BP Run Take One...

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Post by BrainSquirt »

draco, just in case Rob can't get back to you on this (...and you or Rob can correct me if I'm not hooking up with the right context here...) but imo, the best 'recovery workouts' are short non related barely streneous recreation... play / cross training / active rest type of stuff...

... and I personally would not replenish KA via overnight shipping. If you have AdaptogenN on hand just take it day of and day after workout.
... and then take ONE extra KA when they do come in
...or more... :wink: it will then be 'needed' and it will be utilized...hth
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Post by RobRegish »

Right on Brain. Good info here.

Recovery workout: Light jogging, not sprinting. I personally either did light jogging or maybe 50% intensity sprints back to back to back with no rest. Something in-between jogging and sprinting.

The ideal (for me) is sled dragging and a chiro adjustment. Tough to describe with the sled but you'll know it if you get one. Just 5-10 min of continuous dragging with a moderate weight forward/backward keeps the shoulders healthy, the heart/lungs honest etc.. It's nothing I dread either. Feels refreshing and that's how it should be.

And yes, you'll squat on Thursday.

On the KA, no worries. Continue taking your Adaptogen N. That hefty dose of Suma is under-rated anyway in terms of its Ecdy content. Simply resume KA when it arrives at your normal dose.

Rest up, eat well and focus on Thursday. I'd be interested to hear any more subjective observations you have regarding fullness, recovery from your last workout, general motivation at this point etc.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

You know it's like a race engine. Sittin there under the hood it looks big but you don't get the whole picture until it's turned on, reved up, and warmed up.
That's how I feel, I'm getting my weight back, I feel good but I feel better at the gym and after a hard week of sweating.
I did feel that way during my first BP workout, that was great, I felt strong and muscles felt full. And yesterday as I felt the tightness and soreness in my legs and chest, I knew I had pushed myself and was on the way to some gains. A little less sore this morning, about 28 hrs until my next workout, I'm sure I'll be ready for session two.
Because I'm always munchin on nuts, fruits, or sippin on a shake, I do feel full. My ex obliques and lower abs are hiding behind some softness again. This is my standard storage area when I bulk, I can and will take care of that when calories are dialed back and when squatting allows me to work the torso more.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great detail, and I appreciate it.

Yes, the race engine analoge is appropriate. Because that engine is being stoked now as the nutrients come flooding back in and your muscles are soaking them up. Then, boom... their capability is revealed during the workout. This is exactly the window we've opened by going through the famine. Without that, the window just isn't open like it is now.

You make hay when the sun is shining, and for sure it's shining now. Get a good night's sleep and hit it hard tomorrow. Anxiously awaiting your next post. I'm off to NJ tomorrow but should be back online early evening.

Let me know if any questions in the interim. I'll be on early tonight and very early tomorrow AM, as always.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

The only question I have is "can I include a few sets of calf raises after my workout?"
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, you can......

The only caveat is that they don't take away physically or mentally from your BP/SQ. Being smaller muscle groups, they shouldn't. I can vividly recall pre-workout anxiety prior to certain calf routines though. I used to perform the following:

Leg sled toe press: Full load for 20+ rep immediately followed by
Seat calf raises: Heaviest weight I could handle for 8-10 reps followed immediately by

Running in jump soles. These are those calf shoes you may have seen advertised that have the heel under the toe.

https://www.jumpusa.com/p14.htm?qts=goog ... 5QodSUojrw

You want to take strange to a new level? Run around your neighborhood in these.

I could not walk for 3-4 days, no kidding. Didn't/couldn't go to work. I could hobble, and managed to get vertical only by putting all pressure on my heel. I made one trip to the laundry room of my apartment complex that took 30 min each way. It was probably 150 feet and up/down a few flights of stairs.

I have been cursed with "high" calves but never gave up. Today, I finally have "decent" calves, which is a huge step up from where they were. I'll see if i can post a pic or 2.

In all honesty, I think what has helped the most are hip belt squats, heavy sled dragging and sprints. That and 25 years of never giving up...

