Test boosters

Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at BodyBuildingSupplements.com
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Test boosters

Post by DaCookie »

Time on= time off or what?

I heard time on=half the time off is also okay?
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Post by scump »

i remember 4 weeks for some reason...?

most of them say no more than 8 weeks yeah? so that would agree with you time off = half time on.
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Post by RobRegish »

I don't agree with this (at least for old guys like me).

I run Adaptogen N for 3 weeks straight at 3/night.

Thereafter, M-F at that dose with weekends off. It really depends what test booster you're running. Since AN is so well rounded (adaptogen, 2-3 different test/free test elevators and some nice anti-cortisol compounds... I run it all the time).

You start running stuff like ATD, 6bromo, formestane etc all the time though and.... you run into problems. Lower HDL (good cholesterol) etc..
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

I'm thinking about running Adaptogen N on my next blueprint run alongside a healthy dose of Arachidonic acid

will definitely be an expensive run

but the results..
:o :shock:
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Post by DaCookie »

Think ill take like 4 weeks off.
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