KatZilla's 1st Blueprint Run

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Post by KatZilla »

https://forum.bodybuildingsupplements.com/showthrea ... t535266323

There's my thread with my conclusion. Within the next couple of days I'll have all my maxes done, and I'll get some pictures up!
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Post by KatZilla »

New Maxes:
BP: 190
SQ: 325
And then I still need to get my deadlift max. Hopefully that'll get done in the next couple of days. Also, here are some "after" pictures that I took today. Kinda wish I'd been able to take them in the exact same lighting as before, so they'd be easier to compare; but you can still tell that the shape and fullness has changed. Either way, the numbers don't lie :)



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Post by RobRegish »

Incredible work! Thanks for sharing..
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Post by KatZilla »

Already updated my thread on BB, but I thought I'd share with everyone here that I got my new 1RM (and personal record) on DL today: 365lbs. Thanks again Rob, couldn't have done it without you. And now it's time to get ready for wrestling season! 8)
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic and I saw your update on nolinksplease.com. Thank you very much for the publicity over there. It means so much.

First BP run, 3 new PR's in the big 3. So proud of you man, so proud of you..
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