Does this count as my 3rd run?

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Post by RobRegish »

There is nothing better than reading MSR9889's dining hall updates :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

scump wrote:wholy sht man you ate 5 chicken breasts for lunch?!!?

are your chicken breasts smaller then ours?

i mean ours are normally 300-400grams each...

thats 2kg of chicken breast in one sitting :shock: or 300-400g of protein for lunch!
they have between 20 and 33g of protein per breast, they are thin and bun sized.

rob, youll like this.

between breakfast and lunch i had 12 mini egg and cheese omelets and 2 scoops of whey and KA with each meal
preworkout i took ultima
intra was 18g of 4:1:1 bcaas with ~tbsp raz lemonade mix
pwo was a serving of almonds and a scoop of whey
dinner was a naked burrito with chicken, black and pinto beans, spicy cheese sauce, salsa, black olives and pico de gallo
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Post by RobRegish »

God this is fantastic. All we need now is a cardiologist on camera or something as you dictate this diet to him.

Not THAT would be something :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

chest and back today

bench- 95x10, 165x9
pullovers- 55x9

incline DB bench- 50x48 in 15 minutes
tbar rows- +70x84 in 15 minutes

chest felt pretty weak today, probably because of my lack of sleep the past 2 nights. tbar rows were too easy so ill be bumping up the weight next time. i think normally i would use 2 plates, but i didnt think id be able to keep that up for the full 15 minutes.

for the EDT, how long of a break should i take between sets? i was waiting ~45 seconds. for the incline it got hard towards the end to get the first rep, but each set was never below 3 reps.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, 45 sec is too little IMO.

I like 2 min rests. Nice sweet spot between too much and too little recovery given the goal of hypertrophy with EDT.
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Wow, 45 sec is too little IMO.

I like 2 min rests. Nice sweet spot between too much and too little recovery given the goal of hypertrophy with EDT.
ok, ill do that next time and up the weight.

breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet, 4 eggs and a scoop of whey with KA
lunch was 3 grilled chicken breasts with some tomato sauce and a slice of focaccia bread with KA
dinner was 2 bbq rotisserie turkey slices, a bbq seasons chicken breast, sesame ginger chicken and veggies and a small amount of spicy tai noodles with peanut sauce and KA
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Post by MSR9889 »

woke up early to hit the gym but had a little set back that cut my workout short.
took 1 scoop maximize (stims), ultima, and 12g bcaas preworkout
intra i drank 18g bcaas with ~1 tbsp razz lemonade mix
pwo was 1 scoop whey and 4 mini reeses
breakfast was 10 eggs with KA
lunch was sesame ginger chicken, garlic seasoned baked chicken breast, and some buffalo chicken strips with a little chipotle mayo and KA
dinner was 2 baked chicken breasts, a small amount of mac n cheese, and a cookie with KA
snack later will be 2 sample packets of trutein

leg workout
squats- 95x5, 135x5, 185x2, 205x10
stiff leg deadlifts- 205x8

dealifts- 225x40 in 15 min

did not have time for the leg sled. went light on the deadlifts because my legs were shaking with the weight. i originally planned to do 285 but i dont think my legs wouldnt have held.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks good Cookie. Keep it going :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Looks good Cookie. Keep it going :)
new nickname? :P
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Post by MSR9889 »

before breakfast i took 12g bcaas and EC
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet and 4 eggs with KA
lunch was fajita chicken, refried beans, black olives, guacamole and the turkey, cheese, and veggies out of a wrap with KA
dinner was buffalo chicken strips, 2 chicken parm breasts and some baked ziti
before bed 2 scoops whey, tbsp soy nut butter and KA
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh god, I'm sorry Matt. 70+ hour weeks are catching up with me..

No eggs yesterday? 8)
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Oh god, I'm sorry Matt. 70+ hour weeks are catching up with me..

No eggs yesterday? 8)
10 eggs yesterday, its in with my workout post. today was a sloppy day.
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Post by RobRegish »

Bawhaha... I knew it :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

todays workout was a joke. i dont know how much easier it could have been considering how tired i was when i woke up and that my upper back was sore from squats. i woke up tired on about 7 hours of sleep, reset my alarm and tried to go back to bed but wasnt falling asleep. figured i might as well hit the gym since i might not have time later.

bench- 105x10, 135x5, 185x5
db pullovers- 65x6

incline db bench- 55x38 in ~15 minutes
t bar rows- +90x42 in ~15 minutes

my right side was dying during bench and on the last rep of 185 i actually had my left arm straight when my right was still half way down which has never happened before. i also would have had more reps on db incline had my right arm not been dying again. for the tbar rows, i cant remember the last time i did 2 plates so easy. i did all sets of 6 and only "struggled" on the last rep of the last 2 sets. ill be bumping up the weight on both next workout.
also noted at the end of the day im weighing in at around 220. ive been drinking ~2 gallons of water a day all week and im crediting the weight gain thus far to that plus being back on creatine. diet has been between 2500-3100 calories a day since the first 3 days of the feast.
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