Just read this awesome book 5(five!) times in a row still...

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Just read this awesome book 5(five!) times in a row still...

Post by ryohayabusa »

Hi everyone.As on title I already read this amazing book 5(five) times and i must say it's really well worth the money.I also read all of the stickies and i'm starting to see the light(haha).However there are a couple of things i'd like to ask.
First:about the feast training.i understand one should train one day on and 2 off for the first 5 workouts.after those 5 workouts the GLP starts.However i haven't still clear if the EDT section must be done ON THE SAME workout.i mean on the very first 5 feast workouts,i train to failure and with maximal stretch,THEN i perform 2 EDT PR?is that correct?or should i have 2 PR EDT training on place of the HIT workout?
Second:about diet on feast.Robert suggests an high intake of carbos however i'm not very sensitive to insulin(i have type 1 diabetes)and carbos gets me fatter in no time.So far i have been following Dr De Pasquale diet with great results and without any issue concerning energy.Even workouts like advanced german body composition of Poliquin,Advanced German Volume training and the like.I also have 2 HIIT sessions at week and the lack of carbs isn't a problem. Are carbs absolutely crucial during feast phase or as long as calories are high i can stick to De Pasquale diet?
Sorry if it was answered before i don't mean to annoy you guys.Also english isn't my first language and i apologize for the many grammar mistakes here and there... :oops:
thanks everyone
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Re: Just read this awesome book 5(five!) times in a row stil

Post by awisler »

First:about the feast training.i understand one should train one day on and 2 off for the first 5 workouts.after those 5 workouts the GLP starts.However i haven't still clear if the EDT section must be done ON THE SAME workout.i mean on the very first 5 feast workouts,i train to failure and with maximal stretch,THEN i perform 2 EDT PR?is that correct?or should i have 2 PR EDT training on place of the HIT workout?

You dont necessarily have to train one on/two off for the first 5 feast workouts. You should rest as much as you feel you need to, for me it happened to work out well doing Workout #1, 2 off, Workout #2, 2 off, Workout #3, 1 off, Workout #4, 1 off, Workout #5. Now I am taking 3 days off before starting GLP. Listen to your body.

For the EDT blocks, I usually do the bench/pullover superset and the squat/StiffLeg DL superset followed by 2 EDT blocks or 1 EDT block and then a few individual sets. I believe you are supposed to do it all in the same workout

Second:about diet on feast.Robert suggests an high intake of carbos however i'm not very sensitive to insulin(i have type 1 diabetes)and carbos gets me fatter in no time.So far i have been following Dr De Pasquale diet with great results and without any issue concerning energy.Even workouts like advanced german body composition of Poliquin,Advanced German Volume training and the like.I also have 2 HIIT sessions at week and the lack of carbs isn't a problem. Are carbs absolutely crucial during feast phase or as long as calories are high i can stick to De Pasquale diet?

This one I am not sure of, with the diabetes you should definitely stick to something that is healthy for you, as diabetes isn't something you want to ignore. Although I know that certain supplements can be helped by an insulin spike, so perhaps you can eat a small amount of carbs with those if you plan on taking them? (Kre-Anabolyn is usually taken with a high carb/high protein meal for example, but I think it would be just fine with a high protein/little bit of carbs meal.

The great thing about BP is it is really flexible, Rob can answer this best and set you up to get some great results.

And lastly, welcome to the BP program man. You should start a log in the journal section of the forum, it will really help you kind of organize all of your thoughts/plans into one area. You can also ask questions in your journal and they are usually answered pretty quickly. It's also nice to be able to look back in your journal and take a note of your progress so far. Another thing that really helped me understand the program better was reading other peoples logs.
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Post by ryohayabusa »

thank you very much man.u have been quite clear.
regarding the feast workout when should i perform the stretching reps?during the EDT part or the HIT part?I think they should be done on the EDT PR right?or am i messing up?lol
Thank you
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Post by ryohayabusa »

regarding the EDT stretching.This is what i was referring to:


On the 6 workout German Loading Pattern if peaking 2 lifts (BP and SQ, lets say). Suggest a one on, two off frequency to start. Insert an extra rest day if necessary:

DAY 1 - Bench Press

1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

Decline dumbell bench press immediately into;
Seated cable rows (horizontal rows)

could someone explain?
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Post by scump »

sure man, first of all the GLP (german loading pattern) is only 6 sets performed every workout for 6 workouts.

so you do your 6 sets of GLP.

then you move on to an EDT block which should look like this.

