Zips 1st blueprint run! woooooo!

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Post by Big.jazayrli »

zip wrote:1st day of the feast and so far ok.. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough ride.. Day one and dreaming about MEAT.

well... off to workout!

Btw I have 300 cals to spare for post workout/presoccer.. any ideas?
banana and peanut butter!


that's probably right around 300 assuming you only use 2 tbsp PB
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Post by zip »

Yesterday was pretty good as far as energy during my workout and soccer.

My weight today is 176.8 (-1.2)

My average resting heart rate before the famine was 60-65. Last night on my first day of the famine it was 65 but today it is 72? I'll check again later this evening to see if it calmed down. (This is using an electric heart rate monitor for blood pressure.)

Btw quinoa is a lifesaver at work!

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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go zip..

And yes, the heart rate figure does rise in response to the stress we're imposing. For some moreso than others...
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Post by zip »

Forgot to post yesterday but here it is :)

Day 3 of Famine (yesterday)

Weight: 175.4

During the day I felt out of it.. like a zombie haha.

Didn't have a chance to count calories, but I kept my diet to fruits and vegs only with a couple grain products at each meal.

My heart rate was 72 on day 2 but that might have been because i took it right after a shower? anyways it went back down to 65 that night which is in normal range.

Heart rate was consistently in the 70+ range on day 3 (checked 3 times.) I believe this means my body is almost in the alarm stage which seems early?

The Workout:
Long day at work + no calories = depressing workout. No focus, an average of 10% less weight than I normally put up. Nonetheless it went fast and I was sweating my balls off my the end of it.
Changed up the tri exercises since I workout out at my home gym.

Since we are allowed to indulge in alcohol during the famine, I had a couple brewski's at a friends house.

Day 4 of famine (Today)

Couldn't check weight this morning since I didn't sleep at home. So far today has been the easiest day yet so far on the famine!!! Haha The reason is that its my day off finally so Im just lying around all day. Still feel out of it tho. :shock:

My heart rate is 70. I believe since it is consistently 5+ beats per min that I am in the alarm stage.
What do you think?

I'll post up my Feast workout goals and stats today.

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Post by RobRegish »

Heart rate was consistently in the 70+ range on day 3 (checked 3 times.) I believe this means my body is almost in the alarm stage which seems early?

Day 3 is when it hits for me. Your day 4 figures are right on the mark. The ideal you're looking for is +8bpm over baseline.

BE CAREFUL during workout #5. If you at all feel sick/"off" etc. discontinue immediately. You can't make gains if you're sick or hurt and it'll just delay traction in the Feast. Don't feel bad if you have to do bodweight only squats etc.. It's only natural given the workout protocol called for.

Done correctly, this is a HEALTHY exercise (Famine) where a strong detox effect is observed. A diet of leafy greens, fruits/vegetables, grains and some nuts is a good thing.

I'm just saying.... Health #1. Always...
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Post by zip »

Sorry for long post.

Ok here goes my overall outline and goals for the Blueprint.

Age: 21
Weight: starting weight 150 Pre famine - 178
BF: Dunno, 12-15%? (Fuzzy abs)

I've been training for a little over than a year. I started out with a simple strength program called starting strength and gained about 15 pounds over 4 months. Kept bulking with it until nov but unfortunately had 2 flu's in 1.5 months and lost 10 points each time bringing me back to my starting weight. Kept bulking and started Westside barbell for skinny bastard #3. Gained quite a bit of mass during then. Did that until April and started a 4 day split until now. My reasoning for running the blueprint is because I have stalled at my weight and strength and I'm looking for that extra boost over the hump.

I have never tested my 1 rep max but my all time highs are:
bench 190 x 4/5
Squat 265 x 5 (this has gone down a bit due to less focus on low body)
Deadlift 285 x 3

Goals: Hoping for a lean bulk and reaching 185, hoping to get into the 200's on bench for reps and squat in the 300s.

Almost done it so nothing really needs to be said.


Here we go.

