Dta1984's First Run with BP

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Post by dta1984 »

Ok a little update

GLP #1 - Bench Press workout 1

BB Bench - (100x10, 110x8, 125x8, 135x8, 145x8, 160x5)
DB Pullover - 50x6x6

EDT #1
Incline DB Bench - 55 (6,6,6,5,6)
BB Shoulder Press - 90 (5,3,3,4,4,)
- total of 47 reps

EDT #2
BB Curls - 80 (6x5)
Tricep Pressdowns - 55 (6,6,6,6,7)
- total of 61 reps

- total workout time = 1hr 13min (including 10 minutes of stretching / warmups)


Wow, my initial impressions was "how tough can it be when my bench is starting at a measly 100lbs?" Boy was i wrong. The intensity got to me. I was wore out on the last set and only got 5 of the 8 reps I needed. Felt great though!

Speaking of being wore out after bench, my EDT reps decreased for incline DB press. This is probably due to the increased intensity on bench. I will just shoot to beat these reps next time and go from here.


- I changed my EDT blocks a little. On #1 I switched BB rows, with BB shoulder press. Is this ok? Since that EDT block would be two "press" movements, I didn't know if it should be more of a press. pull combo. I wanted to add in a shoulder movement, that is why I switched out the BB row.

- When is it ok to change up EDT movements?

- What is a good indicator that feast should end?? I really want to keep going, I have the drive, but don't want to extend it too long. I am assuming it is when lifts start to plateau? I just started GLP and would like to finish all phases, but didn't know if this is what people normaly do, or something different.

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Post by RobRegish »

OK a couple of pointers.

Make sure you're resting long enough between sets on the GLP workouts. Sometimes (especially toward the end) you need more rest between sets. If you're currently resting for 3 minutes, goto 5. If using 5 min, goto 7. You get the idea..


- I changed my EDT blocks a little. On #1 I switched BB rows, with BB shoulder press. Is this ok? Since that EDT block would be two "press" movements, I didn't know if it should be more of a press. pull combo. I wanted to add in a shoulder movement, that is why I switched out the BB row.

A. You definately don't want to do 2 pressing movements. No surprise your reps dropped (triceps/shoulders taxed too much between the two). Utilize one push and one pull movement for your EDT block. If you want to include shoulders, structure as follows:

1. Seated shoulder press
2. Tbar rows OR seated cable row

When is it ok to change up EDT movements?

A. Best to change them up/add weight when you're able to increase the reps by 20% or more. Please see this EDT guidance post:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=437

- What is a good indicator that feast should end?? I really want to keep going, I have the drive, but don't want to extend it too long. I am assuming it is when lifts start to plateau? I just started GLP and would like to finish all phases, but didn't know if this is what people normaly do, or something different

A. Generally it runs for up to 6 weeks. Plenty of time to complete your GLP, etc. Your body will tell you when its time. If you need guidance on that, let me know and I can help. It's generally when everything plateaus, your joints hurt, you have a dis-inclination to train/keep eating heavy etc...

Listen to your body. It won't steer you wrong :)
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Post by dta1984 »

Well, just got back from vacation. After some thought, I think I am going to just head into cruise phase for 2-3 weeks with hopes of another big run in the near future. I will get final weight tomorrow am. If I had to guess, I am probably around 165, which is 4lbs up from my lowest during famine of 161. I began famine around 166, but I feel I have leaned out more, which is awesome.

Beginning Pic;

By dta1984 at 2010-07-27

Final Pic;

By dta1984 at 2010-09-07

Changes I have noticed;

2 PR; bench and squat (I am 110% confident this could have been alot more, had I continued the GLP process and had less days rest.)

More defined chest / shoulders

Fuller lats

Slimmer waist line

I am happy with the results. My goal has always been to get big. While I did not gain a ton of weight, I feel I did gain some solid muscle and no fat. I will have better goals next round to gain size.

I will keep this log updated a few times a week throughout cruise. I am stopping my ECDY and just going to add mono creatine. Diet will be around 12x bodyweight or 2000 calories. I feel 10x is too small of a deficit. Thanks for all the help and support you all have provided along the way!!

Final Questions;

- Do I continue the 3 on 3 off BCAA or switch it up? I want to continue BCAA, just want to make sure the routine is fine.

- Just want to make sure I understand; weights should be around 80% of my 1RM. What about increasing weight? Or do I just maintain the 80% during this phase?

- Any substitute for leg sled? I have free weights with a leg curl attachment. Will hack squats or front curls or even lunges be an ok substitute?
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Post by RobRegish »

First, fantastic progress!

I see a great recomp there. Much trimmer waistline and a lot more muscle in the shoulders, pecs etc. New PR's are proof as well and as you pointed out... may have been even better. So great work. Your next run WILL be even better and we'll make sure of that.

Final Questions;

- Do I continue the 3 on 3 off BCAA or switch it up? I want to continue BCAA, just want to make sure the routine is fine.

A. I generally counsel to discontinue during cruise. If you'd prefer to continue though, feel free.

- Just want to make sure I understand; weights should be around 80% of my 1RM. What about increasing weight? Or do I just maintain the 80% during this phase?

