xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

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xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

Post by xxtotuxx »

Hey there guys. Decided to step up and buy this program. Rob has been great in this process of buying this, answering every question I have asked him, which have been a lot. Here a little info on me:

-Years training: 1 (really motivated when it comes to weight lifting, love it)
-Really don't know my maxes since I don't train shooting for 1rm. What I do know is that I can rep 150 on the bench for about 5-6 and squat 140 on the smith (yeah, I know, gym is a smaller one and doesn't have power rack) for about 5-6 reps. I know, I'm not the strongest, but I'm sure Blueprint will help me with this.

I used to be about 250 at about 16, started losing weight and now I am at about 175. IMO I've come a long way, will try to post pics on my progress.

What do I expect from this Blueprint run? Well, I certainly want to get some great gains. Size is my main goal here, but I'm sure that strength will come with it as well. My 1rm on the bench is probably 160-170, so I wanna raise that 1rm to about 200. I'm positive I can do this, but this is my secondary goal, as my main one is size.

I will start blueprint next week, probably tuesday as I want to have 3 days rest, as Friday will be my last workout on my current routine.

I'm sure people here are great people who are certainly willing to help me out on this. Been reading and have a good idea on what to do, but still I'm somewhat confused on some stuff.
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Post by RobRegish »

All welcome our newest member!

We're glad to have you man an you're in the right place.. Now you've just poured over your Blueprint and undoubtedly, the world is spinning. Take some time to let the big picture settle in. Formulate some concrete goals and then read, re-read and formulate questions.

Most important: Try to take this one step at a time. Meaning initally focus on the Famine week. Once you start thinking about Feast, Cruise etc it gets busy and you can get distracted. I know the feeling.... very excited to get this underway and you will!

And I'll be here every step of the way. Just let it sink in over the next few days. Write down your questions and post them here. I'm here twice a day morning and night and his forum is super helpful so...... let's get movin'!!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Yeah, I already have a notebook here, trying to make the Famine workouts clearer so it's easier for me.

For the Famine diet, is it possible to change one of the carb meals like the banana for some oats? Or is the insulin on the banana necessary for this phase to work?
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Post by RobRegish »

No, that's fine. It's the total caloric limit that's the key and restricting the protein/workout template that makes it work!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Also, I eliminate all supplements? Currently I'm taking a multi-v in the morning, pre-workout (presurge unleashed), some BCAAs with Beta Alanine intra, and my protein and carbs post workout. I should eliminate all these during the 5 days of famine right? Damn, gonna be a rough week lol.
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Post by RobRegish »

The multi and perhaps a pre-workout are OK. Any type of BCAA, protein etc is definately out.

Remember, this is a detox phase. Famine was just an eye catching name. It really is (or should be) a health exercise to detox the body. I mean, a diet of fruits, vegetables, live juiced drinks, leafy greens and some nuts... pretty darned healthy!

Now I'm not saying you're going to feel terrific. Anyone that does a detox will tell you it feels great AFTER it's done. So take that to heart. If you ever feel sick/woozy etc. dis-continue.

Because you can't make gains when you're down and out!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Yeah, gonna take so time off to really prepare both mind and body for this.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. It will pay dues, trust me..

You're embarking on something that's entirely different (for most anyway). As such, it takes a certain mindset to wrap your head around it.

Visualize, troubleshoot and dream BIG!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Rob, a question about Wednesday Famine workout. Modified somethings here and there, wondering if it's ok.

a) Bench Press, followed by DB Arnold Press, 2x8-10, 1 minute rest between set.

b) Incline Bench press, followed by DB Shoulder Press, 2x8-10, 1 minute rest between set.

c) skullcrushers 1x8-10, 1 minute rest, rope pressdown 1x8-10, 1 minute rest, CGBP 1x8-10.

Also, I've been wondering. If I do some cardio on the offdays, could I add some abs as well? I'm used to training abs daily 5x a week, so I don't know where to fit them here. Thanks!
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Post by RobRegish »

Those modifications are fine. You're on the right track!

As far as abs, you can do them sure. I prefer to do them on training days but see no issues on the off days PROVIDED they're not compromised/sore come your next squat workout.

If they are weaker, they'll give in first and your lower back will be forced to pick up the slack. Not good...

You sound like you're in great shape plus you're young so, just keep those caveats in mind!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Thanks Rob. I got my famine phase almost set up except for the diet, which shouldn't really be that hard. Just got to get around 1400 calories.

Also, wondering about E-Bol now, would it be a waste just running one bottle of it?

In addition, would Sci-Fit's ecdy be a decent alternative for E-Bol?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes on Ebol as I detailed via PM. No way on SciFit.

They're got some good products but they don't do herbs well AT ALL.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Yeah, will do the second option.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Been making some PR's on my current routine. Been feeling strong lately. Can't imagine the PR's I'll be making on BP. Can't wait.
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