xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 7 Feast

Today was the 3rd workout of the Feast phase. Let me tell you, this was a great workout. Also, I wanna say, don't let failure stop and make you lose sight of the goal...


First, Bench Press and Pullovers. Last time, I did 160 for 4 reps. Today, my goal was adding 10 pounds to that, for a total of 170 for 2-3 reps. Pullovers I want to do either 60s. After warmups, I was ready for that mark. Went ahead and was ready to bench the 170. Asked someone in the gym to spot me, but I knew he really wasn't a good spotter and I told him to only help me if I told him to. Okay, so I did the first rep and when I went ahead for the second, I lost control of the form w/ my right arm and while I could push up w/ the left hand, my right was giving up, but I could do it. Unfortunetly, the spotter immediately pulled up the bar. I was dissapointed I couldn't do it, but hey, I went for it again. This time, I got this:

Bench Press w/62.5 each side, total of 170, for 3 clean reps, followed by Pullovers with 60s for 4 reps.

I was so impressed w/ myself and pumped up I could do it that I forgot I had to do my pullover. Probably waited about 30 seconds before I went ahead and did those. Really focused on stretching the muscle.

After this, went ahead w/ squats and deadlifts. Las time, I did 75 each side on the squat for 6 reps, and DLs w/ 155 for 5 reps (although this weren't that great because of the form). Wanted to add 20 lbs to the squat and 10 lbs to the RDLs. After warmups, did the following:

Squats w/ 85 lbs each side on the smith, for 3 reps(could have done one more). This was followed by the Romanian DLs w/ 60lbs each side, total of 165 for 3 reps. I fixed the deadlifts form, focusing completely on the hams. Again, setting up new records. I'm really enjoying this feeling of doing great on the gym. Other people are noticing this too, that I'm getting stronger.

After a rest of 4-5 minutes, went ahead w/ the first EDT Block. I still haven't gotten the correct weight on these, because I think it's a certain weight but my body surprises me and can do more weight.

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press and One Arm DB Row

Start of EDT Block: 4:12

Set #1 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #1 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #4 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #5 -> 55lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

I failed at the end but it was to 5 reps. Next workout I will raise the DB press to 60s and the DB Row to 65s.

EDT Block #2: Barbell Curl and Lying Tricep Extension

Start of EDT Block: 4:08

Set #1 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #4 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #5 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Another awesome workout. All my workouts, except the one where I had the squat accident, have been great. I keep surprising myself w/ what I do on the gym.

Total Macros for today: 3120Calories/60F/378C/258P
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy for you man, realy am.

I love coming here to see how well you're doing and how other people are noticing. I really need to get those Tshirts rolling but until then remember..

"bodybuildingsupplements.com" :)

Seriously, great progress and I appreciate all of the hard work you're putting into this!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Great Job! I enjoy reading your log. You are really pushing yourself. Keep up the great work!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

dropthebeats wrote:Great Job! I enjoy reading your log. You are really pushing yourself. Keep up the great work!
Thanks men. I'm really dedicated to this. Glad you like this.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Will be updating this w/ the weekend's notes and yesterday's workout, plus today. Tomorrow will be the 5th workout of the Feast phase! Gonna get nice PRs I believe...

If it hit 170 on the Bench Press for 3 reps, I can hit 180 for 1. But could I do 185? I really wanna push myself for 185... And squats, gonna go for 200 + smith machine bar weight, so about 220. :D

Also, just got my bottle of E-Bol. How do I dose it and how much protein do I shoot for? Thanks!
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Post by RobRegish »

PR clouds are forming, as my man Hank would say :)

If it hit 170 on the Bench Press for 3 reps, I can hit 180 for 1. But could I do 185? I really wanna push myself for 185...

A. I get 10lbs/push. So I'd say 185 is very do-able. Mentally rehearse in your mind..

And squats, gonna go for 200 + smith machine bar weight, so about 220.

A. Now if you're going from smith to free weight I'd exercise caution. The groove is entirely different. If staying on smith, tough to say. That's why I hate the Smith!

Also, just got my bottle of E-Bol. How do I dose it and how much protein do I shoot for? Thanks

A. Per label recommendations, but with your highest PROTEIN meals. KA is a bit different as you want to take that with your highest CARB based meals.

On the Ebol/training days, suggest one dose an hour prior with a bit of fat/carb/protein (light meal) and one dose immediately post with your recovery drink.

Doing so puts the product in the best position to reap the most from it..
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Post by xxtotuxx »

RobRegish wrote:PR clouds are forming, as my man Hank would say :)

If it hit 170 on the Bench Press for 3 reps, I can hit 180 for 1. But could I do 185? I really wanna push myself for 185...

A. I get 10lbs/push. So I'd say 185 is very do-able. Mentally rehearse in your mind..

And squats, gonna go for 200 + smith machine bar weight, so about 220.

