SiLkPaDrE's 1st Blueprint Run.. In for the LONG haul!

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SiLkPaDrE's 1st Blueprint Run.. In for the LONG haul!

Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Hey guys. I am not quite ready to get the ball rolling yet, because there are a number of microvariables I have to consider. But I am really excited about incorporating The Blueprint into my lifestyle--should be some great stuff.

Here is a little bit about myself:

I have been weight training since I was about 13-14 years old (I'm 19 now, about to be 20 on the 29th--1 more year and I'm legal baby!). I admittedly did not know what I was doing until about a year and a half ago--namely, the majority of my training had a purpose or goal but did not really have a rationale behind it until a year and half ago. It was not until fairly recently that I started to take note of key things such as CNS fatigue and that sometimes less is more, or the significance of nutrition. Anyway, I have nonetheless had quite a number of experiences with different training regiments, different training partners and different diets. I have worked with construction workers, athletes and even a 12-year ex-convict (this guy, despite overtraining me, I believe helped me set up the foundation on which I build upon to this day) and experienced all kinds of gains and losses. The majority of my training was hypertrophy based, and if ever strength based it was on the hypertrophy side of the spectrum. It's actually kind of funny because I made pretty great strength gains and I legitimately never ventured into anything lower than the 5 rep range until this past year. I was a husky kid throughout childhood, never really fat (chubby once in a while--my weight fluctuated a bit) but certainly not skinny. My initial reason for working out was just to get huge and ripped. Hence, I fell prey to prescribing myself routines that pros used and thinking that taking protein automatically meant I was going to attain my goals. Of course as time I went by, I learned more (especially after feeling like crap after trying to follow the routines listed in Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding... in retrospect I was just overly ambitious haha) and grew both mentally and physically. I learned the hard way that training is individualized and that not everything works for everyone and that well, unless I was on steroids that following Arnold's workouts would do me more harm than good. Anyway, in short [is there really anything short about this email right now?] I worked out like a bodybuilder.

My purpose for training remained the same until around my Jr./Sr. year in h.s.. I was applying for colleges and I had big plans man, BIG plans. I was applying to a bunch of smaller D3 schools and well there was an opportunity I saw in front of me that I have for years wished I could have. Let me preface this by saying I played baseball for the majority of my life (age 5-14) and stopped in h.s. because I was kind of tired of it and well with no father figure around (family issues) I had no one to really motivate me. Nonetheless, throughout my entire life I have always been told that I should be playing football and I subsequently developed this strong urge to play the game. My dad would have been the only one to make that happen because my mom was way to scared to let me participate in such a physical sport. Let's just say that I never got the opportunity to play despite always wanting to. I was hoping to do so in h.s., but oddly enough my h.s. didn't have a team. That desire to play never really went away, albeit it did kind of go on standby during h.s. Even so, the bigger and stronger I got throughout h.s. the more I would secretly fantasize about how sick it would be to play some football. I mean I have quick feet, I have slightly above average speed (which speaks a lot for my size) and geez, it was a sick feeling picturing myself in pads laying dudes out. Anyway back to the college app process; yeah, I was applying to these smaller schools and decided that if I could I would try and walk on to my given school's football team despite having never played. Once I got into Tufts, I emailed the football coach telling him my whole story and that despite having no experience that I felt I had some qualities that could be of use to the team. He told me he had way too many kids to cut and that it wouldn't be in my best interest. I didn't let that deter me though; I decided to play rugby for a couple of years. I was pretty decent at it; I started, I hurt some people, although I will admit that I didn't exactly have the highest rugby IQ on the team. It's one of those sports that lends itself to newcomers. So sloppy overly aggressive play can be very effective on the D3 level. For some reason though, I wasn't satisfied. Rugby's a club sport, while football is a varsity one. I had a bunch of friends on the football team and man did I wish I could suit up whenever I saw them heading to practice. Anyway, this past semester (after seeing how crappy the teams '09 season was) I contacted the coach again and told him I was interested still. A bunch of kids had been quitting since my frosh year and that roster was dwindling, I figured I had nothing to lose in trying again and probably a better chance at getting the OK from the coach. Low and behold the coach ended up giving me a chance this time around--I think meeting with him personally and him getting to see my size and build helped me a little with that. This past semester I trained with the team and worked with coaches weekly getting my fundamentals down (they want me to play a 3-technique d-tackle). The training was different from anything I have ever done in the weight room--olympic lifts, plyometrics, STRETCHING haha. I got a taste of functional training. As of right now, that is probably my biggest and primary goal for working out. It's funny how things change. I still want to get bigger and stronger however, and possibly lean out a little.

