Beachpirate's 2nd run... again

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Post by beachpirate »

It's crazy. I injured my right shoulder 3 years ago kayaking in some heavy surf and that has been giving me some problems with my bench but it does not seem to effect my strength, it's just painful. Now I am having problems with the other shoulder. I stopped by South Carolina Barbell/Spud Inc monday and spoke with them about their squat belt but I would need to figure out how I can use it in my gym. However, I am hoping to be able to get my shoulder stretched out some and not have to buy a belt.

The pain begins as I reach back for the bar. If I slowly easy into the bar it's not so bad but letting go of the bar after re-racking the weight hurts the most.
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Post by beachpirate »

I went back to the gym today for my 1RM on bench and squats and had a pretty good workout. 1 new PB on bench and maintained my max from the last run for squats.

Bench 1RM was 265. I had a spotter at 255 and he put his hands on the bar so on the next lift I asked him to not touch the bar and powered it up without any problems but totally failed at 275. I'm happy with the 265 since my last max was 255.

Squats went well but no new PB. My 1RM was 365 the same as when I finished my last BP. I did attempt 375 but only managed a half squat for fear I would not be able to get the weight back up.

I spent a lot of time stretching my shoulders out today, probably as long as it took me to complete my bench, and by the time I got to squats I was better able to reach the bar. There was still pain but more bearable. I also forgot the bengay but did complete some shoulder rotations.

Next week I will be starting the GLP 1 and tracking my food again.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great new PR on the bench! Solid work, very solid..

No worries on the SQ. BOTH of these lifts RM's will be distant memories when the GLP is done :)

And I'll be right here for you to make sure that happens.
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Post by beachpirate »

I returned to the gym this morning excited to begin the GLP and up the intensity on my lifts. I felt pretty strong for the most part and hit all my lifts for the bench. Granted this was the first day and the weight will increase as I move through this phase but I did feel the last set was a little heavy.

195x8 (beginning to feel heavy)
210x8 (asked for a spotter just in case. I did not need him after all)

Bench was superset with DB Pullovers

EDT Block 1
Wide Grip Decline Bench superset with Seated Cable Rows
170x6 42.5x6
170x6 50x8
170x8 60x8
170x8 70x8
170x8 70x6
170x8 70x6

EDT Block 2
Tricep Extension superset with Preacher Curls
65x8 70x6
72.5x8 70x6
80x8 70x6
80x8 70x5
87.5x8 70x6
87.5x8 70x3 (right arm failed and was lagging behind on some of the previous sets.)

Calories 2350
Carbs 117
Fats 76
Protein 284
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

Remember, completely normal (and OK) to miss a rep or two here and there on the GLP #1. You're going to do great :)

Insert extra rest days where necessary. They are the key...
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Post by Hank! »

Beach looks like your strength has come up quite a bit since the spring nice work
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Post by beachpirate »

Thanks Hank. I am pleased with my progress and finally do not feel so weak. I'm looking at my weights for today's leg day and trying to sike myself up. Heading to the gym in about 10 mins.
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Post by beachpirate »

Had my leg workout this morning and it went pretty good. I was alittle suprised at how easily some of the lifts were but ran in some difficulties with the last set. I also spent about 20 mins proir to beginning my lifts stretching and testing my shoulder. It took some time but flexability is beginning to return. It is still painfull when rushed.

GLP 1 day 1 legs
285x6 I began to have some problems with the bar slipping down my back and putting some pressure on my wrists so to be safe I stopped. I could have gotten at least one more maybe both.

Romainian Deadlifts ss with Hammer Strength V-Sqaut
185x6 235x6
185x6 235x6
185x4 235x6
185x5 235x6
185x5 235x6

I had planned to add another EDT block but was too tired. I expect to add a second block next week.

Nutrition looks good sofar. I will update macros later this evening.
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Post by Hank! »

beach can you please help me find the pix of the sled you built Im ready to build one too
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice workout Beach!

Sounds like strength to spare there..
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Post by beachpirate »

Hank, Here is a link to the post. Scroll down to the bottom for the pics. ... c&start=42
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Post by Hank! »

thank you very much
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Post by beachpirate »

Back in the gym today after a long weekend at the beach. I needed the break from the daily routine. I was a little slow to get going this morning but by the 3rd set on bench I was beginning to get in the groove and feeling strong. I felt like this was a good workout and the workload on bench seems to be pushing me right up to my limit. That's a good thing. Not much left to squeeze another rep out.

GLP #2
Bench superset with Pullovers
135x10 75x6
165x8 75x6
175x6 75x6
195x6 75x6
210x6 75x6
225x6 75x6

EDT Block 1, 20 mins
Wide Grip Decline Bench superset with Seated Cable Rows
190x6 70x6
190x6 70x6
190x6 70x6
190x6 70x6
190x6 70x6
190x6 70x6

EDT Block 2, 20 mins
Tricep Extention superset with Preacher Curls
72.5x6 75x5
82.5x6 75x5
82.5x6 75x4
82.5x6 75x6
82.5x6 75x6
82.5x6 75x5
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Post by RobRegish »


Sounds like you're getting back into the groove.. :)
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