Big.Jazayrli's first BluePrint Run

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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Heya Rob, which program would you consider more of a sure thing, GLP#2 or 10% solution?

having looked at both, i'm now unsure of which to do!
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Post by RobRegish »

Either one has served people well. Very well!

GLP #2 is the longer of the two, 10% solution the shorter/more intense. It's a toss up...
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Post by Hank! »

10% Solution is intense and has worked for me. I personally dont have the patience and to some degree the time to work through 14 weeks of GLP. Even though I understand the gains are more of a guarantee on GLP
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Hank! wrote:10% Solution is intense and has worked for me. I personally dont have the patience and to some degree the time to work through 14 weeks of GLP. Even though I understand the gains are more of a guarantee on GLP
suppose i'll stick to the 10% solution then :)
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

So Rob, the time has come, i have reached the end of my first blueprint run, and i have discovered a few things.

-This program works. no questions asked. My squat 1RM went from 420 -> 450 in 3 weeks. That's incredible. and i used no ecdy, so im stoked for my next run.

A. So happy for you man. Soooo happy :) Now if I could just convince the rest of :evil:

This is alot to ask but if you could spread the word in some small way it would be much appreciated. I don't necessarily mean a log/review in the workout programs section (although that would be nice). What I mean is maybe reaching out to someone that could use the help. Someone who's sincere and will give it a good shot. Someone who you think would fit in well here. I'm not looking for "sales" as much as I am helpful forum members. We've had a lot of success here not because of ME but because of YOU. All of you who help others that are new to our BP community. Helps more than you know to lend a hand to these new guys (and gals!)..

Just think that one over...

On my next run i'm probably gonna incorporate a weekly rack pull on fridays.

another question, i pulled this from Draco's log:

Yeah man that's HUGE. I think you'll find you'll do best on a once every two (or three!) week pull schedule. Heavy ab work pushes it up considerably, too.

One thing to keep an eye on when pushing the BW up.... it's all about total tonnage. You want a bigger engine you feed it more work. Unlike a car engine, muscle is built to grow. Never as fast as we'd like but it will. EDT or your ticket and it's the exercises that'll make or break it. There's an art and a science..

The science will tell you that leg sled delivers far more total tonnage than squats. Yet we all know squats produce more growth. I know for sure you know this Draco so I please don't take that the wrong way.

One thing I learned the hard way was on diet... you can't eat that extra 9-10lbs or whatever of beef on you're looking for. It really is that total tonnage in the big lifts that'll do it.

You said the best way to induce leg hypertrophy is total tonnage workouts, which i understand is hard to best on squats. Probably one of the hardest workouts to maintain a program with constant linear progression.

A. One comment here - Linear progression isn't truly linear with EDT (I know what you're saying though). Whether it's EDT, 5 x 5 or some other variation the KEY is managing your frequency. As you grow stronger you MUST insert extra rest days to keep pace. Just keep that in mind as you progress onward...

Do you think that incorporating the 45 degree leg sled on wednesdays and only doing my 10% solution workouts on monday/friday would be favorable? Or should i just stick to 10% solution monday/weds/fri?

Just looking for your thoughts on that.

A. You forgot the rest of it :) The hip belt (although problematic to insert now in your case) is priceless here and is the right way IMO to peak both the squat and DL simultaneously.

Having said that, I think your plan is doable PROVIDED you're not substituting the sled for the squat/dl with the weights listed. I'm sure you weren't but just want to make sure. If going that route, I'd highly suggest a one on/one off schedule vs. 3x/week. If you feel things slowing down (an you will on any fixed schedule given enough time) insert an extra rest day. If you're young and your joints/CNS is in good shape, you might be able to get away with it.

My Goals for my next BP run: 500 squat. I want to do it. I have wanted to do it for a long time. I will be satisfied with 480, but i will be simply elated by 500. Same goes for deadlift, but at the moment that is secondary.

A. It's coming. The only counsel I'd give is watch your form while chasing it... :) Better to do it in 2 - 3 BP runs vs. a lifetime of chirpractic care.

At any rate, this next run I'm gonna be using the following during feast:

-Kre anabolyn
-Bioforge Pro Max(2 caps/day for the forslean) and bulk 7-keto (this combo is an anti-cortisol/stim free fat loss combo recommended to me by THEHUGE, plus some test boosting properties)
-Preworkout (LG Anadraulic State GT and/or Ultima and/or Black Cats) on whichever days im hitting my 10% solution workouts
-Krealkalyn to fill in any gaps that the kre-anabolyn wont hit
A. Unlinkely you'll need it but OK if that's your plan
-BCAA's 40g 3 days on 3 days off + 20g with 50g carbs (Is dextrose ok as a source of carbs here?) intra-workout
A. Dextrose is fine if you can tolerate it.
-I was also thinking of using Caffeine + Yohimbine Pre-cardio on non-workout days for fat mobilization, thoughts?

A. Yohimbe = dicey. It's good stuff and yeah it "works" but I'm hesitant to say "yes" for reasons I detail in The Blueprint.

Would you recommend anything else? Bulk MACA? Ginseng?

I will also be getting a bottle of Burn It Up! with my kreanabolyn, do you think it would be favorable to use that on workout days? or save it for cruise to help out my CNS?

A. I think it'll be necessary given your loading pattern and goals yes. Check out page 68 of the Blueprint Periodic (like to spreadsheet) for details as to why.

I love this link so but fear many miss it. You will LOVE BIU after that one bottle. It's not going to replace Black Cats or whatever as it's not a rattler BUT it is a superb mind-muscle connection tool, will take the edge off of those rattlers and your nervous system will be very "crisp".

I LOVE that stuff. Check in with Hank. He has some great insight into its use. Also, see the Supps section. I think its the BP Mass Stack or some such thread. Some great insight/discussion surrounding BIU fans there insofar as just how to use it!


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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Thanks for the reponse Rob, i appreciate it. Oddly enough your response just showed up in my post, weird!

anyway, i am definitely gonna continue to spread the word on as I have, because i am now a liftime fan :)

I subtracted the idea of dextrose for my carb source, i will be using karbolyn instead, as it comes with 30 servings and flavored for <20$, which isn't too bad.

by the way Rob, i know you like good protein powder. you gotta try UP2.0 Cinnamon bun. its ridiculous.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, tried it and liked it alot.

It's really an MRP, which is my issue with it. In that respect it's great. I just like 25g of protein in my 25g scoop (MassPro MVP) :)
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