Anyway, this summer is huge for me. I decided to take summer classes so that I could stay on campus near all of the facilities and most of all the coaches who are more than willing to help me as I need them (they imply that I will make the team so long as I continue doing what I have been--I've been busting my balls man). In a couple of weeks I will be putting on some pads on for the first time, haha, I feel like a little kid. I want to be a complete beast come training camp in August. I had plans in mind on how I would go about achieving this, but after coming across The Blueprint, I saw something that I could potentially work into my big plans for the summer. I was in all honesty a little hesitant to make the purchase at first, but I can confidently tell you that I am glad that I ended up pulling the trigger, because there is some priceless information in there. It's so intuitive too. The whole famine/feast concept is why I think Keto diets can be pretty effective, at least on paper anyway. I have tried running them (and currently am actually) but have never been able to last long enough with them to see if they could yield amazing results for me. College can be a killer sometimes man, with all the partying and late-night eating. Anyway, I am currently doing 3-4 weeks of Keto in the hopes of cutting some weight because I planned on bulking for the remainder of the summer. Actually, I was hoping to Bulk in sort of a recomp way, where I could potentially drop some body fat. But I am not sure how attainable my goals are (granted some progress could be made, but maybe not to the degree that I am hoping). I am currently 5'10 @ some weight between 225-230. I was hoping to cut to somewhere between 205-210 and jump back up to 230-235, but leaner than when I started. I am very aware that this is kind of unrealistic without the use of drugs, but I am so stubborn that a part of me feels that if I try my best that I could make it happen. Anyway, looking at The Blueprint and the kind of results people have experienced, I figured I had nothing to lose in trying it out. My issue lies, however, in incorporating this all into my overall training regiment. I have specific football lifts I have to follow as well as conditioning and what not. If you are interested in seeing them, let me know. Anyway, I am basically at a loss at where to begin in terms of fitting The Blueprint into my bigger picture. I will also admit that I have quite a number of supplements (and planned on getting a few others) and I am not sure if they are encouraged in the protocol. But let me end this here. I apologize sincerely for how lengthy this is; but I have a lot to share. Hopefully this served as some form of entertainment to you all haha. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and if you have any questions for me (what the workouts will look like, the supps I was planning on taking, etc.) I am more than willing to answer them.

For the record, this was originally an email I sent to Rob, but he suggested that I start a log/journal (which I was planning on doing anyway) on the forums. Logs are great and I could see this helping me so much in terms of getting some solid feedback and keeping track of where I am at. I think it was vital that I at least share some of the above info with you all, so that you could have a better sense of my background. Anyway, your patience is very much appreciated!

Once I feel mobilized enough to get things going, I provide more details about diet, starting measurements and what not.


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Post by RobRegish »

OK Dre, here we go!

I pulled this out of your email as a major goal:

Currently 230lbs or so, suspect a mesomorphic build (not really fat but certainly not skinny). Thus, we've got a lot to work with..

"I was hoping to cut to somewhere between 205-210 and jump back up to 230-235, but leaner than when I started."

- You have from now until August ("training camp in August")

"My issue lies, however, in incorporating this all into my overall training regiment. I have specific football lifts I have to follow as well as conditioning and what not".

QUESTION FOR YOU: Do you have to perform these lifts/otherwise conform to someone's template (weight training/diet) until August and if so, how far into August?
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Hey Rob, thanks for the response!

From what I understand, I am at liberty to do what I want. I am sure they would like me to get stronger at some key lifts (as of right now we get tested on bench press, squats, and pullups, but who knows if this will change), but the athletic trainers told me that my main priority should be on getting the technique down for my position. This makes the running/speed+agility stuff and positional work mandatory. In terms of diet, there is nothing they explicitly have me following, so I am free to do as I please with that.

I start training camp on August 30th.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

SiLkPaDrE wrote:Hey Rob, thanks for the response!

