Bennie's Pumped for his 1st Blueprint Run!

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Bennie's Pumped for his 1st Blueprint Run!

Post by dropthebeats »

Hey everyone. Tomorrow I'm going to start The Blueprint for the 1st time. It was only two weeks ago when I first heard about it, and I bought the book the same day. I have read it several times already, and I have spent hours reading all your posts on this website. I'm super excited to get started.

I first started working out a little less than two years ago. I was 28 at the time (I'm currently 30). I originally started lifting to lose weight. I went from 218 down to 170 in less than six months. I also gained strength during that time. At the beginning of this year, I decided I wanted to gain some muscle. I put on about 15 pounds in 4 months. I was happy with the results, but I know that I will be even happier following The Blueprint.

Currently I weigh 180 lbs. I'm 5'10, and right around 15% body fat. My resting heart rate is 54 bpm. For the past month, I have only been working out two days a week doing a total body circuit. So, my body has had plenty of rest to start this.

Approx. 1RM
Bench - 205 lbs
Squat - 375 lbs
Deadlift - 355 lbs

For the Famine phase, I plan on following the sample diet in one of the stickies. It is mainly fruits and vegetables. I picked that one, because it is 1400 calories and I like everything that is on it. Worked out perfect. I also picked up some detox tea. I will not be taking any supplements during these 5 days.

I travel for my job, so sometimes I have trouble getting all my workouts in, and eating clean. I usually manage, but I will try extra hard for this. I leave town Monday mornings and get home Thursday evenings. My typical workout schedule is Thursday when I get home, Friday, Sunday, and Mondays before I leave. If I do three workouts a week, I'll do Thu, Sat, Mon. Sometimes I can find gyms on the road, so I should be able to handle this just fine.

I'm going to post daily. Thanks for reading my log. I enjoy reading all of yours.


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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome Bennie!

Strong start and we're all here for you if you need us!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Will be following this! Good luck!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine: Day 1

For some reason, I wasn't hungry today. Maybe I have been telling my body that this was going to happen, and it prepared itself. I have only eaten fruits and veggies, and I'm not even close to getting my calories in for the day. I just ate some almonds to get my calories up. Here is what I've had today:

6:30 am - detox tea

10:30 am - medium banana, 20 raspberries

12:00 pm - detox tea

12:30 pm - one cucumber (I had planned on having a salad with it, but I was full after eating that

5:00 pm - one serving of a romaine blend

6:45 pm - one apple

8:00 pm - one banana

9:30 pm - one serving of almonds, 2 celery stalks, and another apple

So far, total calories: 650 Carbs: 127g Protein: 14 g

What do you guys do to get your calories in? Should I get a huge bottle of V8 and drink it throughout the day?

I also did workout 1 today. I was tired when I got to the gym. I worked from 7-5, and then I drove 70 miles to the closest gym (I'm working up in the mountains of New Hampshire). My workout was okay.

Squat - 5 x 285
One-Arm DB Row - 6 x 45s

Squat - 5 x 285
One Arm DB Row - 6 x 50s

Squat - 6 x 285
One Arm DB Row - 6 x 50s

Wide-Grip Cable Row - 6 x 105
Chin-up - 4

Wide-Grip Cable Row - 6 x 105
Chin-up - 4

Wide-Grip Cable Row - 6 x 105
Chin-up - 4

EZ-Bar Curl - 5 x 83

Incline DB Curl - 6 x 35s

Preacher Curl - 6 x 53

I was happy with how fast the workout was. That's always nice. I'm going the hit the sack. I need the rest.

Please let me know if you have any ideas for stuff that I can eat to get my calories in.

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Post by RobRegish »

"then I drove 70 miles to the closest gym" - Tells me all I need to know about your dedication to The Blueprint :)

For the calories, highly suggest juicing the following drinks: ... .php?t=389

They're full of fiber too, which will keep you full!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Thanks Rob. I'll definitely try one or more of those drinks.
That trek to the gym almost sucked. I drove all the way to this small town, and I thought to myself that there is no way that they have a gym in this town. The GPS took me to the location, and I couldn't find it anywhere. I drove around for about 5 minutes and eventually found it. I was already planning on going to the next town that had a gym. Haha. I'm crazy.

Yesterday: Day 2 of Famine

6:30 am - detox tea

10:00 am - one banana, 30 raspberries

12:30 pm - 12 oz of V8, one apple

4:00 pm - 12 oz of V8

6:00 pm - one apple, one banana

9:00 pm - fruit and nut mix

Total Calories: 1145 Carbs: 205 g Protein: 18 g

I felt good until about 6:00 pm, and then I started to crave food that wasn't allowed. I started to get tired around the same time. Which sucked, because I was only 11 hours into a 19 hour day. But, I made it. I couldn't do any cardio, because there wasn't enough time in the day.
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 3 - Part 1:

I slept in today to make up for my long day yesterday. I ended up getting just over 7 hours sleep. It took me about 20 minutes to get out of bed, because my body felt really tired. But, once I got up and started moving around I felt fine.