DB Bench s/s with cable rows

2 min rest

DB Bench s/s with Cable rows

2 min rest

DB Bench s/s with Cable rows

2 min rest

DB Bench s/s with Cable rows

2 min rest

thats a full EDT block done.

then you can move on to a second EDT block (probably arms or something)

and after your second EDT block you finish with some Decline benchpress static holds.

note we only do 1 EDT block on leg days. try have a look through some logs and see what other people done too man, might help a bit.
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Post by ryohayabusa »

I see
But what about the "2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion ".Could you explain me this?In mean stretch position is EDT ??on which exercises??
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Post by RobRegish »

Great answers guys and I think I've answered most of these via PM for him.

With respect to your diet, understand your medical condition and fully support The Anabolic Diet you'll be using.

With respect to your EDT/loaded stretch position questions... I generally like to see the following now:

1.) Perform/complete the GLP sets as directed. Rest long enough between sets to recoup strength and try to hit all the #'s.

2.) Proceed to your EDT blocks as I've outlined in the "suggested Feast Phase Traning template" stickie. Loaded stretch position movments can be incorporated here to satisfy that requirement.

In time, it will come. The key words there being "in time". I appreciate the thoroughness (5 times over :)) but please, please take this piece of advice:

Look at The Blueprint one week at a time. Understand Famine and have it clear in your mind what needs to be done. Prepare, execute and share.

There is a 3 day break before starting Feast. This time is best spent contemplating Feast phase workouts 1-5.

Once those are completed, there is another 2-3 day break before beginning the GLP portion of the program.

None of this is by accident, it is by design. Your body and your mind need this time to prepare for what's coming. We are here to support you (as you can see) and personally, I'm really excited for your journey!

Hope that helps...
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Post by scump »

ryohayabusa wrote:I see
But what about the "2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion ".Could you explain me this?In mean stretch position is EDT ??on which exercises??
see the exercises listed, db press and cable rows.

when it says strectch position, it just means when your stretched out doing those lifts...

and to concentrate on being in the streched position, like when your doing a db press and the dbs are right down low and your pecks are being stretched to the max.
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Post by ryohayabusa »

thank you very much man and yeah everything is starting to make sense now.
at first i was sooo confused i couldn't build a good workout nor plan anything.Now all pieces are starting to match.i have prepared the workout i'll use on the famine phase and the feast workouts 1-5 plus the GLp part.
the thing which scares me the most is the diet for the famine phase.this is due the fact i lose muscles VERY easily and 5 days at very low calories will certanly make me lose some kilos.not mentioning the i'm really scared about Hypoglicemia because of diabetes...
besides that i can't wait to start.i'm so excited!

ah just another thing:
my muscles are slow twich fibers mainly meaning that i recover quite fast from training.Also they respond much better to high volume than high intensity(i was a HUGE fan of Mentzer and got all of his books.unfortunately HIT style training isn't for me.I was stuck in a plateu for months if not years,believing that the problem was not enough intensity and not enough recovery between sessions.)
Robert considering this is 1day on 2 off really necessary suggested to my bodytype?and the low volume on workouts 1-5 of the feast can be edited?

thanks everyone for being such a huge help.I'm new here but i 'm really enjoying this place already!
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Post by RobRegish »

Frequency patterns, macro and caloric requirements etc can and should be individualized... especially given any special conditions you may have.

I ALWAYS counsel this but I'm going to say it again: If you at all feel "off", sick or just "not right" during any point in the program - discontinue. HEALTH FIRST.

Especially during famine. Given what you're telling me, I'm betting you won't need the full 5 days. Just check in each day and tell me how much weight you've lost, what your resting heart rate is etc.. We'll make the call together.

Health first. Remember. You're going to do great and I'm glad it's coming together for you now :)
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Post by scump »

ryo, regarding higher volume workouts.

im working towards a 3rm max, not a 1m rm max... therfor i have increased the entire template by 2 reps... am still seeing great results with it thus far! maybe you could do something similar.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great suggestion scump.

Love this kind of out of the box thinking and absolutely encourage it. This is YOUR Blueprint folks. I'm just here to help you get the MOST out of what works for YOU!
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Post by ryohayabusa »

way to go then
i'm recovering this week in order to start on the next monday
I can't waaiit!!i'm really looking forward to start this amazing program
thanks for the suggestions everyone
And Rob you are THE man.Always kind and ready to answer each kind of question(boring ones too hahaha)
ok i'll update this thread as soon as i get started
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Post by RobRegish »

Many thanks and looking forward to it.

Right, wrong or indifferent I am convinced this is why God put me here. We've all been given gifts. Mine's OCD as applied to The Blueprint, so I'm sharing my OCD with the world :)

Ask away and here to support you 100% on your journey.
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