Kre-Anabolyn - Dosing 3/day? 1 at each meal?
Adaptogen N - Have 90 Capsules, should I do 3/night for 3 weeks = 63pills? then 5 on 2 off for the last 2 weeks = 15 pill/week?
Mass Pro Bcaa - Loading protocol #2, Intra workout.
Protein Powder
Fish oil
Whiteflood or PSU on sluggish days.


HIIT Cardio will be done on off days to minimize fat gain.

5 Day HIT program outlined

1 on 2 off (depending on recovering)

Workouts 1 - 5

- Bench press for as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range. NOTE this is ONE set (after warmups).
- Immediately perform a set of heavy dumbell pullovers* (8-10 reps).

EDT BLOCK#1 - sets performed back to back

Incline DB presses
Tbar rows

Alternating DB curls

Possible BLOCK #3?
DB shoulder press
Lat Pulldown

*** Should I save the added EDT's until the GLP phase? since I'll have more time as upper and lower are split up?

A. Drop EDT block #3, you won't need it. Do keep the EDT blocks in workouts 1-5 for now.

Squats for as many reps as you can get in the 8-10 rep range.
- Followed immediately by a set of stiff legged or Dimel deadlifts (8-10

EDT BLOCK - Sets performed back to back

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled

*** Should I preform the PRIMARY movement such as Bench/Squat + accessory stretch and THEN do all the EDT blocks?

A. Yes, absolutely. Pour as much energy/intensity into big barbell work first. Then EDT.

WORKOUT #1 8-10 rep range
WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range
WORKOUT #3 2-3 rep range
WORKOUT #4 6-8 rep range
WORKOUT #5 Attempt new 1RM

GLP #1

DAY 1 - Bench Press
1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

*** Are negatives/static preformed right after? or at the end of the session?

A. Static hold at end of session. No negatives.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

*** Can this be switched to Incline?
Decline dumbell bench press immediately into;
Seated cable rows (horizontal rows)

A. Yes OK to switch to incline

4 rounds of each with 2-3 minutes in between sets.

Alternating DB curls

Possible BLOCK #3?
DB shoulder press
Lat Pulldown

A. No block #3, too much

DAY 2 - SQ

1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1 for the SQ. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following movements in EDT fashion as above:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg sled

Ab work

A. Static hold for ab work. Kneeling on ground, hold handle behind head and have someone assist you into crunch position. 2 sets of 5-10 seconds.


1.2-1.5 grams of protein
300-500 calories above maintenance depending on weight gain.

Cruise phase

Basic 5x5
Burn it Up

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Post by RobRegish »

*** Are negatives/static preformed right after? or at the end of the session?

A. End of the session.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

*** Can this be switched to Incline?

A. Yes

Thanks for bolding!
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Post by zip »

Thanks Rob.

Weight today: 172.4 ... soo just about 6 pounds not including what I lost during the day today.

About to head out and do my last famine workout!

Is my Feast dosing look alright?

Kre-Anabolyn - Dosing 3/day? 1 at each meal?
Adaptogen N - Have 90 Capsules, should I do 3/night for 3 weeks = 63pills? then 5 on 2 off for the last 2 weeks = 15 pill/week?

And could you look over my EDT blocks and see what you think? well.. its only one.
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Post by RobRegish »

KA 3/day is plenty. Dose one about an hour prior to and one immediately after the workout.

AN dosing as you lay out is perfect. I'm back up in your post looking at the EDT blocks..
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Post by zip »

Thanks again Rob!

Todays workout well fairly well? I think my body got used to the lack of calories and settled down a bit...since I felt fairly energized today for having only 6 hours of sleep!
Or maybe just because I had a day off yesterday.
Day 2 ,3 4 were the worst.. but today? not so much

Anybody else experience this?

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Post by RobRegish »

Energized on the Famine.

God is on your side :) Enjoy the Feast!!
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Post by zip »


It felt good to get some calories in me today! Had a clean diet of around 3400 calories (20x weight) and reached 1.5grams of protein per pound.

Started dosing KA and A-N

Can't wait for friday!

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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome job Zip.

Do keep us posted how you like AN/KA...
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Post by zip »

Feast day 2

Similar stats to yesterday.

Can't wait to work out!

Posts will be simple until friday


BTW I had some pretty lucid dreams last night.. maybe the A-N? I'll check it out again :D

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