From what I understand, I am at liberty to do what I want. I am sure they would like me to get stronger at some key lifts (as of right now we get tested on bench press, squats, and pullups, but who knows if this will change), but the athletic trainers told me that my main priority should be on getting the technique down for my position. This makes the running/speed+agility stuff and positional work mandatory. In terms of diet, there is nothing they explicitly have me following, so I am free to do as I please with that.

I start training camp on August 30th.
I can see speed and deficit deadlifts being a HUGE help

definitely would help with your explosive strength, sounds like your probably some sort of lineman or backer right?
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »


DT. My first step off the stance is definitely a lot better than when I first started, but I have a ways to go in terms of explosiveness if I want to be an effective player. I'm also going to be relatively short for my position as well, facing tall O-Linemen, so the more explosive I am, the better for me, since my positioning is key--I need to stay really low.
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Post by zip »

Welcome to the party man.

Everyone is here to help with your success with the blueprint.

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Post by askmass »

Welcome, Dre!

I have a feeling it's going to be a great summer for you, dude.

You have the right attitude, for starters, and the best support team going today right here.

Best to you, man.
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Thanks so much for all of the support guys. It's really reassuring to get feedback from you already. I really can't wait to get started. I'm willing to put in as much work as I need to in order to achieve my goals. I need to officially make the team and I need to get some playing time. And at the chance that I don't, I want to at least know that I gave it my all. Heck, trying out in itself gives me some sense of fulfillment, because I won't leave college wondering what if?

Anyway, I had a couple general questions:

1. Would it be okay if I stretched/worked on flexibility for 10-12 hours a week. Improving my flexibility would definitely help me hit some of my lifts more effectively (e.g. deadlifts, cleans, squats), as well as potentially improve a bunch of other physical qualities such as speed and explosiveness. I was just wondering if it would impede progress within The Blueprint?

2. The second question is regarding supplementation. I have a bunch of stuff that I am and plan(ned) on taking, and I wanted to run it by you guys:

Stuff I'm taking and will continue to take:

Multivitamin (Life Force)
Animal Omega/NOW Super Omega 3-6-9
Animal Flex
SuperCissus Rx
Biotest Curcumin 500
Alpha GPC (pre-workout)
NOW Vitamin C-1000 (x2)
NOW Vitamin D3 2,000 IU (x2)
Green Tea capsules (x2)
ON 100% Whey
Bulk BCAA (haven't really been using)
Bulk Leucine (haven't really been using, but had planned on taking 5g between meals 3x a day; after reading The Blueprint, I almost feel like Leucine would be discouraged since it’s a lonesome amino acid)
Creapure (5g on off days, since Ultima has creatine in it)
Intrabolic (2 scoops)
ALCAR (2g pre-workout)
Omega Sports Ultima (pre-workout)
NOW Beta Alanine (4g on off days, since I get BA from Intrabolic. I feel the same about this as I do the Leucine)
Primaforce Citrulline Malate (3x a day, 2g doses--pre, intra & post-workout on training days)
Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof (5 days on, 2 days off as suggested)
Driven Sports Lean Xtreme (I'm on a cut; it's only half a bottle's worth though, I have another (full) bottle that I planned on taking during my bulk to minimize fat gain)
USPLabs Oxyelite Pro (just half a bottle's worth)

I planned on taking the following (during my bulk) in addition to everything listed above sans the Oxyelite Pro, although I am open to any opinions/suggestions:

Bio Forge Pro Max--I purchased two bottles already, despite having always been a bit skeptical about taking a T-Booster as a 19-20 year old. I liked the formula a lot and figured why not, considering a number of youngn's got some pretty good gains while on the original BioForge. What are your thoughts on this?
Lean Xtreme (as I mentioned above, to minimize fat gain during bulk)

These two products are also in consideration for my bulk, but I have yet to purchase:

E-Bol (adaptogen--you guys know why I want this)
Glycobol/A nutrient partitioner in general (I am not sure how effective these really are, but I am considering getting one after having read positive feedback from people's experiences with this kind of supplement).

