Cookie is bulking for Summer(wat?!?)

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Post by RobRegish »

That's great!!
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Post by DaCookie »

Now 154lbs and 10% bf or so, knew those doms in famine meant something.
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Post by RobRegish »

:) Nice work Cookie..
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Post by DaCookie »

Alright so im going away for 6 days or so, hopefully I can find a gym.If not then its only 6 days so ah well

Gonna do those first 5 workouts with these excercises and with the rep range stated:

stiff legged deadlift
barbell row(I know you said to switch it for 1arm db row but I feel this is a better excercise, il switch if I notice back pains)

And then when ive finished the 5 workouts, what rep range/sets do you recommend I do with these excercises Rob?
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Post by RobRegish »

Apologies Cookie but what loading pattern/workout are you using coming off of the 5 HIT workouts?

I couldn't find it in this thread...
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Post by DaCookie »

Ive just gone on the 5 HIT workouts but I changed it to the excercises I stated and used the reps stated in the 5 HIT workouts.EG I did 9 reps of those 5 excercises today.

Then after these 5 workouts I was asking what rep range to use from there on for these 5 excercises for purely size gains.
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Post by RobRegish »

Your best bet is to cycle the reps as this variable is the one the body adjusts the quickest to.

Consider the following rep range cycles:

10-12 reps
8-10 reps
4-6 reps
2-3 reps
MAX singles

OR, insert a de-load:

10-12 reps
8-10 reps
4-6 reps
2-3 reps
10-12 reps
MAX singles

Alternatively, you have the German Loading Patterns 1 and 2, the Russian Loading Pattern and the 10% solution to play with. LOTS of options in The Blueprint to consider.
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Post by DaCookie »

Aight yeh I think ill go with the first one after these 5 workouts.Forgot to do them ab excercises aswell.What you think about adding in a bicep excercise cause I think its the only muscle not getting hit that much?

And all 1set yeh?

Think ill give the crunches and hanging leg raises a go and if I cant hold a weight between my legs ill do that one with the barbell you said instead.
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Post by DaCookie »

Heres my numbers, all 9 reps except pullover

Bench 60kg
Pullover 30kg for 5 then 25 for 4, think I mixed up the weight I could do, thought it was 25kg or something for 20 reps I could do, but it was actually 20 or 15.
Squat 70kg
Stiff legged deadlift 80kg
Bent row 50kg(Gonna reduce this so I can pause at the top when I tip the bottom bit of my stomach so I work biceps more.Back/legs already getting hit hard so...

So im going away tomorrow.See you in 6 days with an update, if I found a gym and etc.Bringin all my supps with me so there better be one
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Post by RobRegish »

You can certainly add biceps (suggest preacher curls) but honestly, with all of that pushing and pulling your bis/tris are going to be getting a LOT of work!

I haven't done a curl in 5+ years. LOTS of weighted chins, dips, pushes and presses though.
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Post by DaCookie »

Aight.Cya in 6-7 days.
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Post by RobRegish »

Have fun!
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Post by DaCookie »

Aight so just back, there was no gym or rather I didnt see one.A lot of guys blatantly roiding over there.Drank 2 of the nights, kinda peer pressured into it cause its my 6th year holiday.For the next few months though I will definitely take this seriously.No drinkin during feast.Gonna restart those first 5 workouts to see where im at.
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome back Cookie. Glad you got it out of your system :)
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