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Post by RobRegish »

Great work here.. and congrats on those DL #'s!

On the Kre-Alkalyn, you're correct on workout days. On off days, I'd take one with a higher carb breakfast and another later in the day with another high carb meal.

Hope that helps...
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Post by Redgum »

Cheers Rob.

OK, day 27 of Feast.

207lbs. Feeling gooood. Struggling to keep cals at 70% on these off days, hunger strikes! Would be easy with an appetite suppressant, or my old ECA stack back! I'll continue how I'm going though, It's still a deficit.. anyway.

Workout GLP #8.

SQUATS! (No.3)

6 sets

Quite easy, last few reps as usual were tough, no back pains this week though, so was nice.

Went into Bicep/Tricep work, resistance band too. Was good.

Loved this workout, I was into it, had loads of energy, which is odd, I had eaten anything, I just had a protein shake for breakfast, then my periworkout drink through it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good signs all around... :)
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Post by Redgum »

Day 29 of Feast.

209lbs. No doubt some water weight, didn't drink enough last couple of days, plus I had a lot of salt this weekend, had some pastry, family event. Didn't go over cals tho.

Workout #9 GLP


6 sets

Wasn't that great, last set was sort of like 1 rep, then rest 1 min, then 1 rep again, got all the reps, but my hands were screwed, callouses were agony today, didn't want to rip them lol.

Dumbbell Rows + Resistance band work.

Average day.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. Hit all your reps/set.

Rip those callouses off, chicks dig it :)
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Post by Redgum »

Haha no I wanted my hands good for today's workout! Already have a chick!

Alright then. Day 31 of Feast!

Weight 208lbs.

Workout #10 GLP.

BENCH! (No.4)

6 sets

Easy, except that last set. Got the reps but quite tough. Other than that, no problems at all, felt energetic.

Decline/Incline Dumbbell Presses. Resistance band work.

But nooo, I just literally just remembered I forgot to do static bar holds, lmao. Dam, oh well.

Awesome workout. Loved it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work man.

Remember, workout #5 is the de-load. Only 5 sets, not 6!
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Post by Redgum »

Aye I keep track with a tick off list of the whole GLP training by my weights so I don't mess up! Week #5 is next week for them. Ta though.

This weekend..long weekend.. clubbing, pubbing, tired as hell. (No alcohol/fizzy drinks tho). In the week my knee was feeling some strain, ligaments, I wasn't even sure I would be able to do today's workout, but I did, it felt OK today, I'm just unsure yet if I will set a new RM in a few weeks time, but things can change, trying to rest my knee as much as possible. Anyway..

These off days where I am supposed to be eating 1750 cals are destroying me, I think they have been more 2000 cals lately, endo ftmfl. Still losing weight though, I think the heat is making me ditch water weight.

Day 34 of Feast. 207lbs.

Workout #11 GLP.

SQUATS! (No.4)

6 sets

Carefully watching that knee, did not go past parallel, that's what was causing issues I think. Still, I completed all sets/reps, felt the last set nicely which was good.

Bicep curls/Tricep kickbacks. Resistance band work. Arms felt decent after that.

I made my peri workout drink with ice for a change, was nicer..and having it stay cool through out was a nice change.

Enjoyable workout. No problems this week.. except today the heat.. aah I'm going to die, its like 29-30 degrees celsius. Yes that is hot for UK! We are not used to that! :cry:

I'm going on some antibiotics for spots again for a month, assuming this will not incur any consequences to anything.
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Post by RobRegish »

Watch those antibiotics... they inhibit mRNA translation in the ecdy you may be using.

Better solution: Hydrogen Peroxide with a dab of d-limonene (constituent of orange/lemon peel)

Topical anti-septic/anti-biotic (check the label) with a smidgeon of transdermal carrier to make it through the skin.

WARNING: The FDA doesn't approve of this treatment, which should give you a rough idea of it's effectiveness..... VERY.

If it doesn't resolve let me know. I have other tricks up my sleeve (boy I wish I had these when I was younger).
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Post by Redgum »

OK thanks Rob. Not taking an ecdy currently. It would be just a 4 week course of antibiotics.

Spots are a bitch, don't have many but would prefer to not have any..

Just did a quick search on said products and found I can get hydrogen peroxide pretty easy, the d-limonene only in pill form or in a toothpaste..topical antiseptic such as TCP ointment, and the transdermal carrier search didn't get me far, kept running into threads about PH use and stuff.

So I could just get the Hydrogen Peroxide, I have heard of this before but just never used it. Cant say I have tried too many products for spots, I just went straight to the docs and he gave me some antibiotics for them, he did say I could have a roll on product but I opted for a pill because of convenience.
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Post by Redgum »

Alright then!

Day 36 of Feast. 207lbs.

Workout #11 GLP.


6 sets

Easy..only tough thing again were my hands.. gimme some chalk..but yeah that was fairly good workout.

Resistance band work. Dumbbell rows. Kettlebell cleans.

Felt good, I sweated buckets.. lost .5lbs during workout :)

Then found out burst water pipe in street.. no water in taps.. feels bad man! :evil:
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Post by RobRegish »

That is GREAT! Now, the deload is next.

Be careful to note.... only 5 sets. Not six! Sorry to hear about the water pipe..
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Post by Redgum »

Alrighty then.

Day 38 of Feast. 205lbs.

Had to be an early workout today, was busy (getting a tattoo) so wasn't as hyped up as usual.

Workout #12 GLP.


5 sets

Was OK I suppose, nothing amazing. Incline/Decline Dumbbell Presses. Resistance band work, again nothing spectacular, but good workout. Usually look forward to working out but I just couldn't wait for it to end, odd day.

Overall OK.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good work. What's done is done!

You've done all the phsyical work. Now, it's a mental game. Visualize your 1RM for a TRIPLE every night from now until max day.

Where the mind goes the body will follow..
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