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Post by RobRegish »

I'd definately be interested in Golini's comments on that.

Always good to get both sides of the argument, evaluate and then decide. It may be a competitor funded the study, or not. Wouldn't be the first time. It may also be 100% legit or Golini may point out a flawed testing methodology. You just never know until both sides are vetted.

MSR, you'll be in a nice position either way... You're going to get to evaluate Kre-Alkalyn for free (as part of KreAnabolyn) if you take MASS up on the Ebol for KA offer.

Like I said, neither is going to make or break you. You'll be richer for the experience too..
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Post by askmass »


Ah yes, the old Trallon "fully funded by vested interests study"...

I don't know extensive details to elaborate on, but was told years ago about this "trial" being designed to purposely skew the "findings" and I fully believe it is indeed poppycock, because-

The general "conclusions" are absolutely asinine to anyone with even minor experience using/studying creatine monohydrate itself and/or/vs. Kre-Alkalyn.

Not here to throw your journal off track or engage in a useless piss war over the merits of Kre-Alkalyn vs. whatever other super-dooper-mega-cool brand of creatine this or that...

I'll just state that we are truly independent and can stock and formulate with anything we wish to and have exclusively gone with the far more expensive to acquire Kre-Alkalyn since 2001, for very good and vaild reasons.

The real world difference is very evident in a multitude of ways verses CreaPure, and we'd sold boat loads of top shelf quality Phanstiel CM dating to 1993, prior, under our label 'Pure Power Creatine'.

We converted for the same reason we only use Patented "Peak ATP" in the new Burn It Up!, as opposed to some generic "ATP supplement". Little to none of the generics are absorbed, and you'd need to take shovelfuls daily to see any results.

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Post by MSR9889 »

i was supposed to be going to the gym today for the 1rm but my hamstrings and lower back are still soar. im going to do some stretching and try tomorrow.

before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter with ebol
breakfast was 8 eggs over hard, 3 turkey sausage links, and a banana
around 12 i had 2 scoops cnc whey
around 2 i had 2 scoops cnc whey with ebol
for dinner i had a naked burrito with chicken, kidney and black beans, pico de gallo, corn, black olives, salsa verde, guacamole, and a little cheese sauce. i also had a chocolate chip muffin.
before bed i had 2 scoops casein and another muffin
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:I'd definately be interested in Golini's comments on that.

Always good to get both sides of the argument, evaluate and then decide. It may be a competitor funded the study, or not. Wouldn't be the first time. It may also be 100% legit or Golini may point out a flawed testing methodology. You just never know until both sides are vetted.

MSR, you'll be in a nice position either way... You're going to get to evaluate Kre-Alkalyn for free (as part of KreAnabolyn) if you take MASS up on the Ebol for KA offer.

Like I said, neither is going to make or break you. You'll be richer for the experience too..
i look forward to the comparison as that offer is too good to pass up. however i assume ill stick with monohydrate as i still have an unopened kilo of it in addition to ~300g i have opened.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good move on the extra day given your soreness.

Remember though, you won't be taking a 1RM to start. You're doing the high intensity 1 set to failure routine.

Any questions on that let me know..
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Good move on the extra day given your soreness.

Remember though, you won't be taking a 1RM to start. You're doing the high intensity 1 set to failure routine.

Any questions on that let me know..
ok, i had misinterpreted it. so the 1rm is for the 5th workout and then i start the second routine after that has been established?
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Post by MSR9889 »

had 2 tbsp peanut butter with ebol before breakfast
breakfast was a plain bagel with 3 mini egg and cheese omelets
pwo was 2 scoops cnc whey
dinner was another naked burrito
had ~1.5 tbsp peanut butter with ebol around 1030
ended up getting boneless wings around 11

i forgot to take a serving of ebol with my pwo shake.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, exactly. You've got it now.

How has the last 3 days of eating up felt? Any noted differences?
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Yes, exactly. You've got it now.

How has the last 3 days of eating up felt? Any noted differences?
i havent noticed much. im really surprised that my hamstrings dont seem to have recovered. for todays workout they were really tight and when i initially began to stretch they were really sore. libido has actually seemed high, although idk if that would be a result of things. ive been getting random erections like when i was running bioforge back in september.

todays workout:
bench- 95 x 15, 165 x 8
superset with db pullovers- 55 x 8
i barely managed my last rep on bench and on the pullovers.

squats- bar x 10, 185 x 8
superset with stiff leg deadlifts- 225 x 4, 205 x 4

i didnt anticipate how much the squats were going to wear my back out. i got 4 squats easy and then had to hold the weight up for a few breaths between eat rep after that.
also, i dont think i stated this anywhere but i do the stiff leg deadlifts standing on a stack of plates to get more of a stretch. today i stacked 3 45lb plates.
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Post by MSR9889 »

had 1 tbsp peanut butter with ebol before breakfast
breakfast was 8 eggs over hard and a bowl of pineapple, cantaloupe, and melon
around 3 i had 2 scoops cnc whey
around 430 i had 1 tbsp peanut butter with ebol
around 5 i had pulled bbq chicken and mac n cheese
around 10 i had 2 scoops cnc whey
around 12 i had 2 scoops vanilla casein with ebol and 2 small christmas cookies
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Post by RobRegish »

Good start. Do take care with that lower back and adjust accordingly.

The libido boost is a sure sign. Overfeeding coming off of the Famine boosts hormones, no doubt about it.

We're going to have to put our family dog down over the next few days. I'll do the best I can but please keep the updates coming. He was with us for 12 wonderful years and my wife is inconsolable... Need to be there for her.
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Good start. Do take care with that lower back and adjust accordingly.

The libido boost is a sure sign. Overfeeding coming off of the Famine boosts hormones, no doubt about it.

We're going to have to put our family dog down over the next few days. I'll do the best I can but please keep the updates coming. He was with us for 12 wonderful years and my wife is inconsolable... Need to be there for her.
that sucks man. hope things go ok.
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Post by RobRegish »

We had to put him down last night...

Otis gave us 12 and a half wonderful years together. He was a black lab when came with the wife to live with me when he was just a pup. I never had a dog growing up and let me tell you, I felt cheated after I saw all the love he brought into our lives.

Otis was diagnosed 7+ years ago with the equivalent of cushing's disease in people. Adrenals made too much cortisol. Most dogs live another year, maybe 2. My wife kept him going beyond the lifespan for a normal dog with no cushings. She loved him beyond anything I've ever seen. Fed him the best food, took him to the park every day. He got outside no less than 3x every day. Sometimes 4 or more. She was with him 24/7 and we were both with him when he passed.

Sorry to pull this off track MSR. If any of you have animals you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, animals teach a lession:

They're here for only a very short period of time. Much shorter than us.

Make every second count.
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Post by MSR9889 »

i cant really imagine what its like. ive only had a hamster die on me. ill probably feel terrible when my cat dies. i hope your wife feels better.
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