Cookie is bulking for Summer(wat?!?)

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Post by DaCookie »

A lot of things for you to comment on Rob

Lifts not affected anyway...9 reps

Bench 62.5kg-Almost failed this but positive attitude got me through
pullover 22.5kg- 12reps
Squat 72.5kg-Knees went inward a tiny bit but I think it was cause my stance was a good bit wider than usual, was trying to experiment so im going back to my old stance
stiff deadlift 82.5kg 11reps- easy
Pullover 42.5kg 12reps-Easy, pausing at bottom of belly button to work out biceps as much as possible
Hanging leg raise- 13reps, went even further then 90degrees and I think my bf must have dropped or something cause I dont remember being able to do this many
hanging leg raise again with 2kg dumbell-11reps
Crunchs-I had trouble with this one being effective.You see I only do crunchs to 45 degrees because I feel the rest doesnt really work out abs(ie touching to your knees)so it didnt seem any harder to put a weight over my chest(I even tried 15kg)do you mean I should rest the weight there on my chest?And should I not be putting the weight behind my head instead?I had done that before and found it better but I dunno
Manhandlin barbell excercise-I dont get this, I think im not strong enough to do this excercise.I have weak forearms and it just isnt possible.I even tried it with the EZ bar I have which is not as long, I also tried not holding it at the very end of the barbell and that didnt work either.I dont think im doing it wrong, just im not strong enough or something so I just did another hanging leg raise instead.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, great news you didn't lose any strength. The BP does lend itself well to retaining strength long term. The relative easy with which you got the remainder of your lifts tells me the time off was good.... and needed. Do you suspect you were over-training to any degree?

you mean I should rest the weight there on my chest?And should I not be putting the weight behind my head instead?I had done that before and found it better but I dunno

A. If you found it easier behind the head, certainly perform that variation. I'd discontinue the barbell manhandle exercise for now. Focus on getting those loaded crunches up!
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Post by DaCookie »

Over famining maybe, did a half unintentional famine, then a real famine for 3 days I think it was, then had to redo it so had a few rest days and then did a full famine.Aight ill give it a go behind the head.May be placebo but i think the ara a is causing more doms and I see my abs showing more when tensed then usual.Gonna start lowering calories now cause were almost past that point in the BP run.

Really looking forward to the weights the next few days for some reason.Gonna keep going 1on 1off unless I get some serious doms.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

DaCookie wrote:Over famining maybe, did a half unintentional famine, then a real famine for 3 days I think it was, then had to redo it so had a few rest days and then did a full famine.Aight ill give it a go behind the head.May be placebo but i think the ara a is causing more doms and I see my abs showing more when tensed then usual.Gonna start lowering calories now cause were almost past that point in the BP run.

Really looking forward to the weights the next few days for some reason.Gonna keep going 1on 1off unless I get some serious doms.
ArA does cause more DOMS, that's part of its function as it increases inflammation.

You should be also noticing a far greater pump during your workouts if I'm not mistaken.
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Post by DaCookie »

Yeap knew that but didnt know about the pump.Gonna pay attention to it over the next while then.

Im using x factor advanced which has fish oil.I didnt notice anything at first so I dropped my super epa which I was taking 4 a day, probably way to soon cause I heard for most it takes affect in the 2-3rd week when constantly working out.I may or may not add the super epa back in...
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Post by DaCookie »

Oh and I finished my e-bol(not gonna rebuy, great product but the mass supps stack better) and only about 4 days left on the tbol trib.So hope that adaptogen N arrives a little spare though

Edit: lul whats with the renaming e bol and t bol???

Edit2: generic now :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Good to hear you're finding which supps work for you. Can't wait to hear your feedback on Adaptogen N...
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Post by DaCookie »

Ok so I was really impressed with my stiff legged deadlift, the rest were so so

Bench 70kg 4 reps(last rep really hard...again positive thoughts got me through it, almost got stuck in the lock position)
pullover 30kg 5 reps(Think I wasnt doing this excercise correctly before, now I have my lower body low down and neck lookin up near the ceiling.Before it was more like lower body flat and neck bent, im finding it harder and I feel it in my triceps much more so Im quite sure im doing it correctly now)
Squat 80kg 5 1/2 reps then 2 reps then 1rep(Reason I did more reps after was cause I was trying to fix my form.Its a bit off when I go to low reps and I think I found out what was wrong.I was going to low and focusing to much on the form in my legs, what I found out is that if you focus on keeping your back in check everything else just falls into place or at least for me)
stiff legged deadlift 92.5kg 9 reps(Yeh I know its meant to be 4-6 reps but I was really surprised with how light it was so I just kept going...felt like a beast after that, I can really see my deadlift numbers increasing a lot in this run, that muscle memory is really catching on and maybe adding a bit)
bent row 47.5kg 9 reps(Surprised with this also...and yes I held it at the biceps flexed position)
Crunch 5kg behind head 9 reps, 15kg behind head 11reps
Leg raise 4kg 9 reps

Overall im pretty happy with everything so far except bench.But I think that will come as my weight goes up cause this lift is quite dependant on it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Spot on Cookie and great #'s/observations!

That back work/pulls are really coming along... :)
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Post by askmass »

All of the pre-sale/backordered Adaptogen N shipments went out a week ago Wednesday, so you should be getting your international delivery any day now. I think you'll be impressed with what it does for you, Cookie.
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Post by DaCookie »

Aight thanks
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Post by DaCookie »

Oh and does it matter if I take the adaptogen N around the same time as the gamma gh?Cause both say for bed.
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Post by RobRegish »

No contra indications I'm away of. That combo will put you OUT!!
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Post by askmass »

That's a very solid combo, man.

Allow plenty of time to sleep, hit the weights hard, eat like you should, and get ready to make muscle gains.
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