Calling out MSR9889

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Post by askmass »

If you only cared about an answer "from the horses mouth", then why not just PM the guy directly instead of calling him out in public?

And, why call him out here, instead of there, where all the comments you speak of were made?

I don't really know you or him, and don't see anything especially ugly about this thread - just that it seems to have no rhyme or reason to be taking place here.

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Post by scump »

hey man a couple observations, maybe you should read his complete logs...

1st of in his 1st log (reading for about 3 mins i found)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:45 pm Post subject:

squat- 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 1, 240 x 1

thats a 55lb gain in 26 days.

also in his second log i noticed him say this:

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:33 pm Post subject:

Squat was 95x5, 135x5, 225x1, 275x1 which is my new max

thats a 90lb rise in 5 months, almost 20 lbs a month, i consider that fairly decent.

i recommended having a more thorough look through out his logs, you will also see that he has had some issues with his knee aswell.
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Post by lovehasrisen »

On Fire wrote:Easy Rob, the only guy I'm calling into question here is MSR.

I'd call out Lovehasrisen too, but he doesn't post his lifts, his weights or his photos.
Are you blind?
This is my first run on the blue print and
I have been posting my lifts and my weight in my log..

Again, are you blind? or just.. a bit slow?

Since you have trouble reading.. here's a quote from my log thread..
June 6, 2010

Diet: At alot today.. and will be eating alot soon.. just came back from a 2 hours and 20 minutes long workout.. man i'm so tired.. haha, had a scoop of chocolate dymatize iso whey and 12oz chocolate milk (yumme!).. will eat a ton soon.. after I shower

First workout on Feast Phase...

A. BB Bench Press (1x8) - 60~90 sec. rest in between, last set - 4~5 min. rest
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 235x8

B. DB "pull overs" (1x8) with 35 lbs - Today, we were just working on form.. me and my partner.. well, I did feel my chest.. but alot on my tricept and my shoulder.. same with my partner..

C. EDT SuperSets [20 minutes]
*DB Incline Bench Press with 60 lbs
=Total: 52 reps
*Lat Pull downs with 180 lbs
=Total: 52 reps

D. BB Squats (1x8) - 60~90 sec. rest in between, last set - 3~4 min.
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 225x1
4. 245x1
5. 265x1
6. 275x8

D. #2 Stiff-leg dead lifts (1x8) - 45~60 sec. rest in between
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x8

E. EDT SuperSets [10 minutes]
*BB Romanian dead lifts with 205 lbs
=Total: 32 reps
*Hack squat machine with one 45s on each side: 90 lbs
=Total: 32 reps

F. Standing DB Curls (3x8) - 2 min. rest in between
1. 8x40
2. 8x40
3. 8x40

Wow.. i'm tired.. can't wait till wednesday, our next workout day! Tomorrow we are going to do 20-30 minutes of HIIT and tuesday some light jog around the track.. so far.. good.. If there's any thing to change or I should tweek please let me know! Thanks

BTW, I weigh 240 lbs.. -3 since last day of famine.. weird.. because I've been eating ALOT!


A quote from my log on the OTHER SITE
Will post before and after pics after my log... this log will most likely continue for 8-10 weeks..
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Post by RobRegish »

It's OK guys, really is. No name calling please, we'll leave that to

In some ways, it's a healthy skepticism. He's skeptical of both The Blueprint and Ebol. Let's just let the chips fall where they may and keep it a constructive, learning exercise.

Many thanks...
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