A. Now if you're going from smith to free weight I'd exercise caution. The groove is entirely different. If staying on smith, tough to say. That's why I hate the Smith!

Also, just got my bottle of E-Bol. How do I dose it and how much protein do I shoot for? Thanks

A. Per label recommendations, but with your highest PROTEIN meals. KA is a bit different as you want to take that with your highest CARB based meals.

On the Ebol/training days, suggest one dose an hour prior with a bit of fat/carb/protein (light meal) and one dose immediately post with your recovery drink.

Doing so puts the product in the best position to reap the most from it..
Thanks for the help Rob. Will do 185. Before that I will go and shoot for the 180 and see how that feels. But I'm sure I can get it.

Also, yeah unfortunetly the smith is the only thing I have on hand right now. I always do them on the smith. Last time I did 85 each side for 3 reps I believe, so I believe 100 each side, 200 total, will be certainly doable.

Also, for the E-Bol, i'd be dosing it w/ breakfast, before training, and post workout. So it'd be w/ the high protein meal of breakfast, the lighter meal pre-workout, and the protein shake + carbs post. How about on off-days? With higher protein meals 3x a day?
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Post by xxtotuxx »

The body + mind combination is a strong one...that's all I will say...

Today's workout has exceeded all my expectations. I had 185 in mind for the Bench Press and 200 for the squats. Well, little to say, I actually did 190 on the Bench press and 230 for the squats!! :D Plus I did heavy deadlifts too, doing 195 for about 2-3 reps, so my one rep would have bee about 205-210 I'm sure. Awesome workout was awesome...

I'm dying to post my last 2 workouts here. Unfortunetly, all the info on the workouts is on the desktop computer and I'm currently on the laptop because on some problems with the electricity.
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Post by RobRegish »


I love this place. nolinksplease.com wouldn't believe it if they saw it. They still don't believe it.

They keep ordering lots of pills and powders though..Great work man. I know you do what you can to spread the word about Blueprint too but today....

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Post by xxtotuxx »

RobRegish wrote:Bawhaha!

I love this place. nolinksplease.com wouldn't believe it if they saw it. They still don't believe it.

They keep ordering lots of pills and powders though..Great work man. I know you do what you can to spread the word about Blueprint too but today....

Yeah, I felt great at the gym today. For the bench press, I pushed w/ all my body to the max. I gave it all I had, and I succeeded. I love it.

The thing I find the most hilarious is that theres a tool on the nolinksplease.com forum that says what would be the weight you would be using for your 1 rep, 2 rep, etc. It said I would max at 170. Funny, because I added 20 pounds to that... :D

I'm really, really enjoying this blueprint run. I've never had this type of motivation in all the time I've been working out. Also, the strength I have right now I feel is incredible for me. It's obviously not something to be showboating about, but for me, it's something that means a lot..
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Will be updating today. Week has been full of stuff that keeps me from updating... :(

BTW Rob, is this the right way to do the German Loading phase? I do one workout GLP for chest, and the next workout is the GLP for the squats right? How many workouts total?

A. Correct. Done in that fashion.. 12 total workouts for GLP.

Also, I do the 6 sets, and do the EDTs I was normally doing in the previous Feast workouts right?

A. Correct. Big barbell lifts first, then EDT.

On chest days I do the Incline DB press + seated row and barbell curls + lying tricep extension, and on leg days I do incline DB press + seated row and Leg Press + Romanian DL?

A. I wouldn't do the inclines or rows on this day. Leave it for upper body. Leg press + RDL's take a LOT out of you and we want to keep the focus on the lower body during this time. RDL's hit the back yes but moreso the trunk.

Finally, on the static holds, I just hold the bar and lower it a little bit so it's not fully extended and hold it for 10 seconds right? I do this 2 times.

A. Correct. MAXIMIM weight here. And you can go as low as 5 sec if need be.

I do the static holds for chest on chest day and for leg on leg days right? And what would be the ideal exercise to do for leg static hold? Thanks!

A. Maximum overload is achieved either on the bench or decline bench for upper body and either leg sled or rack pull for lower body. Both of those (the rack pull is my favorite) are incredibly effective.

PM Draco, he can tell you all about them :)
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Post by xxtotuxx »

So on GLP for Legs I only do the 6 squats and the maximum weight exercise?
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Post by RobRegish »

After satisfying your 6 sets of the GLP, you may proceed to an EDT block. Some want to do 2. I say that's over-kill. Personally, I'd opt for the following:

Leg Sled
Romanian DL

Perhaps some abs. I like a static hold (crunch with cable held behind head, kneeling)

Some like to finish with a static hold on the sled or another exercise for the legs/back. For me (age 40), that's more than enough lol...
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Yeah lol, when you're 17 you feel that you're unstoppable...

I think I'll do the 6 sets of squats, the EDT Block and the static hold.

Rack pulls you say for the static hold? Do I do the action w/ the legs, like in the Romanian DL?
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