my ankles getting sore but it is not too bad. I might get some more in different colors next time.

I took friday off because of a sore lower back. I did not want to go to the gym thinking I could do deadlifts or heavy rack pulls and aggevate it again. It doesn't bother me unless I bend forward at the waist. I had to stand in one place for 3 hours last night and after a 30 min drive home I could hardly stand up straight. I'll give it a couple more days and reaccess before I attempt any back exercises again.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very, very smart move.

Times like this the hip belt is worth its weight in gold...
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