Peb5048's first run at BP

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Post by xxtotuxx »

It should be fine.
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Post by peb5048 »

Tomorrow I start my famine!!! I am getting ready to start my first blueprint run and I can't wait. I just have a couple questions of what food I can and can't eat. Here is a list of what I would like to know if I can eat during Famine:

Kashi Cereal
Kashi Crackers
Kashi Granola Bars
Whole Wheat Pasta
Whole Wheat Bread
Brown Rice
Black Beans

Please tell me if these foods would be harmful during my famine. Thanks!
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Post by RobRegish »

All fine :)
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Post by peb5048 »

Alright, so today is my first day of famine and I'm already startving. I woke up today at 930am. Today I have eaten:

11 am - Orange, 1 Tbsp Lecithin Granules

110 Calories = 18 Carbs/ 0 Protein/ 4 Fats

I'll probably eat my next meal around 230pm about an hour and a half before I workout.

230 pm - Salad (Black Beans, Corn, 2 oz Avocado, Tomato, Onion, Peppers), 1 Tbsp Lecithin

340 Calories = 48 Carbs/ 8 Protein/ 13 Fats
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Post by peb5048 »

Alright so I did workout #1 for Famine (Legs , Back, Bis). I started my workout at 4:22 pm.

Squat - 3 sets of 6 reps with 285 lbs
supersetted with
One Arm Row - 3 sets of 6 reps with 80 lbs

Seated Cable Row - 3 sets of 6 with 180
supersetted with
Lat Pulldown - 3 sets of 6 with 140

Barbell Bicep Curl - 1 set of 6 with 95 lbs

Incline Dumbbell Curl - 1 set of 6 with 40 lbs

Preacher Curl - 1 set of 6 with 95 lbs

I lifted for about 30 minutes and did about 10 minutes on the elliptical for a cool down. After I lifted I had 2 cups of Fat Free Milk and a banana for about 265 Calories = 56 Carbs/ 16 Protein/ 0.5 Fats. Later for dinner I am going to eat a sweet potato, broccoli, lecithin and cateloupe and before bed I am going to have 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter and an apple which comes to about 1215 Calories today, 40g Protein, 205 Carbs, 45 Fat
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Post by awisler »

Nice work on day one of famine. I am just now on day two of my feast, so here are some tips for famine that are still fresh in my mind:

1) Try to plan some light activities tuesday and thursday. For me, M/W/F were easy because I don't eat within an hour of workouts, then by the time I lift, rest up a bit, and do an hour of cardio I have already spent the past few hours not thinking about food. So just try to keep occupied and the hunger isnt an issue.

2) I see you already have oatmeal, not sure what kind, but the quaker lower sugar is about 110-130 per pack and mixing it with hot water tastes great and very low cal for how full you get.

3) For me, it was best to try and eat as little as possible in the day. Usually I would hold out until 2 or so hours before bedtime and still have 1000-1200 calories left to eat, so I could pig out on veggies/fruits/oatmeal.

4) A good food tip - Mix up a bunch of veggies (Measure as you do this) such as broccoli, water chestnuts, carrots, peas, pea pods, onions, peppers, mushrooms(yuck :wink: ), whatever else you can think of. Cook them in the skillet for a bit (10 minutes, more or less depending on amount) with half tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. After the 10 minutes, mix in some sauce. I used a combination of stir fry and szechuan sauces. This ended up making a huge amount of tasty veggies that amounted to 1000 calories total for me, and helped get me through the last couple days of famine.
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good points

Post by peb5048 »

Thanks your tips come in handy. I see you do your cardio after your lift, how come? I plan on doing my cardio tomorow morning before I go to class for about 30 minutes of running. After my cardio session, which will end around 8 I plan on having a banana and a Tbsp Lecithin around 9. Sound good?
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Post by peb5048 »

I just did some fasted cardio for about 25 minutes, I ran about 3 miles, I wasn't going for time I wanted a nice pace. How long I should try to hold off on my banana for breakfast even though I just ran.?
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Here is how my food will workout today

Post by peb5048 »

Breakfast (9:30am)

Banana and Lecithin
Total: 145 Calories… 1 P/ 27 C/ 4.5 F

Lunch (12:30pm)

1 Cup Brown Rice
1/3 Cup Corn
2 Peppers
1 Tomato
0.5 oz Avocado
1Tbsp Soy Lecithin
Total: 340 Calories… 7 P/ 60 C/ 8 F

Snack (3:30pm)

- 1 Medium Apple
- 1 Tbsp All Natural Peanut Butter
Total: 190 Calories… 5 P/ 28 C/ 8.5 F

Dinner (6:30 pm)

1 Cup Pasta
¼ Cup Pasta Sauce
1 Cup Canteloupe
1 Cup Broccoli
1 Tbsp Soy Lecithin
Total: 340 Calories… 7 P/ 60 C/ 8 F

Bedtime(10:30 – 11:00 pm)

1 Orange
0.5 oz Pecans
Total: 170 Calories… 1.5 P/ 20 C/ 11 F

Bed (1:00 – 1:30)

Is there any benefit to trying to hold off on food until later in the day!?!?
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Post by peb5048 »

I just read about the warrior diet again and noticed i have been doing my famine wrong.

- On workout days I should hold off on food until as long as possble and then eat fruits about 60 minutes before I workout and the rest of my calories should come post workout?

-If thats true, what do I do on days I do fasted cardio in the morning? Should I hold off and do fasted cardio later in the day?
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Post by RobRegish »

Correct on your interpretation.

You can still do fasted state cardio in the AM. The muscles will still store the glycogen when you re-feed later.
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tomorrows lift

Post by peb5048 »

Tomorrow I will be doing the chest/shoulders/tricep workout. I'm going to hold off o n food until about 130-200 pm. I'm going to eat an orange and an apple before I lift and immediately after I'm going to have a banana and some canteloupe. I'm going to eat more food later on in the night probably some oatmeal, berries, carrots and broccoli. Before bed I am going to have some pecans and a small fruit source. How does that look?

The next day I am going to go do morning cardio, probably around 730am, when should I start to eat my fruits, veges, nuts and grains?
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Post by peb5048 »

Also, Should I be doing cardio on days I lift during famine if I am doing it on days off from lifting?

Sorry about all the questions, its the end of my second day of famine and I thought I had it all down. At the end of day 1 I had 35g Protein and at the end of today I had 21 all together, does that sound good?
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Post by RobRegish »

Everything you're proposing here sounds fine. No worries...
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