Bennie's Pumped for his 1st Blueprint Run!

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Post by dropthebeats »

Feast Workout 4:

Great workout yesterday. I'm glad I took that extra day off. I can't wait for tomorrow, and get my 1RM!

Bench Press: 8 x 170
Dumbbell Pullover: 8 x 55

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 110

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 110

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 110

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 110

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 110

Squat: 8 x 275
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

EDT Block 2:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 235
Goblet Squat: 5 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85
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Post by RobRegish »


Now do consider an extra rest day prior to maxing. Doing so can only benefit you... GREAT work!
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Post by dropthebeats »


With that extra days rest, would I still have time to do the German Loading Pattern 1? And, when I do the GLD1, would I be able to do the workouts with this frequency:

Day 1: Bench
Day 2: Squat
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Bench
Day 5: Squat
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

If I did that, it would take me 3 weeks to complete. So, I didn't know if that would stretch the feast phase too long.
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Post by dropthebeats »


I have been doing both of the BCAA plans. Is that overkill? I do the 3 day on/3 day off. But, if a workout day is on an off day, I make up a BCAA shake for that workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

That BCAA protocol is fine, no issues.

You should be able to squeeze it all in. On the GLP frequency, consider the following

Bench GLP
Day off
Squat GLP
Day off
Bench GLP
Day off
Squat GLP etc.

Run that frequency until you start feeling like overtraining is setting in. Then move to a 1 on 2 off format. You should still be able to squeeze it in. A few days over won't kill you but most can get it in. I have every confidence this schedule beats the 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2off schedule you laid out..... at least for most.

Just think it over. Hope that helps!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Feast Workout 5:

Great workout. Set a new bench PR! My squat max is the same as I had estimated before, but I think I might have overestimated that because I feel like I have more control of the total movement.

Bench: 1 x 215
Dumbbell Pullover: 3 x 70

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 120

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 120

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 120

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 120

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 120

Squat: 1 x 375
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 3 x 315

EDT Block 2:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 235
Goblet Squat: 6 x 85

I'm ready to start the GLP1. Rob, I'm going to follow your recommendation for the workout frequency. It's hard for me to take every other day off, because I like being in the gym. But, I know this will help with maximum recovery, and that's what I'll need to make the gains I want.

While doing the workouts, will I do two EDT blocks each workout?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work on the new PR's!

Two EDT blocks for upper body, just one for lower. Suggest the following:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg sled

Static hold for abs, kneeling with a cable handle behind the head. Have partner assist you into fully contracted position. Two holds for 5-10 seconds.

Great work so far!!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Today was my first day using the GLP1. I should have taken an extra day reset before I started. I'm having a hard time taking more than one day off when I really need two. But, it won't take many more disappointing workouts for me to get on the right page. I hit all of my reps in the bench, except for the last set. I came up two short in that set. That exhausted my chest, so when I did my first EDT block, I wasn't able to hit the reps I did in my last workout.

GLP1 - Bench Workout 1:

Bench Press: 10 x 110
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Press: 8 x 115
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Press: 8 x 130
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Press: 8 x 145
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Press: 8 x 155
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Press: 6 x 170
DB Pullover: 8 x 40

Bench Static Hold: 2 x 225 (10 seconds)

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 130

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 130

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 130

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 130

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 130

EDT Block 2:

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 90
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 100

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 90
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 100

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 90
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 100

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 90
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 100

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 90
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 100

My weight is still 184. I haven't gained any weight in the past week. I always have a hard time gaining weight. I haven't done any cardio the whole time I've been doing the Blueprint because I knew it would limit my weight gain. My chest, back and arms are noticeably bigger. I could be losing fat, but it doesn't really look like it.
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work!

Now do ensure adequate recovery. With this kind of volume/loading its a necessity. I'm willing to bet your weight comes up.. And GREAT news on those size increases!
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Post by dropthebeats »

GLP1 Workout 1: Squats

Squat: 10 x 185
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

Squat: 8 x 205
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

Squat: 8 x 230
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

Squat: 8 x 245
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 8 x 275
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 8 x 290
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

I hit all my reps on squats. That really pumped me up.

EDT Block:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 245
Goblet Squat: 4 x 90

I wasn't able to do the sixth set for the EDTs. I was crunched on time. But, that's okay, because this workout kicked my butt.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic getting all the reps!

And yes, it's a LOT to squeeze into one workout. Great job though..
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Post by dropthebeats »

So, I made that spreadsheet so I could print my reps/weights out to take with me to the gym. When I got the gym yesterday I noticed that I forgot to bring it with me. Go figure. I thought about going home to get it, but I decided I would try and remember what the workout was supposed to be. I ended up getting the weights right, and I only messed up the reps in two sets. It was 2 reps too many for both sets, so that was a good mistake.

I also looked at my notebook after the workout and noticed that I have only been doing 5 sets for my EDT workouts instead of 6. When I wrote the exercises down, I thought I had written the correct amount so I just did what it said. Oh well. I'll start doing 6 sets tomorrow.

GLP1 - Bench Workout 2:

Bench Press: 10 x 110
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Press: 8 x 130
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Press: 8 x 145
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Press: 8 x 155
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Press: 6 x 170
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Press: 6 x 180
DB Pullover: 8 x 45

Bench Static Hold: 1 x 225 (10 seconds)
Bench Static Hold: 1 x 245 (10 seconds)

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 5 x 140

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 5 x 140

EDT Block 2:

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 100
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 100
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 6 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 5 x 100
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 5 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 5 x 100
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 5 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 100
Triceps Pushdown (V-handle): 5 x 110
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Post by RobRegish »


Fantastic work. Would be curious to know how long these workouts are taking you? And no worries on the EDT. Sometimes, 5 sets is the sweet spot. I like to use this measurement - cut the sets as soon as you observe a significant strength/rep rep dropoff. Either way though, remember the premise of EDT:


Now with respect to your static holds:

"Bench Static Hold: 1 x 225 (10 seconds)
Bench Static Hold: 1 x 245 (10 seconds)"

I've noticed a curious phenomenon; it seems my 2nd set of statics I can hold either more and/or longer than the first. Suspect CNS involvement takes at least one set to optimally fire up.

It's the reason you see me recommending 2 sets vs. 1 in most static hold applications :)
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Post by dropthebeats »

Cool. I'm glad that the 5 sets on the EDTs wasn't a problem. I did 6 in my workout this morning. I'll post that tonight when I have a little more time.

My squat workout takes me between 50-60 minutes. Depending on how long I rest between sets for the squats. The chest workout is longer because of the two EDT blocks. That workout is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Maybe a little less. Both workouts are definitely shorter than my past workouts. I'm a big fan of that!

I like your take on the static holds. This morning I did two sets for the cable crunch. I felt I was just able to hold 10 seconds for the first set. That made me not want to increase the weight. But then for the second set, I easily held that same weight for ten seconds.
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