The First Blueprint Run of a New Member! Excited!!

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Post by RobRegish »

Glad you're liking the fruits and veggies. The live juiced drinks are the best!!
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Post by Nismo32 »


Food for the day so far:

1 Banana and 1 apple upon rising

1 banana

1 chef salad (contained some meat and one sliced egg) mostly lettuce however

2 more bananas

1organic chocolate chip bar pre workout in addition to the banans

handfuls of raspberries

post workout: 1/2 cup of rigatoni...1 italian sausage....(i know, bad...)

large salad and then an single spinach salad

1 dinner.

some more raspberries.


The usual of:

fish oil x4
charcoal x2
b complex x2
vit d
green tea

I was outside almost all day doing some yard work and mowing lawns, so I am sure I lost some good weight and added some stress to my body. I was expecting my workout to be pretty rough because of that and since I didnt eat tooo much before...

1. Bench: 205 x10 (felt real good actually, never repped 205 for 10 before)
immediately followed by: DB Shoulder Press: 50x10 (I messed up because I didnt really warm up my shoulders, so I played it safe and settled for only 50.....)

2. Close Grip Bench (135x10)
immediately followed by: DB Shoulder Press: 50x10

3. Incline Bench (185x10)
immediately follwed by: DB Shoulder Press: 50x10

Chest and shoulders were done, onto triceps

4. Decline close Grip Bench: 135x10
5.Incline Tricep Extension(prefer over skullcrushers) 70x10
6. Cable Tricep extensions: 100x10
7. Cable tricep extensions: 110x10

Overall, I was pleased with the workout but the chest workouts followed immediately by the shoulder presses were soooo hard. Triceps felt swole at the end, and my chest felt good too.

Note: I followed the 1 min rests and everything as outlined.

Ive weighed around 133, 137, and 136.5 today, but thankfully I finally have my scale to measure everyday upon rising so I can keep track of my weight better. I know I have lost weight though, no dobut. HR is up as well, will record tomorrow.

Question: With the blueprint, I will gain back the weight lost from the famine and then some? Is that correct?

All in all, I am satisfied and would have done anything to devour that pasta and sausage tonight, I cannot wait for breakfast saturday morning when I make like 12 eggs!!! :)[/b]
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Post by dracotdrgn »

but the chest workouts followed immediately by the shoulder presses were soooo hard.
agree, I did shoulder press on the same day as bench for so long I was worried about my shoulder strength. It never really went up. After my run I switched things up a bit and seperated the two again and was pleased to find that I did get stronger.
: With the blueprint, I will gain back the weight lost from the famine and then some? Is that correct?
Yes, I have done three runs and it has happened every time. Follow the protocol and consider the water and liver tab trick.
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Post by Nismo32 »


Chest and triceps were sore today when I awoke which felt good. Weight has a clean 136.

I feel thinner like I lost weight, although I am not sure if I lost any belly fat...(although its probably mainly skin over my abs)

Diet today consisted of the usual supplements/vitamins and:

1 apple
1 organic carrot

1 large romain and spinach salad with 1 ear of corn

serving of cabbage with light dressing

serving of rice, a few beans on the side

Half a cucumber, some tomatoes

1 peach

Ive been feeling hungry all day for the most part but I ate a bit tooo much later last night so I am really trying to keep the food down today.

Tomorrow is the final day, I already am planning my HUGEEEEE Saturday morning breakfast as my first day of feast.

Fridays workout will be the one outlined in the blueprint and should be tough but rewarding nonetheless
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, take care on today's workout. Discontinue if you feel at all sick/"off" etc..

Remember, you can't gain if you're sick! Otherwise, nice work!
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Post by Nismo32 »

Friday's workout went well, the squats felt really good and I focused on my form using 225x3, and then 255 for the final two sets.

Back got a good pump and biceps too, although they felt week.

All greens and fruits for friday, low calories on the final day of famine plus all the regular vitamins.

Now its Saturday, and my FEAST has begun!

Woke up and had two eggs, cinnamon raisin toast, wheat toast. Then two eggs with onion and peppers, and another cinnamon raisin toast.

Note: I took E-BOL roughly 20 minutes before I started to eat breakfast.

Famine Final Weight: 134.5 lbs. I would say this is about 5-6 pounds below my normal weight. Heart rate increased from 56 to 61, so that isnt tooo bad I guess.

Later in the day, I will update this post with supps I plan to run next week and following in the feast as I pack up for the beach! So ready to enjoy the next 72 hrs to eating and resting :D


Okay so I will update this later in the night when I have time to look over the feast section. Right now I have 72 hours (sat, sun, mon) to eat and rest. My protein intake will be high during this time, at least 210 grams, and calories will be at least 2100.

I always salt my food so that will work well for me, and I already started dosing E-BOL.

I will be taking E-bol and cbol creatine for workouts and I think I will take creatine mono on off days, and cbol creatine on lifting days?

Whey protein, ebol, cbol creatine, purple wraath, and some samples of anabolic halo which sucks and dark matter for post workout.

Question: Should I only be consuming around 2100 calories a day for these first couple days, or should I really try to eat a lot, maybe 3000. At home I can eat 4k a day fairly easily but that is with a gainer shake at the end of the night.

Any other tips/ recommendations? Thanks!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Good job Nismo, welcome back to the land of the eating :D
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Post by Nismo32 »

dracotdrgn wrote:Good job Nismo, welcome back to the land of the eating :D
Hahah I love it!
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work making it through!

Now, time for the BIG payoff... :)
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Post by Nismo32 »

2 questions...

1. Does anyone have any views on adding FST-7 training at the end of workouts during feast? I previously started to do 7 sets of 10 reps to get a final pump for chest, or for triceps, etc.

2. I took 4 e-bols today, and will do so on sunday and monday, then on tuesday when training begins, I will bump it up to 6. Hopefully that makes sense! (Thats not really a question but I am just seeing if it will be a problem only taking four....)
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Post by RobRegish »

No idea on FTS-7. Wish I had an answer but for once.... I don't

The 4/day Ebol shouldn't be an issue....
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Post by Nismo32 »

Ah I see, well I am thinking of trying it out on the blueprint because I remember reading how you want to focus on stretching and stretching exercises, and the purpose of FST (fascia stretch training) is to stretch the fascia of the muscle for maximum pump, blood flow, and growth. I think this may have some potential in the blueprint!
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Post by Nismo32 »

At the beach, I purchased all the ingredients to make the great shake with yogurt, wheat germ, pineapple juice, etc so I will be drinking that daily in addition to eating fish, steaks, and other good foods. Tuesday will be my first workout, thats when the 72 hours of feast will be up.

I will stay in touch!
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Post by Nismo32 »

Wow sorry for the super late update, was too busy at the beach for the most part to update.

Anyway, im going in for my second workout today, and my first one went very well.

Noteable lifts include bench: 225 for 8 reps. 315 squats for 10 tens.

I am still a little sore in my triceps from the incline skull crushers I did. Yesterday I was a bit sick stomach wise, so I need to eat alot today and tomorrow to make up for it. That first workout felt great and I cannot wait for todays!

I should update more tonight and see if I have any questions. Weight is back up to around 139-140 now.
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