A. You can increase weight but be sure not to drift into the 90th percentile or higher. I like adding a BIT of weight on my first 2 sets when my energy is highest. When you finish it out, all 5 sets should have that same progression # but again, stay out of the 90th percentile for awhile.

- Any substitute for leg sled? I have free weights with a leg curl attachment. Will hack squats or front curls or even lunges be an ok substitute?

A. Lunges are an EXCELLENT substitute as are step ups onto a bench with a barbell or dumbells. They are far superior to the leg curl or even hack squat although that in and of itself, isn't a bad choice.
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Post by dta1984 »

Ok so tomorrow will be workout #6 for cruise phase. Weight is maintained around 164. I am anxious to get another round rolling. Is it too soon, or is 2 weeks long enough for cruise?
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Post by RobRegish »

Provided you get those 6-7 sessions in specified, it should be enough. Listen to your body though... it it holding onto that additional LBM with ease or do you have to fight to keep it on?

Tough call as this is an intuitive thing. I wish I had a better way to measure it for you. Until then, the answer to the above question is your best guide..
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Post by dta1984 »

Thanks Rob. I am maintaining weight, and mass looks the same. Maybe even some more fat loss.

I just completed workout #8 today. I am excited as ever to get started again and be even more dedicated.

If I take the rest of this week off and start Famine on Monday (gives me 5 days rest) is that enough rest?
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Post by RobRegish »

Ideally a week but close enough. Great work here on display. Thanks for doing it justice :)
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Post by dta1984 »

Well I am going to give it the full week of rest starting Monday, and do it right. Can I do pushups or situps during the week or is it nothing allowed?
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Post by RobRegish »

Provided that's "normal" and nothing taxing, I suppose so. I don't do much other than read, let the emotion build and formulate a plan. I do perform some sled dragging, hit the chiro but not much else.

Nothing stressful, that's for sure. Let that fire be ready for the gasoline!
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Post by dta1984 »

Thanks Rob! I decided to just take the week fully off. I am working on re-reading the blueprint and enjoying eating for the time being.

A couple of final questions before I begin a new log;

Is it ok to take a Pre WO supp during feast? I have a jug of SP250 laying around I want to finish. I don't do a full dose due to some bad headaches I have experienced. I found the sweet spot for me around 1 scoop. Not raging energy, but just enough with no headaches.

I am debating on supps to use. I have a little over a half bottle of Ebol left that I will continue using for feast. I would like to add a test booster as well. I was not impressed when I tried tbol trib last year. I am looking into bioforge or the new triazole from DS. I know you always have positive things to say about bioforge, but have you had any chance to look at the Triazole profile yet?
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Post by RobRegish »

Is it ok to take a Pre WO supp during feast? I have a jug of SP250 laying around I want to finish. I don't do a full dose due to some bad headaches I have experienced. I found the sweet spot for me around 1 scoop. Not raging energy, but just enough with no headaches.

A. Yes, that's fine.

I am debating on supps to use. I have a little over a half bottle of ebol ecdy left that I will continue using for feast. I would like to add a test booster as well. I was not impressed when I tried tbol trib trib last year. I am looking into bioforge or the new triazole from DS. I know you always have positive things to say about bioforge, but have you had any chance to look at the Triazole profile yet?

A. Tiazole appears to be a new AI based upon an herbal extract. It also has some MACA in there, which is good.

I say give it a whirl if you're up for something new. I have not, as of yet heard from enough people running it to give it a thumbs up/down. Part of the problem with anything new. Still, my mind is open to it. The Bioforge is very solid. Have you considered Adaptogen N?

It does have a big fanbase... has converted many from prior test boosters and is a fine adaptogen (Suma, custom 25:1 extract) all it's own..
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Post by dta1984 »

Also Rob, my main goal this next run is to put on size, and not worry so much about the fat. This first run it seemed I did a great re-comp, which is awesome (lost a little fat, and put on some mass). I am trying to figure out what exactly would be the difference maker between a recomp and a "bulk". My calories were all around the recommended (125 x I think) during a few weeks of feast. Maybe I up them even further this time?

One of my theories is I need to eat more lean meat. Last feast, in order to get in my calories I would eat sloppy food (ie PB sandwiches, lean pockets, subway etc). Not really "dirty" food, but food that is not rich in protein.

This round I am thinking more chicken, steak etc with loads of protein. Problem with this is foods like this contain so little calories, so it's hard to reach the goal number. I think to substitute for this I will add the weight gainer shake I discovered mid way through last feast.

Do you have any special recommendations for this?
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Post by RobRegish »

I do.

Calories will likely have to be upped in the following fashion:

First 3 days of Feast: 125%

Remainder of 1st 2 weeks: 120% on training days, 100% on off days
Next 2 weeks: 110% on training days, 100% on off days
Final weeks: 100% on all days

The percentage above 100% on training days should ideally come in the form of added calories to your intra-workout drink. Outside the workout, do try to add additional calories in the form of red meat. Seems to impart far greater strength gains than all the chicken, turkey and fish.

Hope that helps. I do write customized programs for this and it would be an excellent use of your time. That or the phone consultation if you already have an idea (sounds like you do) to get any particulars cleared up.

Just an idea.. :)
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