Peb5048's first run at BP

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Post by peb5048 »

I wanted 2.5 because I am a college student and my course load on Tuesdays are very demanding, so I figured that if I could start on Sunday I could take Tuesdays off inorder to prepare for my classes. The morning cardio can also easily be taken out if I am not feeling up to it or if I am too sore. I used to lift six days a week while I did morning cardio six days a week while I played lacrosse. I think this is a schedule my body could handle but if not I will play it safe and go back to the original workout.
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Post by peb5048 »

I was also wondering what supplements should I take with my morning protein shake about an hour before breakfast. I am doing BCAA protocol #2 for my trial, so should I take BCAAs and glutamine the first morning of famine?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'm assuming you mean Feast as there is no protein/BCAA's in Famine.

I spread the following micro nutrients 3/x day with meals:

1 Multivitamin (morning only)
1 gram of Vit C
200 IU of natural Vit E (D-Alpha, not DL Alpha tococypherol)
200mg of R-ALA
1 gram fish oil capsule

Zinc and Magnesium before bed with Adaptogen N and/or Gamma GH.
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Post by RobRegish »

BCAA loading protocol #2 is heavy loading in your intra workout shake.

If you were referring to BCAA loading protocol #1, that is as follows:

Load 20-40 grams of a quality BCAA/L-Glutamine mixture as found in MASS PRO Amino during the first 72 hours of your "Feast" phase. These should be taken between meals and spread throughout the day in
5-10 gram doses.

Take the next 3 days off and then repeat the 3 on/3 off cycle for the remainder of your "feast" phase.

By flooding your system with BCAA's the brain is fooled into thinking that the rapid amino influx in the blood is the result of excessive muscle breakdown.

Remember, this is on top of the alarm signal (via real tissue breakdown) you've created during your famine phase. Quite simply, this causes the body to accelerate its muscle growth machinery and deliver an even more pronounced message to incorporate dietary proteins into the muscle cell. The difference here being, you now have the necessary calories and nutrients with which to grow.
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Post by peb5048 »

Today has been awesome, I have taken to KA pills already and have 1785 calories in already for the day. I still have one more KA pill to take with dinner and 1300 calories more to go. 30 minutes before bed I'm going to take 3 AN pills and 45 minutes before bed Im taking ZMA. Right before bed I'm going to have a scoop of Casien and 2 TBSP All natty PB.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great compliance Peb. Really good compliance..

You're off to a great start!
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Post by peb5048 »

I do not understand the peri workout shake, I have never seen something like it before. This is what I was thinking

1 Hour Before:
Beta Alanine
1 Scoop Protein

15 Minutes Before:
Start BCAA protocol #2

Continue BCAA protocol #2

Immediately After
40g Whey Protein
10g Casein Protein
70g Glyco Maize
Beta Alanine
Finish BCAA Protocol #2
Scoop Glutamine
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Post by RobRegish »

Well, you may not have understood the term but you nailed the protocol. That's it!

Peri-workout = "around" the workout drink

Here's a good recipe:

50g of waxy maize starch/pure Karbolyn or like product
25g of MassPro whey, which includes the all important di-tri peptides
20-25g of BCAA
Suggest 24-36 oz of water to mix this in.

You'd begin sipping on this 15 min prior to, during and finishing up right at the end of your workout.

Now here's where it benefits you:

Waxy Maize/Pure Karbolyn moves VERY rapidly through the stomach, into the duodenum, through the small intestine and into the bloodstream. It also drags the aminos along with it. It does all of this without the bloating and rise/crash associated with sugar/dextrose.

I've sketched out a 2:1 carb to protein ratio in this drink, but you may go as high as 4:1 if bulking is your goal.

Great job.
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Post by peb5048 »

Alright, but would I also have my pre (1 hour before) and post workout shakes (Immediately after)?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes sir, that's fine.

You may want to wait on the post workout shake 45 min or so afterwards, depending upon how you feel.

Great work!
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Post by peb5048 »

Would I do a similar shake to the ones I proposed in my previous post?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes sir, that's fine.. :)
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Post by dropthebeats »

RobRegish wrote:
Peri-workout = "around" the workout drink

Here's a good recipe:

50g of waxy maize starch/pure Karbolyn or like product
25g of MassPro whey, which includes the all important di-tri peptides
20-25g of BCAA
Suggest 24-36 oz of water to mix this in.

Great job.
Rob. Instead of waxy maize I used dextrose powder. Was that an okay substitution?

Ben's mix:

60-70 g of dextrose powder
20 g hydrolyzed whey protein
30 g of BCAA
3 liters of water

Surprisingly, it is pretty easy to drink all of the water in that amount of time. Anything less and the taste is too sweet for me.
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Post by peb5048 »

When I am preforming my set of 8-10 reps of big barbell lifts (bench, squat) should they be to failure? What about my stretch positions (pullover, SDLs)?

A. Yes. SDL's though... take care with the lower back!

1 hour before:
1 Apple
1 Scoop Whey Protein
5g Glutamine
2g Beta Alanine
3.5g AAKG
200-400mg Caffeine
1 KA capsule

50g of waxy maize starch/pure Karbolyn or like product
25g of MassPro whey, which includes the all important di-tri peptides
20-25g of BCAA
Suggest 24-36 oz of water to mix this in.

Immediately Post
5g Glutamine
2g Beta Alanine
1 KA pill

30 minutes Post-Workout
40g Whey
70g Waize Maize/Dextrose

1 Hour after Post-Workout Shake
Real Food Meal of Protein/Carbs/Fats

Does this look about right? Should I take a different carb source thirty minutes after than waizy maize?

A. No, that looks great!
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