That's pretty much it though. Sorry about the long-winded response, but I figured I should lay it all out. Please feel free to share anything you can. I posted this list because after reading The Blueprint, I am little uncertain as to which of these can be of use to me while on the regiment and/or if I have presumably wasted my money.Of course the only way to find out is for me to try, but some comments would definitely be useful as well.

Thanks a ton!

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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Dre,

Please see my comments below:

1. Would it be okay if I stretched/worked on flexibility for 10-12 hours a week. Improving my flexibility would definitely help me hit some of my lifts more effectively (e.g. deadlifts, cleans, squats), as well as potentially improve a bunch of other physical qualities such as speed and explosiveness. I was just wondering if it would impede progress within The Blueprint?

A. Sure, this is fine. The one caveat would be that it doesn't turn into a workout itself! The goal is to make these sessions as complimentary/recovery oriented as possible. If every in doubt, you should look forward to these and not dread them. As soon as you get to that point.... you'll know you've struck gold.

2. The second question is regarding supplementation. I have a bunch of stuff that I am and plan(ned) on taking, and I wanted to run it by you guys:

Stuff I'm taking and will continue to take:

Multivitamin (Life Force)
Animal Omega/NOW Super Omega 3-6-9
Animal Flex
SuperCissus Rx
Biotest Curcumin 500
Alpha GPC (pre-workout)
NOW Vitamin C-1000 (x2)
NOW Vitamin D3 2,000 IU (x2)
Green Tea capsules (x2)
ON 100% Whey
Bulk BCAA (haven't really been using)
Bulk Leucine (haven't really been using, but had planned on taking 5g between meals 3x a day; after reading The Blueprint, I almost feel like Leucine would be discouraged since it’s a lonesome amino acid)

COMMENT: For sure not. You'll want to include liberal amounts in your peri-workout drinks during Feast/Cruise. Few have this on hand in bulk amounts/isolation outside of the BCAA's. Can't say too much yet as to why but it's a big advantage for you.

Creapure (5g on off days, since Ultima has creatine in it)
Intrabolic (2 scoops)
ALCAR (2g pre-workout)
Omega Sports Ultima (pre-workout)
NOW Beta Alanine (4g on off days, since I get BA from Intrabolic. I feel the same about this as I do the Leucine)

COMMENT: I'm not a huge fan, but I suppose it can't hurt. Suggest saving this for the Cruise as if it does work for you, should dovetail nicely with the Cruise Phase.

Primaforce Citrulline Malate (3x a day, 2g doses--pre, intra & post-workout on training days)
Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof (5 days on, 2 days off as suggested)
Driven Sports Lean Xtreme (I'm on a cut; it's only half a bottle's worth though, I have another (full) bottle that I planned on taking during my bulk to minimize fat gain)
USPLabs Oxyelite Pro (just half a bottle's worth)

I planned on taking the following (during my bulk) in addition to everything listed above sans the Oxyelite Pro, although I am open to any opinions/suggestions:

Bio Forge Pro Max--I purchased two bottles already, despite having always been a bit skeptical about taking a T-Booster as a 19-20 year old. I liked the formula a lot and figured why not, considering a number of youngn's got some pretty good gains while on the original BioForge. What are your thoughts on this?

A. Only a blood test would elucidate whether you would benefit. Your total T is likely fine, the real value of a test booster at your age would be in optimizing your free Test, which again can only be discerned by a blood test.
Lean Xtreme (as I mentioned above, to minimize fat gain during bulk)

These two products are also in consideration for my bulk, but I have yet to purchase:

E-Bol (adaptogen--you guys know why I want this)

A. Ebol should be fine as it contains no banned substances. You should also look into KreAnabolyn as it already contains creatine and a potent glucose disposal agent (4 hydroxy isoleucine) which means you won't need the standalone creatine/glycobol which would then be utilized in the Cruise. I take no favor. You should evaluate both formulas to decide which may be more appropriate for you. BOTH have solid track records withing The Blueprint. BOTH are quality products made by quality companies.

Glycobol/A nutrient partitioner in general (I am not sure how effective these really are, but I am considering getting one after having read positive feedback from people's experiences with this kind of supplement).

A. This one's been popping up alot lately. I can't give you an honest opinion yet. Consider its use in and around workouts if utilizing.

