Couple last questions

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Couple last questions

Post by peb5048 »

GREAT advice below and I appreciate the assist. Here are my $0.02:

I plan on incorporating some of my own style into the Blueprint, I live a very active lifestyle. I enjoying long distance runs, sprints, and playing sports (lacrosse). In the fall I will be playing for PSU's club lacrosse team and I was wondering how I could add it to the blueprint.

Here is what my plan looks like:
-I would like to lift 3-4 times/week (one day on/ one day off)

A. Definately do-able.

-In between workouts I would like to do morning cardio, or HIIT cardio

A. Much prefer the morning cardio in a fasted state but either way is fine. Bless you that you have this much energy.

-I wouldn't lift/do cardio on days I have lacrosse

-I would also like a plan to incorporate a little more ab work to my feast and cruise phases.

-Since I am a college student and Penn State is famous for partying I was wondering if there was any room on the weekend for a couple beers one or two nights? If so could I get some recommendations so that the alcohol doesn't hinder my efforts too much.

A. I don't think this level of alcohol is going to hurt you. One thing that always helped me was the lifting was always more important than drinking, so it was an easy decision. Sounds like that might be you too.

-The last thing I am wondering about for Feast phase is if I can break workout 1-5 into two seperate days

Workout 1 (Day 1)
2 Upperbody EDT blocks

Workout 1 (Day 2)
Squat/Stiff Leg deadlift
1 Lowerbody EDT block
1 Core EDT block

A. Yeah, you can do that. Takes a bit longer but you certainly have my blessing!

Thanks for all your guys help, I am just trying to live the incorporate the blueprint into my lifestyle the best I can. You guys have been extremely helpful so far in aiding my efforts to kick off my first blueprint run successfully.
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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:36 pm
Location: Philadelphia, Pa

Post by RyannayR »

I just graduated from Penn State and in my opinion you shouldn't sit in on the weekends because you don't want to hinder your gains, just be smart about it(or maybe you can chose to only have a drink or three). I chose to consume alcohol on the weekends and it never seemed to effect my gains in size or strength. Maybe my gains would have been bigger if I hadn't drank but I really don't know. I can tell you that the only weekend I chose not to drink because I had a max day coming up was the only time I missed a lift in recent memory (mere coincidence perhaps but worth mentioning, and this was prior to the BP).

To sum it all up it comes down to your personal choice. I decided to drink and enjoy myself on the weekends without guilt and work hard in the weight room and classroom during the week. I knew college is only there for four years (or five like my roommates) but the weights are there forever. So just do what you feel is right. :)
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