So yes, train them. One note: Do not perform standing calf raises with weight on your shoulders/back. This has a CNS impact and isn't optimal, anyway. Better to use the sled or belt around the waist. Here again the hip belt/loading pin combination is gold.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Yes, I owned a pair of those shoes too. Trying to train at the time for a higher vertical for basketball. After I fully ruptured my achillies I gave them away. I have to train calves seperately because my right being stronger takes the work load. I've found heavy, slow contractions, squeezing at the peak better than 20 fast reps for size. And yes sprinting, uphill is great. I too struggle at my height to bulk up those calves but I never neglect and probably will never be content with their size. Especially my gimp side...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Whoa Nelly!! I weighed in at 229 today. Had to double check on a different scale. Following the guildlines of liver tablets, fluids and nuts must have worked!!
And the workout.... I had my doubts going into todays workout. I was still a little stiff in the chest, legs felt pretty good but two days off between two big muscle lifts...... I had my doubts.
BP workout session two.
Bench: all reps, 5 sets, good form, good strength. Final set: 4 solid, help with the fifth, had nothin for the sixth but did a forced rep anyway. Took deep breaths as I walked (slowly) to my final sq set.
Hit all reps, all sets of squat. WOW what a feeling! Five sets of 10-12 calf raises while cooling down. I took your suggestion and on the last three sets I rested 7min, then 9min, then 10min before the last set. These jump sets rock!
Supps and diet pretty much the same. Only taking one KA a day until I'm out and/or new shipment arrives.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very, very happy for you Draco.

You're back on track and the "traction" I speak of is underway. Saddle up, because it just keeps gets better from here.

Keep those active recovery days in place and focus on trying to work the soreness out of the muscle in between weight workouts. That will be key going forward. If you're still substantially sore going into your next workout, go to a 3 day off frequency.

You may not need that but just know it's an option.

Nice work.
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Post by RobRegish »

One more note as I'm tracking your Famine/Feast bodyweight recovery carefully as one component of managing this..

October 7th you started Famine at 227lbs
October 11th you finished Famine at 220lbs
October 12th started Feast at 220lbs
Oct 20th (9 days into Feast) you weighed in at 225
October 23rd (12 days into Feast) you weighed in at 229lbs

Notice the traction pattern there?

It took 9 days to regain 5lbs, but only 3 days to gain another 4lbs. Clearly, a big acceleration of anabolism in the past 3 days. Very big.

I'm not fond of bodyweight being the end-all be all measurement but I will be charting this variable for you as the cycle progresses. It's one of the indicators I use (there are others) to determine what adjustments we'll make in milking gains for all their worth.

And again, outstanding work. Appreciate you hanging in there. Once I get more data compiled I'll be editing the course to incorporate some of the key findings you, Brain and others have contributed.

Free updates (and credit given to people like you, of course) to all Blueprint customers at a future date.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Sounds good, still looking forward to what's coming. Some guys at the gym are asking a lot of questions. I hope to send them your way once they see the gains.
Nice pic, I've been meaning to get a few taken. Always good to put a face with the name.
You mentioned some traveling on 10/22, if you ever find yourself in the Pacific NW look me up and we'll throw some weights around.
Going to take one more day off, for several reasons, I will hit session 3 with full force tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks Draco. Part of my responsibility is the West although I'm almost always in CA when I'm out there. I do have customers in WA state so perhaps next time I'll make a swing up that way. Will certainly let you know..

Sounds like you're listenting to your body again, which is a good thing. Keep us posted. As always, any questions please fire away. I'm here to help..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Session 3
The gym went well today despite a mis-hap I will explain later. %, sets, and reps all from BP. I got ahead of myself and on set #4, instead of 4 reps I did 6 on both. I was able to complete all reps for all sets of bench today. I did all reps for all sets of squat as well. Last set of squats I missed my depth by an inch or two but went slow and steady. Almost the opposite of last time, my bench felt strong while my squat was a hard press.
I had a little extra motivation today, between jump sets some guy had taken weights off my squat rack. The same guy that had seen me squatting and decided that I didn't need two stations. There's always one in every gym isn't there. People without a program, and without a clue just don't get it. I'm almost over it, but it did motivate me to push harder on the last two sets.
Closed with some seated calf raises.
What about the guns? Is there any room to get some reps in there? Even if it's low weight it would make me feel better about neglecting them.
Weighed in at 226 today. Cut back calories a bit this weekend. Supplements are the same, KA is empty should be here soon.
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Post by RobRegish »

All sets for all reps and then some! Super...

Sounds like the time off did you right. Very happy for you and bodes well for workouts 4, 5 and 6.

Don't worry too much about the weight because as you said, it's largely a function of backing off on the food. It's the strength that's most important in this program. More weight pushed/pulled = more contractile proteins being built!

Totally understand on the "every gym has one front". That's why I train in my basement.

As far as the arms, my experience has been if you're pushing/pulling heavy they'll get PLENTY of work. You can (as with calves), throw in a few hard and heavy sets toward the end. In more size oriented Blueprint runs we'll leverage stretch position movements that'll slab some serious beef on any arm.

Personally, I haven't done a curl in over 5 years.
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