Does this count as my 3rd run?

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Post by RyannayR »

Some strong lifts there. And I thought I ate a lot of eggs.
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Post by MSR9889 »

what a day! woke up on ~8 hours of sleep and felt pretty good. colds basically gone. ate my eggs and went to class. i started feeling tired during class and was yawning a lot and almost skipped bench today. decided to go because i figured tonight id be out late and would be more tired tomorrow. also won both 3v3 games of basketball i played :o

preworkout i took ultima and 2 scoops of maximize (a lot of stims) and felt great going into my workout. nice and lose during warmups.

bench- 105x5, 135x5, 185x5, 215x1, 220x1
db pullovers- 60x10

tbar row- +45x10, +225x5, +135x5, +135x5 drop set to +80x9

my old max from the summer was 210 and i had gotten a little weaker since then. i hit 215 pretty easy and decided to go for 220 and got that with some difficulty. might have been able to get 225 but i didnt go for it. even happier that i hit this because im coming off the cold. i was meeting a friend to play basketball right after so i didnt do the incline db bench and just did some heavy weight on the tbar row. i havent tried 3 plates since last year and got 5 reps on 2 sets. feeling great right now and my stim energy is slowly dying down.

breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 6 eggs with KA
preworkout was ultima and 2 scoops maximize
intra was 30g bcaas, 6g citrulline malate, and 2 tsp razz lemonade mix
pwo meal was a naked burrito with chicken, beans, peppers and onions, pico de gallo, black olives, and some cheese sauce with KA
RyannayR wrote:Some strong lifts there. And I thought I ate a lot of eggs.
eggs are becoming my new favorite food. im infamous at the dining hall.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic! I was waiting and hoping for this Matt.

Terrific work. Keep the egg stories coming please.. :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

so for the next part, i figure ill do GLP 1 for bench but im not sure what to do for squat/back. i still want work on increasing my deadlift but thats not so important to me anymore. but with squats, due to my back and shoulder issues, it seems that once i pass a certain weight i cant hold my form. what do you recommend for this?
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Post by RobRegish »

Well, here's where that hip belt would be ideal. Damn, I wish I could buy one for everyone!

If not, I'd recommend the deadlift as a substitute. If it's growth stimulation you're after, there's a good argument the DL rivals if not surpasses it. I won't get into that but that would be my choice given you SQ issues.

In the interim, expand a bit if you can on what the issues are there. I'd like to solve for those for the future.
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Post by MSR9889 »

breakfast was 6 mini egg and cheese omelets and some tator tots with KA
snack was 2 sample cans of pure pro protein (50g each) with KA
dinner was italian chicken tenders with honey bbq sauce, 1 scoop whey, and KA
RobRegish wrote:Well, here's where that hip belt would be ideal. Damn, I wish I could buy one for everyone!

If not, I'd recommend the deadlift as a substitute. If it's growth stimulation you're after, there's a good argument the DL rivals if not surpasses it. I won't get into that but that would be my choice given you SQ issues.

In the interim, expand a bit if you can on what the issues are there. I'd like to solve for those for the future.
the only issue with squats is that once i hit a certain weight i cant hold the arch in my back. i end up having my legs almost straight while my back is still bent over. the weight isnt the issue, i just dont want to risk anything with my back. if i did deadlifts and the leg sled maybe that would work? i really like the leg sled now that ive been using it these past 5 workouts.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

MSR9889 wrote: the only issue with squats is that once i hit a certain weight i cant hold the arch in my back. i end up having my legs almost straight while my back is still bent over. the weight isnt the issue, i just dont want to risk anything with my back. if i did deadlifts and the leg sled maybe that would work? i really like the leg sled now that ive been using it these past 5 workouts.
get yourself a weightlifting belt my friend! best investment i've ever made.
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Post by RobRegish »

The solution here just might be in your abs..

If you haven't already, I'd look into bringing up the static ab holds. If you need help with that, by all means let me know. I suspect you may be having the issues you're having due to the power from the legs not transfering through your middle to the upper body to drive the bar. It's getting "stuck" for lack of a better word in the middle.

Also, my offer still stands. I think you know what I'm talking about. Mull that over again and give it some thought. I want to make sure 6 months from now we have a solution for this issue. Either way, I'll help you get there man, you have my word...
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:The solution here just might be in your abs..

If you haven't already, I'd look into bringing up the static ab holds. If you need help with that, by all means let me know. I suspect you may be having the issues you're having due to the power from the legs not transfering through your middle to the upper body to drive the bar. It's getting "stuck" for lack of a better word in the middle.

Also, my offer still stands. I think you know what I'm talking about. Mull that over again and give it some thought. I want to make sure 6 months from now we have a solution for this issue. Either way, I'll help you get there man, you have my word...
for the static ab holds, do you mean like doing a leg raise and just holding it up as long as i can? or a crunch and holding it? my lower abs are weaker than my upper abs, but as a whole they are pretty solid. also, ill pm you.
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Post by RobRegish »

Crunch while holding it. That's the best!
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Post by MSR9889 »

not much sleep this weekend due to some events friday and saturday. i got about 8 hours of sleep last night so depending on how i feel around 12 i may go to the gym for legs.

breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 6 eggs with KA
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Post by MSR9889 »

im slipping on the meal updates lately because ive been busy but im still aiming for 300g of protein and 3 KA a day with less than 3000 calories.

breakfast was 10 eggs, 2 slices of cheese and a plain bagel with KA
preworkout i took ultima and maximize v2
intra i drank 40g bcaas, 6g citrulline malate, 2 tsp razz lemonade mix
pwo was 1 scoop whey and 12oz rice milk

awesome leg day today, felt really lose during warm ups. had about 8 hours of sleep last night. cut my workout short to play basketball with my friend.

squat- 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x1, 275x1 (my old max), 300x1
i tried 315 and had more than enough leg strength but my back gave out at the bottom. i hit 300 with pretty good form but my spotter pulled my back slightly upright. form is my only issue with squats still, strength seems to be increasing weekly.

deadlift- 225x10, 285x5, 315x3
i stopped deadlifting because i felt something tingle in my right shoulder and then tweaked something on the left side of my back taking the weights off. doesnt hurt but it feels uncomfortable.

leg sled- 450x12

just did 1 set almost to failure before i left. i stopped because on the last 3 reps my whole body was shaking but i could have done a couple more. im really happy with the workout overall.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work Matt. I notice you have great workouts when your sleep is in order... almost every time. I hope you can get there consistently!
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Post by MSR9889 »

so going forward from here, what are the workouts? am i doing GLP1 for bench and t-bar rows one day and then squats and deadlift/stiff leg deadlift/leg sled the next? or do i keep going with the EDT?
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