GREAT questions!
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Sounds reasonable. But would using the Intrabolic during the feast in combination with the Bulk BCAA's and Leucine be do-able? I only ask because I have 2 tubs of the stuff and not a whole lot of BCAA's (although I have quite a bit of Leucine). I was thinking maybe upping the Intrabolic to 3 scoops and adding 5g BCAA and whatever amount of Leucine you might suggest. Or perhaps sticking to my two scoop dose and adding 10g BCAA and some Leucine?

Also, I am strongly considering the Kre-Anabolyn over the E-Bol, particularly because of that 4 hydroxy isoleucine. But were I to run that and Glycobol during the feast, would it be overkill? And if it's worth mentioning, another similar product (to Glycobol that is) I was looking at is Slin-Slane. Any thoughts on that?
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Post by RobRegish »

Sounds reasonable. But would using the Intrabolic during the feast in combination with the Bulk BCAA's and Leucine be do-able?

A. Yes, very much so.

I only ask because I have 2 tubs of the stuff and not a whole lot of BCAA's (although I have quite a bit of Leucine). I was thinking maybe upping the Intrabolic to 3 scoops and adding 5g BCAA and whatever amount of Leucine you might suggest. Or perhaps sticking to my two scoop dose and adding 10g BCAA and some Leucine?

A. The ideal here to to get to a total of 20g of BCAA. Now I'd like you to try something a bit different. Consider 10 full grams of Leucine along with another 10 of BCAA. If you can pull that off, it'd be optimal.

Also, I am strongly considering the Kre-Anabolyn over the E-Bol, particularly because of that 4 hydroxy isoleucine. But were I to run that and Glycobol during the feast, would it be overkill?

A. I don't think so. I'd run KA solo for 3 weeks, adding in the Glycobol during the last part of Feast. Doing so might give you an objective comparison. If you do run Ebol at some point, do the same as it'll likewise give you a better read on what's doing what.

And if it's worth mentioning, another similar product (to Glycobol that is) I was looking at is Slin-Slane. Any thoughts on that?

Slin Sane:

Gymnema Sylvestre and Lagerstoma Speciosa
500 mg **
L-Norvaline 100 mg **


Na-Rala 250mg **
Glycobol Complex TM:

Trigonella Seed Isolate (standardized to 10% 4-hydroxyisoleucine),Phellodendron Extract (Standardized to 90% Berberine)

Cinnamon Bark 20:1 extract (standardized for 16% flavonoids), BMOV (Bis-Malto-Oxovanadium)

Of these two, much prefer the Glycobol formula. I'd be interested to know of your results. Really, a glucometer is the best measure with these products. I can tell you that KA alone does an incredible job in disposing of glucose peri-workout, and it bring many other goodies (kre-alkalyn, etc) along with it...
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Fair enough. I actually like that idea. Would 1 bottle of Kre-Anabolyn last me those 3 weeks? Ideally though, KA throughout the feast would be optimal, right?

Also, I wasn't really sure on how you felt about including the Bio Forge Pro Max at all. Would it hurt to use it throughout the feast?

Side note: I plan on starting very soon. Would it be reasonable to start detox/famine after I do a refeed this weekend (I've been on Keto for the past week and a half or so and have yet to do a refeed, although I've consumed a small amount of carbs pre-workout), or would a week after this refeed be better. I ask this because I am kind of pressed for time.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fair enough. I actually like that idea. Would 1 bottle of Kre-Anabolyn last me those 3 weeks? Ideally though, KA throughout the feast would be optimal, right?

A. Yes. 2/day will last 30 days....

Also, I wasn't really sure on how you felt about including the Bio Forge Pro Max at all. Would it hurt to use it throughout the feast?

A. No and it very well may help things..

Side note: I plan on starting very soon. Would it be reasonable to start detox/famine after I do a refeed this weekend (I've been on Keto for the past week and a half or so and have yet to do a refeed, although I've consumed a small amount of carbs pre-workout), or would a week after this refeed be better. I ask this because I am kind of pressed for time.

A. That's fine, no problem. Enjoy the full feeling, you'll be missing it during Famine :)
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

Just ordered a couple bottles of KA. So psyched to get my hands on em!

But damn I can't wait to carb-up this weekend, football conditioning while in Keto sucks major cojones :!:
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