Workout 2 was difficult. I was extremely weak. I'm guessing this is normal during the Famine Phase, because of the lack of energy I'm taking in. I couldn't hit the reps in some of the sets, but I did the best I can do.

Wide-Grip Bench - 9 x 155
Standing DB Press - 8 x 30s

Wide-Grip Bench - 8 x 155
Standing DB Press - 8 x 25s

Wide-Grip Bench - 6 x 155
Standing DB Press - 8 x 25s

Wide-Grip Bench - 6 x 145
Standing DB Press - 9 x 25s

Decline Close-Grip Bench - 9 x 105

Skull Crushers - 10 x 48 (could have gone heavier, 1st time doing this exercise)

Cable Pushdown - 10 x 90

I feel good now. It is still only 11:00 am, so we will see how the rest of the day goes.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, completely normal so you're on target.

Now please heed my advice: If you feel at all "off" during workout 3.. discontinue. I'm not kidding here, you can't make gains if you're sick/injured.

Just play it safe. We're over-reaching, not digging too deep a hole. Most simple resort to bodyweight movements (squats lets say) but again, play it safe.

Health first, always.
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 3 - Part 2

Day 3 wasn't bad. I didn't have much to do. So other than my morning workout, I pretty much relaxed all day. I felt good.

9:00 am - 20 grapes

10:00 am - workout (previous post)

11:00 am - 40 grapes

6:00 pm - homemade fruit juice mix

8:30 pm - 1/2 cucumber, 1 oz almonds, detox tea

10:00 pm - 12 oz grapefruit juice

Total Calories: 1000 Carbs: 160 g Protein: 12 g
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 4 - Part 1

I just woke up 20 minutes ago, and I feel great. I slept for around 9 hours. I can't remember the last time I slept that long.

Weight: 173 (lost 7 lbs)
Resting HR: 62 (up 8 bpm)

Today, I plan on going to the gym for an hour of cardio. Other than that I'm going to relax. I can't wait for Sunday so I can chow down.
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 4 - Part II

I just got back from the gym. I did an hour of cardio on the treadmill. Mostly inclines. I feel great. Tons of energy.
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 4 - Part III

I have serious cravings for some meat. All I can think about is barbecue chicken and steak. I can't wait until Sunday. Other than that everything is going great.

10:00 am - one banana

1:00 pm - homemade fruit juice

3:00 pm - one banana

6:00 pm - homemade fruit juice

7:00 pm - can of tomato soup

9:00 pm - 10 raspberries, one oz of almonds

9:30 pm - detox tea

Total Calories: 1260 Carbs: 266 g Protein: 21 g
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Post by RobRegish »

The serious cravings for meat keep popping up over and over when people go through famine.

I think it's ancestral (apologies to vegetarians)...
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Post by dropthebeats »

Famine Day 5 - Part 1

Weight: 173 (same as yesterday so I'm happy with that)
Resting HR: 68 (still moving up)

Workout 3:

Squat - 15 x 195
One-Arm DB Row - 15 x 30s

30 sec rest

Squat - 15 x 195
One-Arm DB Row - 15 x 30s

30 sec rest

Squat - 15 x 195
One-Arm DB Row - 15 x 30s

30 sec rest

Squat - 15 x 195
One-Arm DB Row - 15 x 30s

30 sec rest

Squat - 15 x 195
One-Arm DB Row - 15 x 30s

2 min rest

Seated Cable Row - 15 x 65
Assisted Chin-up - 12

30 sec rest

Seated Cable Row - 12 x 60
Assisted Chin-up - 12

30 sec rest

Seated Cable Row - 12 x 60
Assisted Chin-up - 12

30 sec rest

Seated Cable Row - 12 x 60
Assisted Chin-up - 12

30 sec rest

Seated Cable Row - 12 x 60
Assisted Chin-up - 12

30 sec rest

2 min rest

Barbell Curl - 12 x 55

30 sec rest

Incline DB Curl - 6 x 25s, 6 x 20s

30 sec rest

Preacher Curl - 12 x 48

Workout was tough. I had to push myself. It was all mental. My body felt good, but I just had to really go get those reps. I never felt dizzy or like I should stop. So, that was good. Look the book says, this workout is brutal.

Less than 24 hours until I feast. I'm almost there. Going out of town to take the kid to the zoo. Have a good weekend guys.

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