
Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by bull »

this is my first post and id like to start by saying a huge thank you to you rob the blueprint is exactly what i have been waiting for and now that i have it in my hands its fair to say im like a kid in a candy shop!!!! im planing to start the famine this mon and cant wait.I have taken a full week off training as advised which is killing me as i am a pt and love my weights!!! anyway my problem is that the following sat i have a stag to go to just as i enter my growth phase which will include a fair amount of not much of a drinker but am worried this might halt the start of my progress.i wud greatly apreicate any advise on this topic thanks to all.
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Post by RobRegish »

All welcome Bull!

Thanks for your kind words. The BP definately is what the Dr. ordered for a lot of people. Many ideas, which are the most powerful steroids!

With respect to your question... shame you couldn't time this to coincide with Famine. BUT, if you must... Sat would be your first re-feed day. I'd simply counsel to eat as much as possible that day leading up to and including the stag. Hopefully, there won't be much room for alcohol. If there is, drink to get tipsy but not annihalated. Tough to do in that environment but do try. B/C heavy drinking DOES for sure hamper your gains.

Otherwise, drink LOTS of water and.... ENJOY yourself!
Posts: 23
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Post by bull »

thanks for your swift reply rob and your welcome do you think i should start my famine later and just incorporate the stag into it?? i really want to get this right cheers
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Post by RobRegish »

That'd be my way of thinking, yes!

Hope that helps..
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